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zaasaagajiwe vai s/he comes up over the hill repeatedly

zaasaagizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ feet sticking out

zaasaakwe vai s/he whoops

zaasigan na cracklings

(verb of making) zaasiganike vai s/he makes cracklings
zaasiganike vai s/he makes cracklings

zaasijiwan vii it flows with a ripple

zaaskaagoneyose vai s/he makes a dry rustling sound walking on snow

zaaskibagii vai s/he makes a rustling sound in the leaves

zaaskibatoo vai s/he runs making a rustling sound

zaaskigwaaso vai s/he sews making a rustling sound

zaaskiigibatoo vai s/he rustles something (sheet-like) with h/ running or quick motion; h/ clothing is heard rustling as s/he runs

zaatemaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) smells rancid, smells stale

Paired with: zaatemaagwad vii

zaatemaagwad vii it smells rancid, smells stale

Paired with: zaatemaagozi vai

zaatemaam vta find h/ smells rancid, stale

Paired with: zaatemaandan vti

zaatemaandan vti find it smells rancid, stale

Paired with: zaatemaam vta

zaatepogozi vai it (animate) tastes rancid, tastes stale

Paired with: zaatepogwad vii

zaatepogwad vii it tastes rancid, tastes stale

Paired with: zaatepogozi vai

zaatesin vii it turns rancid

Paired with: zaateshin vai

zaateshin vai it (animate) turns rancid

Paired with: zaatesin vii

zaateyaa vii it is rancid; it is stale

zaatezi vai it (animate) is stale; s/he is rancid

Paired with: zaateyaa vii

zaaziibiskaaj adv man not in a hurry, leisurely, reluctantly, unwillingly

zaaziinjii vai

zegaabam vta have a frightening dream, a scary dream about h/

Paired with: zegaabandan vti

zegaabandam vai2 s/he has a frightening dream, a scary dream

zegaabandan vti have a frightening dream, a scary dream about it

Paired with: zegaabam vta

zegaanakwad vii there are storm clouds, threatening clouds

zegaanimad vii it is a fierce wind, a threatening wind

zegaatese vii it is a scary movie

zegendam vai2 s/he feels scared, feels fearful

zegendan vti think it scary

zegendaagod vii [RL] it is frightening, scary, terrifying

Paired with: zegendaagozi vai See also: zegendaagwad vii

zegendaagozi vai s/he is frightening, scary, terrifying

Paired with: zegendaagwad vii

zegendaagwad vii it is frightening, scary, terrifying

Paired with: zegendaagozi vai See also: zegendaagod vii [RL]

zegibanaanishiinh na [RL] a cedar waxwing

Bombycilla cedrorum

See also: zegibanwaanishiinh na

zegibanwaanishiinh na a cedar waxwing

cedar waxwing
Bombycilla cedrorum

See also: zegibanaanishiinh na [RL]

zegigaadeshin vai s/he sprains h/ leg

zegigwayawese vai s/he sprains h/ neck

zegi' vta scare, frighten h/

Paired with: zegitoon vti2

(detransitive) zegi'iwe vai s/he scares people (reciprocal) zegi'idiwag vai they scare each other (reflexive) zegi'idizo vai s/he scares h/ self
zegi'idiwag vai they scare each other

zegi'idizo vai s/he scares h/ self

zegi'iwe vai s/he scares people

zegijiingwaneshin vai s/he sprains h/ knee

zegim vta scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm h/ (verbally)

(reciprocal) zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)
zeginaagozi vai s/he looks scary, looks frightening; s/he looks scared, looks frightened

Paired with: zeginaagwad vii

zeginaagwad vii it looks scary, looks frightening

Paired with: zeginaagozi vai

zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)

zegingwashi vai s/he has a nightmare

zeginikeshin vai s/he sprains h/ arm

zegininjiishin vai s/he sprains h/ hand

zegise vai s/he a sudden feeling of fear, is scared suddenly

zegitan vti hear it (something scary)

Paired with: zegitaw vta

zegitaw vta hear h/ (someone scary)

Paired with: zegitan vti

zegitaagozi vai s/he sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagwad vii

zegitaagwad vii it sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagozi vai

zegitoon vti2 scare, frighten it

Paired with: zegi' vta

zegizi vai s/he is afraid, frightened, scared

(verb of pretending) zegiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be afraid, frightened, scared
zegizideshin vai s/he sprains h/ foot

zegiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be afraid, frightened, scared

zegwewe vii it rumbles, roars, resounds

zenibaanh na a ribbon; silk

zenibaanh-babagiwayaan ni a ribbon shirt

zenibaanh-majigoodenh ni a ribbon dress

zenibaawegin ni silk, satin

zesab na a nettle

zesegaandag na a black spruce

Picea mariana

zesegaandago-bigiw na black spruce pitch

zesegaandagwadab na a black spruce root

zesegaandagwanagek na black spruce bark

zesegizi vai s/he is scared off and on

zesegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

zesegwaabide'on ni a toothpick

zezika adv tmp suddenly

ziko vai s/he spits

(verb of addiction) zikoshki vai s/he always is spitting (applicative) zikwaadan vti spit on it; spit it out of mouth
(detransitive) zikwaajige vai s/he spits on things
(applicative) zikwaazh vta spit on h/ (derived noun) zikowin ni spit, saliva (derived noun) zikwaagan ni a spitoon
zikoshki vai s/he always is spitting

zikowin ni spit, saliva

zikowinaagan ni a spitoon

zikwaadan vti spit it out of mouth; spit on it

Paired with: zikwaazh vta

zikwaagan ni a spitoon

zikwaajige vai s/he spits on things

zikwaazh vta spit on h/

Paired with: zikwaadan vti

zinap na [RL] snuff

zinigobidoon vti2 rub, massage it with something

Paired with: zinigobizh vta

zinigobinidizo vai s/he rubs, massages h/ self

zinigobizh vta rub, massage h/ with something

Paired with: zinigobidoon vti2

zinigobizhiwe vai s/he rubs (people) with something, massages (people)

zinigobizhiwewikwe na a masseuse

zinigobizhiwewinini na a masseur

zinigogaaden vta rub h/ leg, massage h/ leg

zinigojaanenidizo vai s/he rubs h/ (own) nose

zinigojiibizh vta massage h/; rub h/ belly

(detransitive) zinigojiibizhiwe vai s/he massages people
zinigojiibizhiwe vai s/he massages people

zinigojiibizhiwewikwe na a masseuse

zinigojiibizhiwewinini na a masseur

zinigon vta rub h/ with something

Paired with: zinigonan vti

(reciprocal) zinigonidiwag vai they rub each other with something (reflexive) zinigonidizo vai s/he rubs h/ self with something
zinigonamaw vta rub (it) with something for h/

zinigonan vti rub it with something

Paired with: zinigon vta

(benefactive) zinigonamaw vta rub (it) with something for h/ (detransitive) zinigonige vai s/he rubs (things) with something (verb of undergoing) zinigonigaade vii it is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub it with something (verb of undergoing) zinigonigaazo vai s/he is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub h/ with something
zinigonidiwag vai they rub each other with something

zinigonidizo vai s/he rubs h/ self with something

zinigonigaade vii it is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub it with something