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gibichitaa vai s/he stops doing what s/he is doing, quits a task without completing it

gibichiwebin vta stop h (with forceful hand movement, shut h/ off (quickly, as in an emergency)

Paired with: gibichiwebinan vti

gibichiwebinan vti stop it (with forceful hand movement), shut it down (as in an emergency)

Paired with: gibichiwebin vta

gibichiwebinigan ni a handbrake

gibichiwebishkan vti stop it (with fast motion of body or foot), brake it

gibichii vai s/he takes a break; s/he stops for a while

gibichii-agwaakwa'igan ni a stop sign

See also: gibichiiwagwaakwa'igan ni

gibichiibizo vai

gibichiitaa vai s/he takes a break

gibichiiwagwaakwa'igan ni a stop sign

See also: gibichii-agwaakwa'igan ni

gibide'ebizon ni a vest

gibidoonepizo vai s/he wears a face mask (covering the mouth)

gibidoonepizon ni a face mask (covering the mouth)

See also: gibidoonepizowin ni

gibidoonepizowin ni a face mask (covering the mouth)

See also: gibidoonepizon ni

gibigaabawi vai s/he stands blocking the way

gibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose

gibikweni vai s/he moves h/ head in the way

gibinan vti hold it to block or close something off; plug it with hand

gibinde'an vti close it with a cloth or hide door

(detransitive) gibinde'ige vai close a lodge with a cloth or hide door cover (derived noun) gibinde'igan ni a cloth or hide door cover used on a lodge
gibinde'igan ni a cloth or hide door cover used on a lodge

gibinde'ige vai close a lodge with a cloth or hide door cover

gibinde'on ni [NI] a cloth or hide door cover used on a lodge

gibinde'onaak ni [NI] stick in a lodge door cover

gibinewen vta cause h/ to choke, choke h/

gibisidoon vti2 put it in to block the way, to plug something

Paired with: gibishim vta

gibisikaa vai s/he stops

Paired with: gibisikaa vii

gibisikaa vii it stops

Paired with: gibisikaa vai

gibisin vii it lies in the way, blocks the way

Paired with: gibishin vai

gibiskwagi' vta staunch h/ bleeding

gibiskwagise vai h/ blood stops flowing, clots

gibiskwagizi vai s/he stops bleeding

gibiskwe vai s/he is in poor voice, is hoarse

gibishaganzhii vai s/he is constipated

gibishe vai s/he is deaf

gibishe'o vai s/he plugs or covers h/ ear or ears

gibishen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

(reflexive) gibishenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears
gibishenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

gibishim vta put h/ in to block the way, put h/ in to plug something

Paired with: gibisidoon vti2

gibishin vai s/he lies in the way, blocks the way

Paired with: gibisin vii

gibishkam vai2 s/he is in the way, blocks the way

gibishkan vti obstruct, block it with foot or body

Paired with: gibishkaw vta

gibishkaw vta obstruct, block h/ with foot or body

Paired with: gibishkan vti

(detransitive) gibishkaage vai s/he obstructs, blocks someone with foot or body
gibishkaa vai s/he, it (animate) gets plugged, dammed, obstructed, blocked

Paired with: gibishkaa vii

gibishkaa vii it gets plugged, dammed, obstructed, blocked

Paired with: gibishkaa vai

gibishkaage vai s/he obstructs, blocks someone with foot or body

gibishkwaande'on ni a lodge door cover

gibitan vai [S] s/he has a nosebleed

See also: gibitane vai [N]

gibitanaamo vai s/he stops breathing

gibitane vai [N] s/he has a nosebleed

See also: gibitan vai [S]

gibitaneganaam vta hit h/ and give h/ a nosebleed

gibitaneshin vai s/he falls and gets a nosebleed

gibitanokii vai s/he stops working

gibitawage vai s/he has a plugged ear or plugged ears

gibitawagen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

(reflexive) gibitawagenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears
gibitawagenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

gibitaada'e vai s/he stops skating

gibitaanagidoone vai s/he stops talking; s/he stops gabbing

gibitaanimad vii the wind stops, dies down

gibitose vai s/he stops walking

gibitoode vai s/he stops crawling

gibitwewebizo vai it (animate) is heard to stop running or operating

gibiiga'an vti close, shut it (as something sheet-like: a curtain, drapes, cloth partition)

(derived noun) gibiiga'igan ni a curtain, drapes (verb of undergoing) gibiiga'igaade vii it (sheet-like) is closed, is shut (by someone), "they" close, shut it (sheet-like)
gibiiga'igan ni a curtain, drapes

gibiiga'iganiigin ni a window shade

gibiiga'igaade vii it (sheet-like) is closed, is shut (by someone), "they" close, shut it (sheet-like)

gibiiga'ige vai s/he closes the curtain or blinds

gibiingwepinidizo vai s/he blindfolds h/ self

gibiingwepizh vta blindfold h/

gibiingwepizo vai s/he is blindfolded

gibiingwepizon ni a blindfold

gibode vii it cooks in the oven, bakes

Paired with: gibozo vai

gibodoonh na [S] a button

gibogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: gibogwaazh vta

gibogwaade vii it is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaazo vai

gibogwaazh vta sew it (animate) shut

Paired with: gibogwaadan vti

gibogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaade vii

giboj pc disc dummy; stupid

gibokiwasan vti glue it shut; tape it shut

(verb of undergoing) gibokiwasigaade vii it is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut (verb of undergoing) gibokiwasigaazo vai s/he is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut
gibokiwasigaade vii it is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut

gibokiwasigaazo vai s/he is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut

gibokiwaswi vta [NI] glue it (animate) shut; tape it (animate) shut

Paired with: gibokiwasan vti

gibokobaa vii it is blocked with brush, is overgrown with brush

giboz vta cook it (animate) in the oven, bake it (animate)

Paired with: gibozan vti

gibozan vti cook it in the oven; bake it

Paired with: giboz vta

(detransitive) gibozige vai s/he bakes things; s/he roasts things in the oven (derived noun) gibozigan ni something put into the oven; a roasting pan (derived noun) gibozigan na bread baked in the oven, yeast bread
gibozhaazo vai s/he pees in h/ clothes

gibozigan ni something put into the oven; a roasting pan

gibozigan na bread baked in the oven, yeast bread

giboziganaabik ni a roasting pan

gibozige vai s/he bakes things; s/he roasts things in the oven

gibozigwadin vii it is frozen shut

Paired with: gibozigwaji vai

gibozigwaji vai s/he is frozen in

Paired with: gibozigwadin vii

gibozo vai it (animate) cooks in the oven, bakes

Paired with: gibode vii

giboobidoon vti2 pull it shut; zip it up

Paired with: giboobizh vta

(derived noun) giboobijigan ni something used to pull things shut: a drawstring, a zipper
giboobijigan ni something used to pull things shut: a drawstring, a zipper

giboobijiganeyaab ni a drawstring

giboobizh vta pull h/ shut

Paired with: giboobidoon vti2

giboodiyegwaazon na [ML] (a pair of) pants

See also: giboodiyegwaazon ni [N]

giboodiyegwaazon ni [N] (a pair of) pants

See also: giboodiyegwaazon na [ML]

giboogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: giboogwaazh vta

giboogwaazh vta sew h/ shut

Paired with: giboogwaadan vti