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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-shin/ final

s/he falls, lies, treads, contacts, hits on something
agawaatebiigishin vai s/he casts a shadow on the water, is reflected in the water
agawaateshin vai s/he is in shade; s/he is in shadow
agwaagwaabikishin vai s/he turns rusty
anibeshin vai s/he lies at a slant, is tilted
animikoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies face down
animwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard stepping away on the ground
animweweshin vai s/he is heard walking away
anweshin vai s/he rests lying down
apishin vai s/he lies as padding
apizideshin vai s/he puts h/ feet on something
apiichishin vai it (animate) lies so thick, so deep, to such a height; is piled or stacked so thick, so deep, to such a height
ashawekweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head at a slant
ashidaakoshin vai s/he lies against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
aabiziishin vai s/he revives; s/he comes back to life
aadaabikishin vai s/he is stranded by rocks or a rocky ridge
aadaagoneshin vai s/he is snowbound
aadaakoshin vai s/he is blocked by a log or tree; s/he is locked out
aanikooshin vai s/he lies joining something else
aanjishin vai s/he lies or sleeps in new place
aapijishin vai s/he has a serious fall or accident, has a fatal fall or accident
aasamaateshin vai s/he lies in the sun
aasamisin vii it lies against or facing something
aasamishin vai s/he lies against or facing something
aasoshin vai s/he lies leaning against
aaswaakoshin vai s/he leans against something (as something stick-like)
aaswaawiganeshin vai s/he leans h/ back up against something
aatwaakoshin vai s/he leans against (as something stick- or wood-like)
aazhawaakoshin vai s/he lies across (as something stick- or wood-like)
aazhawishin vai s/he lies across
aazhigijishin vai s/he falls over backwards; s/he lies face up
badagwiingweshin vai s/he lies with h/ face covered
badakaakoshin vai s/he sticks in wood
badakidoondaneshin vai s/he steps on something sharp and pricks h/ heel
badakininjiishin vai h/ hand is stuck by something sharp
badakishin vai s/he sticks into, sticks out of something
badakizideshin vai s/he steps on something sharp which sticks in h/ foot
bagaskishin vai s/he makes a splat hitting something or falling
bagogidigweshin vai s/he wears a hole at h/ knee
bagooneshin vai s/he puts a hole in h/ boat by hitting something
bagwakizineshin vai s/he wears a hole in h/ shoe or moccasin
bakidaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) lies draped over something
bakijishin vai s/he lies across the top of something
bakiteshin vai s/he trips and falls, falls down hard
bakweshin vai it (animate) gets chipped on impact
bakweyaabideshin vai s/he chips a tooth on something
banaajishin vai s/he spoils
bangishin vai s/he falls
bazangwaabishin vai s/he lies with eyes closed
baakishin vai s/he is left open, left uncovered
baasaabideshin vai s/he cracks a tooth against something
baasindibeshin vai s/he falls and cracks h/ head; s/he fractures h/ skull
baasishin vai it (animate) cracks, shatters on impact
baashkijiishin vai s/he, it (animate) falls and bursts, bursts on impact; s/he has a blow-out
baashkishin vai s/he, it (animate) falls and bursts, bursts on impact
baataadiyeshin vai s/he gets h/ rear stuck somewhere
baataaninjiishin vai s/he has h/ hand or hands stuck
baataashin vai s/he is stuck
baazagoshin vai s/he gets scratched or scraped on something, falls and gets scratched or scraped
bengoshin vai s/he goes dry
beshidaamikaneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ chin or jaw
beshidooneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ mouth
beshigaadeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ leg
beshinikeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ arm
beshininjiishin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ hand
beshizideshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ foot
beshiingweshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ face
bezhigooshin vai s/he lies alone
bibagishin vai s/he lies in a thin layer
bikoshin vai s/he lies like a bump or lump
bikwaakwadoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies formed into a ball
bikwegishin vii it lies in a hump as under a blanket or cover
bimaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) lies extended along
bimaakoshin vai s/he lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)
bimidaakoshin vai s/he lies crosswise (as something stick-like)
bimijishin vai s/he lies crosswise
bimwewedaawangishin vai s/he is heard stepping along on sand
bimwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard stepping along on the ground
bimweweshin vai s/he is heard walking along
biskiigishin vai s/he is folded (as something sheet-like)
bishagidooskwaneshin vai s/he skins h/ elbow on something
bishagigaadeshin vai s/he falls and scrapes h/ leg
bishagigidigweshin vai s/he skins h/ knee
bishaginikeshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ arm
bishagizideshin vai s/he skins h/ foot on something
bishagiingweshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ face
bitaabikishin vai s/he hits a rock in the water or a reef
bitaakobwaameshin vai s/he bumps h/ thigh on something
bitaakodooskwaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ elbow on something
bitaakogaadeshin vai s/he bumps h/ leg on something
bitaakogidigweshin vai s/he bumps h/ knee on something
bitaakojaaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ nose on something
bitaakondibeshin vai s/he bumps h/ head
bitaakonikeshin vai s/he bumps h/ arm on something
bitaakoninjiishin vai s/he bumps h/ hand on something
bitaakoshin vai s/he bumps, hits against something accidentally (as something stick- or wood-like)
bitaakoshtigwaaneshin vai s/he bumps head against something accidentally
bitaakotigwaaneshin vai [BL] s/he bumps head against something accidentally
bitaakozideshin vai s/he bumps h/ foot on something, stubs h/ toe
bitaakwiingweshin vai s/he bumps h/ face on something
bizaanishin vai s/he lies still
bizhishigwaabikishin vai it (animate; mineral) lies empty
bizojiishkiweshin vai s/he stumbles, trips in the mud
bizozideshin vai s/he stubs h/ toe, trips
biidaasamishin vai s/he lies down facing this way
biidwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard coming stepping on the ground
biidwewesagishin vai s/he is heard stepping here on floor
biidweweshin vai s/he is heard walking here
biidweweyaagoneshin vai s/he is heard walking here in the snow
biigoshin vai s/he breaks (on impact)
biijidiyeshin vai s/he lies with rear facing this way
biimiskonikeshin vai s/he falls and twists h/ arm
biindaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) goes in, lies in (the hole)
biinjidenigomeshin vai s/he gets poked in the nose by something
biinjigoneweshin vai s/he gets poked in the mouth by something
biinjishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in something
biinjitawageshin vai s/he gets poked in the ear by something
biitooshin vai s/he lies in a layer
biiwaawangishin vai it (something fine) is scattered, is dispersed
biiwishin vai s/he is scattered, dispersed
bookodoondaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks her heel
bookoganeshin vai s/he falls and breaks a bone
bookogaadeshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ leg
bookogidigweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ kneecap
bookogweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ neck
bookojaaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ nose
bookonikeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ arm
bookoningwiishin vai s/he breaks h/ wing falling or hitting against
bookoninjiishin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ hand
bookozideshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ foot
bookwaabideshin vai s/he falls and breaks a tooth or teeth, breaks his tooth or teeth on something
bookwaawiganeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ back
dakaabikishin vai it (animate; mineral) cools off, is cooled off
dakishin vai it (animate) cools off
danweweshin vai s/he is heard hitting or falling in a certain place
dasooshinoog vai a certain number of them lie together
dazhishin vai
  1. s/he lies in a certain place
  2. s/he is buried in a certain place
dazhwegishin vai s/he lies spread out flat
daangishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies touching
daashkiganzhiishin vai s/he splits h/ nails on something
daashkishin vai s/he falls and splits
debishin vai s/he, it (animate) fits in (a space), lies fitting in
debweweshin vai s/he is heard walking or falling at a distance
dwaashin vai s/he falls through the ice; s/he or it (animate) goes through the ice
ezhininjiishin vai s/he leaves a handprint
ezhishin vai s/he leaves a mark
gakakishin vai s/he has a square pattern
gashkiiwegishin vai s/he lies covered over with a blanket, is wrapped (in something sheet-like)
gashkiiwiingweshin vai s/he lies with h/ face covered
gaaskibagishin vai s/he rustles leaves while walking or falling
geshawishin vai s/he is loose, fits loosely
gibishin vai s/he lies in the way, blocks the way
gibitaneshin vai s/he falls and gets a nosebleed
