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zaaganem vta have h/ sticking out of the mouth

Paired with: zaaganendan vti

zaaganendan vti have it sticking out of the mouth

Paired with: zaaganem vta

(detransitive) zaaganenjige vai s/he has something sticking out of h/ mouth
zaaganenjige vai s/he has something sticking out of h/ mouth

zaagaabide vai s/he teethes, grows teeth

zaagaabiigisidoon vti2 put it (string-like) sticking out, protruding

Paired with: zaagaabiigishim vta

zaagaabiigisin vii it (string-like) sticks out, protrudes, emerges

Paired with: zaagaabiigishin vai

zaagaabiigishim vta put it (animate; string-like) sticking out, protruding

Paired with: zaagaabiigisidoon vti2

zaagaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) sticks out, protrudes

Paired with: zaagaabiigisin vii

zaagaagone vai s/he sticks out from the snow

Paired with: zaagaagone vii

zaagaagone vii it sticks out from the snow

Paired with: zaagaagone vai

zaagaagonesin vii it lies sticking out of snow

Paired with: zaagaagoneshin vai

zaagaagoneshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies sticking out of snow

Paired with: zaagaagonesin vii

zaagaakosidoon vti2 put it (something stick- or wood-like) so it sticks out

Paired with: zaagaakoshim vta

zaagaakosin vii it (something stick- or wood-like) sticks out

Paired with: zaagaakoshin vai

zaagaakoshim vta put h/ (something stick- or wood-like) so h/ sticks out

Paired with: zaagaakosidoon vti2

zaagaakoshin vai it (animate; stick-like) sticks out

Paired with: zaagaakosin vii

zaagaanowe vai h/ tail sticks out

zaagaasige vai it (animate; the sun or moon) shines out (from behind something)

zaagaaso vai it (animate; the sun or moon) shines out (from behind something)

zaagaate vii it shines; the sun comes up or out

zaagaateyaabikide vii the sun glares, reflects off it (mineral)

zaagewa'o vai s/he paddles suddenly into view

See also: zaagewe'o vai

zaagewe vai s/he comes suddenly into view as from around a corner

zaagewebatoo vai s/he runs suddenly into view

zaagewebide vii it drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebizo vai

zaagewebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebide vii

zaagewedaabii vai s/he comes into view dragging a load

zaagewedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives into view as from around a corner

zaagewegomo vai s/he suddenly comes into view on the water, suddenly paddles into view

zaagewe'o vai s/he paddles suddenly into view

See also: zaagewa'o vai

zaagewekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles suddenly into view; s/he swims as a fish suddenly into view

zaageweyaadagaa vai s/he swims suddenly into view

See also: zaageweyaadage vai [BL]

zaageweyaadagaako vai s/he comes into view going on the ice

zaageweyaadagaame vai s/he comes into view going along the shore or edge

zaageweyaadage vai [BL] s/he swims suddenly into view

See also: zaageweyaadagaa vai

zaageweyaajimo vai s/he hints at something

zaageweyaanimad vii the wind comes from around the point or corner

zaageweyoode vai s/he crawls into view as from around a corner

zaagibagaa vii it buds; the leaves come out

zaagibagaa-giizis na May

zaagibagaawi-giizis na [BL] May

zaagibii vii it sticks out of the water

zaagibii vai s/he or it (animate) sticks out of the water

zaagibiise vai s/he pops up out of the water

Paired with: zaagibiise vii

zaagibiise vii it pops up out of the water

Paired with: zaagibiise vai

zaagichigaade vii it is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure it

zaagichigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure h/ or it (animate)

zaagichige vai s/he loves, treasures things; s/he is stingy with things

zaagidademo vai s/he goes out crying

zaagida'amaazo vai s/he goes out singing

zaagida'aawangwaadan vti take ashes out of it [stove]

zaagida'aawangwe vai s/he takes the ashes out

zaagidakone vii it has flames shooting out

zaagidaw adv loc at the river mouth

zaagidawa'o vai s/he goes out of a river or bay into a lake (by boat)

zaagidawakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles into a lake from a river or bay

zaagidawaa vii it (river) flows into a lake; it is an inlet

zaagidawaadage vai [BL] s/he swims into a lake from a river

zaagidaabaso vai s/he is driven out by smoke, is smoked out

zaagidaabaswi vta drive h/ out with smoke, smoke h/ out

zaagidaabi vai s/he looks out

zaagidaabiigishim vq

zaagidaapi vai s/he goes out laughing

zaagidaasin vii it is blown outside

Paired with: zaagidaashi vai

zaagidaashi vai s/he is blown outside

Paired with: zaagidaasin vii

zaagidaawadoon vti2 haul it out

Paired with: zaagidaawazh vta

zaagidaawanidiwag vai they file out; they go out in a group

zaagidaawazh vta haul h/ out

Paired with: zaagidaawadoon vti2

(reciprocal) zaagidaawanidiwag vai they go out in a group; they file out
zaagidenaniwebani'o vai s/he or it (animate) flicks h/ or its tongue out

zaagidenaniweni vai s/he sticks out h/ tongue

zaagidenaniwetaw vta stick out h/ tongue at h/

zaagidin vta evict h/; put h/ out

Paired with: zaagidinan vti

(reciprocal) zaagidinidiwag vai they are let out together (as from school or a meeting)
zaagidinan vti put it out

Paired with: zaagidin vta

zaagidinidiwag vai they are let out together (as from school or a meeting)

zaagidoode vai s/he or it (animate) crawls out

zaagidoodebatoo vai s/he crawls out in a hurry

zaagidoom vta carry h/ out on the back

Paired with: zaagidoondan vti

zaagidoondan vti carry it out on the back

Paired with: zaagidoom vta

zaagidwewidam vai2 s/he goes out calling or vocalizing in some way

zaagigaadeshin vai s/he lies with a leg or legs sticking out

zaagigaamo vai s/he gets fat, fattens up (of an animal)

zaagigi vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagigin vii

zaagigin vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagigi vai

zaagi' vta love, treasure h/

Paired with: zaagitoon vti2

(detransitive) zaagi'iwe vai s/he loves someone, loves people
(derived noun) zaagi'iwewin ni love
(reciprocal) zaagi'idiwag vai they love each other
(derived noun) zaagi'idiwin ni mutual love
(reflexive) zaagi'idizo vai s/he loves h/ self
zaagi'idiwag vai they love each other

zaagi'idiwin ni mutual love

zaagi'idizo vai s/he loves h/ self

zaagi'iwe vai s/he loves someone, loves people

zaagi'iwewin ni love

zaagijaanegomo vai s/he is in the water with h/ nose sticking out

zaagijiba' vta run out with h/

(reciprocal) zaagijiba'idiwag vai they run out together (detransitive) zaagijiba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone
zaagijiba'idiwag vai they run out together

See also: zaagiziba'idiwag vai

zaagijiba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone

See also: zaagiziba'iwe vai

zaagijibatoo vai s/he runs out

See also: zaagizibatoo vai

zaagijibide vii it flies, falls, speeds out

Paired with: zaagijibizo vai

zaagijibidoon vti2 pull it out

Paired with: zaagijibizh vta

zaagijibizh vta pull h/ out

Paired with: zaagijibidoon vti2

zaagijibizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives, flies, falls, speeds, rushes out

Paired with: zaagijibide vii

zaagijibii'an vti

zaagijidaabaadan vti drag it out

Paired with: zaagijidaabaazh vta