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giboodiyegwaazon na [ML] (a pair of) pants

See also: giboodiyegwaazon ni [N]

giboodiyegwaazon ni [N] (a pair of) pants

See also: giboodiyegwaazon na [ML]

giboogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: giboogwaazh vta

giboogwaazh vta sew h/ shut

Paired with: giboogwaadan vti

gibwanaabaawe vai s/he drowns

gibwanaamode vii it is full of smoke

Paired with: gibwanaamozo vai

gibwanaamoz vta smoke h/ out

gibwanaamozo vai s/he suffocates from smoke

Paired with: gibwanaamode vii

gibwashkosiwagaa vii it is blocked with grass, is overgrown with grass

gibwaabaso vai s/he is trapped the smoke, blocked by the smoke

gibwaakizo vai s/he is blocked by fire

gibwaakwaa vii it is blocked with trees, is overgrown with trees

gibwaam nid your thigh (back of thigh)

gichi- pv lex very, quite; big; great

See also: chi- pv lex

gichi-agosimaan na a pumpkin

gichi-ajina adv tmp in a very short while, in a very little while

gichi-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is Christmas

gichi-anishinaabe na an elder; a mature person

(verb of being) gichi-anishinaabewi vai s/he is a mature person, is an elder
(derived noun) gichi-anishinaabewiwin ni senior citizen status; elderhood
gichi-anishinaabewi vai s/he is a mature person, is an elder

gichi-anishinaabewiwin ni elderhood; senior citizen status

gichi-aniibiish ni a cabbage

gichi-apiitendaagozi vai s/he is highly respected, is valuable, is important

Paired with: gichi-apiitendaagwad vii

gichi-apiitendaagwad vii it is highly respected, is valuable, is important

Paired with: gichi-apiitendaagozi vai

gichi-aya'aa na an adult, an elder

(verb of being) gichi-aya'aawi vai s/he is of a mature age, is an adult, is an elder
gichi-aya'aawi vai s/he is of a mature age, is an adult, is an elder

gichi-aya'aawinaagozi vai s/he looks like an old person

gichi-aya'aawiwin ni advanced maturity: adulthood, elderhood

gichi-badaka'igan ni a roasting fork

gichi-baapi vai s/he laughs out loud, has a big laugh

gichi-besho adv loc very close, a short distance

gichi-bine na [RL] a turkey

wild turkey
Meleagris gallopavo

gichi-biima'igan ni [BL] a wrench

gichi-desinaagan ni a platter

gichi-dibaakonigewinini na a judge (especially one of a higher court)

gichi-doodooshaabo ni [BL] cheese

gichi-emikwaan ni a ladle

gichi-emikwaanens ni [BL] a tablespoon

gichi-enigok adv deg really hard, with great force or effort

gichi-gibaakwa'odiiwigamig ni a penitentiary, a state or federal prison

gichi-gigizheb adv tmp early in the morning

gichi-gikinoo'amaagewikwe na a school superintendent (female)

gichi-gikinoo'amaagewinini n a school superintendent (male)

gichi-gizhizo vai s/he has pneumonia

gichi-gizhizowin ni pneumonia

gichi-giishkiboojigan ni a two-man cross-cut saw

gichi-izhiwebad vii it is stormy

gichi-jiimaan ni a ship; a big boat or canoe

gichi-manidoo na great spirit, god, the creator

gichi-manidoo-giizis na January

gichi-miikana ni a highway

gichi-mookomaan ni a large knife: a butcher knife, a machete, a sword, a saber

gichi-mookomaan na
  1. a white person
  2. an American

See also: gichimookomaan na

gichi-mookomaan-aki ni United States

gichi-mookomaan-ikwe na an American woman

gichi-mookomaanikwe na a white woman

(verb of being) gichi-mookomaanikwewi vai s/he is a white woman
gichi-mookomaanikwewi vai s/he is a white woman

gichi-mookomaanimo vai s/he speaks English

gichi-mookomaaniwi vai s/he is a white man; s/he is a white person,

gichi-nemaab na [RL] a bowling ball

gichi-niibowa adv qnt a whole lot, very much

gichi-noodin vii it is very windy, is stormy

gichi-noosooki-desabiwin ni [BL] a chestfield; a couch

See also: noosooki-desabiwin ni [BL]

gichi-odaabaan na [BL] a bus

gichi-ogimaa na the highest leader: a head chief, a head boss, a president, a king

(verb of being) gichi-ogimaawi vai s/he is the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a king
gichi-ogimaakwe na the highest female leader: a head chief, a head boss, a president, a queen

(verb of being) gichi-ogimaakwewi vai she is the the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a queen; she is the wife of the highest leader
gichi-ogimaakwewi vai she is the the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a queen; she is the wife of the highest leader

gichi-ogimaawi vai s/he is the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a king

gichi-ogin na a tomato

gichi-oginii-naboob ni tomato soup

gichi-onaagan ni a large dish or shallow pan: a basin, a dish pan

gichi-oodena ni a city

gichi-waazakonenjiganaaboo ni gas, gasoline

gichi-wiikaa adv tmp for a very long while

gichi-ziibi ni
  1. a big river
  2. Gichi-ziibi: the Mississippi River

gichigami ni
  1. a sea, a large lake
  2. Lake Superior

gichigamiiwashk ni a reed, a rush

gichigamiiwaabo ni [BL] ocean water; water of a great lake

gichigaad ni a right leg

gichimookomaan na
  1. a white person
  2. an American

See also: gichi-mookomaan na

gichinik ni a right hand

gichitwaawibii'igan ni sacred writing, scripture

gichiwadaawangishin vai s/he, it (animate) is stuck in the sand

gichiwam vta hold h/ back with teeth

gichiwaabikishin vai s/he is stuck on a rock, drives the boat onto rock

gichiwaagonesin vii it is stuck in the snow

Paired with: gichiwaagoneshin vai

gichiwaagoneshin vai s/he is stuck in the snow

gichiwaakwa'an vti pin it down, clamp it down

(derived noun) gichiwaakwa'igan ni [BL] something that pins or clamps things down: a peg, a clamp, a clothespin, a safety ring on a trap
gichiwaakwa'igan ni [BL] something that pins or clamps things down: a peg, a clamp, a clothespin, a safety ring on a trap

gichiwaakwaji vai s/he, it (animate) gets snagged, gets caught up on something stick-like

gichiwibiisaanishi vai s/he is stranded because of the rain

gichiwijiishkiwesin vii it is stuck in the mud

Paired with: gichiwijiishkiweshin vai

gichiwijiishkiweshin vai s/he, it (animate) is stuck in the mud

Paired with: gichiwijiishkiwesin vii

gichiwim vta talk h/ out of going

gichiwin vta hold h/ back; keep h/ from going

Paired with: gichiwinan vti

gichiwinan vti hold it back, keep it from going

Paired with: gichiwin vta

gichiwisin vii it is stuck

gichiwishkaa vai sh/e, it (animate) gets stuck

Paired with: gichiwishkaa vii

gichiwishkaa vii it gets stuck

Paired with: gichiwishkaa vai

gichizid ni right foot

gid= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]