gichiwadaawangishin vai s/he, it (animate) is stuck in the sand
gichiwaabikishin vai s/he is stuck on a rock, drives the boat onto rock
gichiwaagoneshin vai s/he is stuck in the snow
gichiwijiishkiweshin vai s/he, it (animate) is stuck in the mud
gigakizineshin vai s/he lies down or sleeps with h/ moccasins or shoes on
gipagishin vai s/he lies in a thick layer
giishkidoondaneshin vai s/he cuts h/ heel on something
giishkigaadeshin vai s/he falls and cuts h/ leg
giishkigidigweshin vai s/he falls and cuts h/ knee
giishkindibeshin vai s/he falls and cuts h/ head, cuts h/ head on something
giishkininjiishin vai s/he cuts h/ hand or finger on something
giishkishin vai s/he gets cut falling
giishkiingweshin vai s/he falls and cuts h/ face
giishklishin vai s/he gets cut on something
giiwashkweshin vai s/he is stunned, knocked senseless in a fall or on impact with something
giizhooshin vai s/he lies in warmth
godigogaadeshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ leg
godigonikeshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ arm
godigoninjiishin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ hand or finger
godigozideshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ foot
goshkwaawaajishin vai s/he lies still
gwayakoshin vai
  1. s/he lies straight
  2. s/he lies correctly
gwayakwaakoshin vai it ((animate; stick-like) lies straight
gwaashkweshin vai s/he bounces, rebounds
gwekishin vai s/he turns lying in place
ikoshin vai s/he lies out of the way, moves h/ body up out of the way
inaakoshin vai it (animate; stick-like) lies oriented a certain way
inaasamishin vai s/he lies facing a certain way
inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way
inweweshin vai s/he sounds a certain way falling, hitting, or stepping
ishkishin vai s/he is tired of lying down
ishkweshin vai s/he lies at the end
ishpishin vai it (animate) is piled high, lies in a big pile
izhidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear facing a certain way
izisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)
izhishin vai s/he lies a certain way
jaagizhooniyaaweshin vai s/he uses up all of the money
jaangidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear sticking out
jekishin vai s/he lies partway up on or in something
jiishaabikidiye vai s/he scrapes something off h/ butt on the rocks
madwegamishin vai s/he is heard falling in water
madwekamigishin vai s/he is heard falling on the ground
madwesagishin vai s/he is heard walking or falling on the floor
madweshin vai s/he or it (animate) makes noise dropping or hitting, it (animate) rings
madweyaabideshin vai h/ teeth chatter
madweyaabikishin vai s/he is heard hitting (as or on rock or metal), clangs, rings
magozigoshin vai s/he or it (animate) is coated with ice; it (animate; a sled or sled runner) is iced up
magwaagoneshin vai s/he lies covered with snow, is covered with snow (so only h/ shape or contour can be seen)
magwegishin vai s/he lies as a mound under blanket (sheet-like)
mashkawishin vai s/he or it (animate) is stuck fast; it (animate) firms up, sets
mazinanoweshin vai
mazinaagoneshin vai s/he or it (animate) leaves a mark, image, design, or pattern in the snow
mazinaatebiigishin vai s/he casts a shadow on the water, is reflected in the water
mazinaatebiishin vai s/he or it (animate) is reflected in the water
mazinaateshin vai s/he casts a shadow; s/he is on television; s/he is in a movie
mazinishin vai s/he is imprinted, has a pattern or design
maziniingweshin h/ face has lines on it from lying on something
maakishin vai s/he is injured by falling or by hitting against something
maazhishin vai s/he lies uncomfortably
metasishin vai s/he misss an event, gets somewhere too late
michidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear uncovered
michigaadeshin vai s/he lies with h/ leg or legs uncovered
michinikeshin vai s/he lies with h/ arm or arms uncovered
michishin vai
  1. s/he lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. s/he lies right on the floor or the ground
michizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet uncovered
michiingweshin vai s/he lies with h/ face uncovered
minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position
minweweshin vai s/he sounds nice ringing or hitting
mitaakiganeshin vai s/he lies with h/ chest uncovered
mitaakwazheshin vai s/he lies naked, sleeps naked
mitaawiganeshin vai s/he lies with h/ back uncovered
mizhishawishin vai s/he lies in the open
mookoshin vai s/he cries from falling down or hitting something
mookozideshin vai s/he stubs h/ toe and cries
mookwaapineshin vai s/he cries for food, cries to be fed
mooshkineshinoog vai they are crowded lying (there)
nabagijiishin vai s/he has a flat tire
namajishin vai it (animate) lies upright
namediyeshin s/he leaves an imprint of h/ seat in or on something
nameninjiishin vai s/he leaves a hand or finger mark in or on something
nameshin vai s/he leaves signs of h/ presence, there are signs of h/ presence
neshangishin vai s/he lies limp, lies slack, lies relaxed
ningozigoshin vai s/he or it (animate) is covered in ice
ningwaagoneshin vai s/he or it (animate) is covered by snow, is under the snow
nisawishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in the middle
nisooshinoog vai three of them lie together
nishwaasooshinoog vai eight of them (animate) lie together
niibaashin vai s/he or it (animate) lies somewhere overnight
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up
niigaanishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in front
niigoshin vai s/he breaks (on impact)
niiwanishin vai s/he dies in an accident
niiyooshinoog vai four of them lie together
niizhooshinoog vai two of them lie together
noondekizineshin vai s/he is out of shoes to wear
noondeshin vai s/he is fatigued, is exhausted, falls short of a goal
okoshinoog vai they (animate) lie in a pile
okwaakoshinoog vai they (animate; stick-like) are stacked, are piled up, are heaped up
ombiigweweshin vai s/he makes a racket
ondaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) lies running from a certain place
opimeshin vai s/he lies on h/ side; it (animate) lies on its side
ozhaashaabikishin vai s/he slips and falls on rocks
ozhaashaagoneshin vai s/he slips and falls on snow
ozhaashibiigishin vai s/he slips and falls in water on something
ozhaashijiishkiweshin vai s/he slips and falls on the mud
ozhaashikoshin vai s/he slips and falls on the ice
ozhaashisagishin vai s/he slips and falls on the floor
ozhaashishin vai s/he slips and falls
ozhishin vai s/he lies in place, is set in place; s/he has a place to sleep
wanaajishin [BL] s/he spoils
wanishin vai s/he is lost, gets lost
waawiyeshinoog vai they lie in a circle
wiinakamigishin vai s/he gets dirty lying on ground
wiinishin vai s/he or it (animate) is dirty (from contact), gets dirty from lying around
wiisagidiyeshin vai s/he hurts h/ butt in a fall
wiisagidooskwaneshin vai s/he hurts h/ elbow or elbows on something or in a fall
wiisagigaadeshin vai s/he hurts h/ leg or legs on something or by falling
wiisagigidigweshin vai s/he hurts his knee or knees on something or by falling
wiisagindibeshin vai s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something
wiisaginikeshin vai s/he hurts h/ arm or arms on something or by falling
wiisagininjiishin vai s/he hurts h/ hand or hands on something or by falling
wiisagishin vai s/he gets hurt (on something), gets hurt falling
wiisagishtigwaaneshin vai [S] s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something
wiisagitigwaaneshin vai [BL] s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something
wiisagizideshin vai s/he hurts h/ foot or feet on something or by falling
zhagashkishin vai s/he lies low, lies flat
zakaabiigishin vai it (animate) is plugged in, is connected to power
zaagaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) sticks out, protrudes
zaagaakoshin vai it (animate; stick-like) sticks out
zaagigaadeshin vai s/he lies with a leg or legs sticking out
zaaginikeshin vai s/he lies with arm out
zaagishin vai s/he or it (animate) sticks out
zaagizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet sticking out
zhaangasooshinoog vai nine of them (animate) lie together
zaateshin vai it (animate) turns rancid
zeginikeshin vai s/he sprains h/ arm
zhegosagidiyeshin vai s/he gets a sliver in h/ rear
zhegosagigaadeshin vai s/he gets a sliver in h/ leg
zhegosaginikeshin vai s/he gets a sliver in h/ arm
zhegosagininjiishin vai s/he gets a sliver in h/ hand
zhegosagizideshin vai s/he gets a sliver in h/ foot
zhegoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in a tight place
zhegozideshin vai h/ toe is stuck in a tight place
zhegwaabideshin vai s/he gets something stuck in h/ teeth
zheshin vai it (animate) is partially open, is ajar
zheyaaboweshin vai the lid is open on it (animate; a kettle or other animate container)
zhigishin vai s/he pees while lying down
zhinawishin vai s/he rattles, rings
zhingadeshin vai s/he lies spread out
zhingishin vai s/he lies down, goes to bed
zhiibaayaabiigishin vai
ziidawaawiganeshin vai s/he falls and gets a stiff back
ziigimineshin vai s/he falls and spills berries, rice, or grain
ziindaakoshin vai s/he is wedged in tightly (as something stick- or wood-like)
zoongishin vai it (animate) lies firmly fixed in place