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oshkanzhii vai s/he has nails or claws

oshkanzhiikaajigan ni a horseshoe

oshkanzhiin nad
  1. h/ nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. h/ claw

oshkanzhiinsi vai s/he has small nails or claws

oshkanzhiiwataage vai s/he plays horseshoes

oshkaya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

(verb of being) oshkaya'aawi vai s/he is young, is an adolescent; it (animate) is new
oshkaya'aawi vai it (animate) is new; s/he is young, is an adolescent

See also: oshki-aya'aawi vai

oshkaya'ii na something new; something young

See also: oshkaya'aa na ; oshkayi'ii ni

(verb of being) oshkaya'iiwan vii it is new, is young
oshkaya'iiwan vii it is new, is young

See also: oshkayi'iiwan vii

oshkayi'ii ni something new; something young

(verb of being) oshkayi'iiwan vii it is new, is young
oshkayi'iiwan vii it is new, is young

oshkazhigane vai s/he has new socks

oshkaabewis na a ceremonial attendant or messenger

(verb of being) oshkaabewisiwi vai he is an oshkaabewis
oshkaabewisiwi vai he is an oshkaabewis

oshki- pv lex
  1. new, young, fresh
  2. for the first time

oshki-aya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

(verb of being) oshki-aya'aawi vai s/he is young, is an adolescent; it (animate) is new
oshki-aya'aawi vai it (animate) is new; s/he is young, is an adolescent

See also: oshkaya'aawi vai

oshki-aya'ii ni something new

See also: oshki-aya'aa na

oshki-bimaadizi vai s/he is young, is an adolescent

oshki-dibikad vii it is early in the night

oshki-ikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshki-inini na a young man, an adolescent boy

(verb of being) oshki-ininiiwi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy
oshki-ininiiwi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-manoomin ni freshly harvested wild rice

oshki-manoominike vai s/he rices for first time in season

oshki-nitaage vai s/he has h/ first kill of a species

oshki-nitaage-wiikondiwin ni first-game feast

oshki-niibin vii it is early in the summer

oshki-ozhibii'igan ni the new testament of the bible

oshki-ziigwan vii it is early in the spring

oshkibabagiwayaane vai s/he has a new shirt or new shirts

oshkibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he has a new coat

oshkidaabaan ni [RL] a new car

oshkidaabaane vai s/he has, gets a new car

oshkigi vai it (animate) is new growth, is fresh, freshly-harvested

Paired with: oshkigin vii

oshkigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he has new pants

oshkigin vii it is new growth, is fresh, freshly-harvested

oshkigoodaase vai s/he has a new dress

oshki'o vai s/he wears new clothes

oshkijiimaane vai s/he has a new boat or canoe

oshkijiishkiwagad vii it is or has fresh mud

oshkijiishkiwaginan vti put fresh mud on it

oshkikawe vai s/he leaves fresh tracks, there are fresh tracks of h/

oshkikonaye vai s/he dresses in a new outfit

oshkimagoodaas ni [BL] a new dress

oshkiminjikaawane vai s/he has new mittens

oshkinawe na a young man, an adolescent boy

(verb of being) oshkinawewi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy (verb of pretending) oshkinawekaazo vai s/he pretends to be a young man
oshkinawekaazo vai s/he pretends to be a young man

oshkinawewi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

oshkiniigikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

(verb of being) oshkiniigikwewi vai she is a young woman, an adolescent girl
oshkiniigikwewi vai she is a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshkiniigii vai s/he is young, is an adolescent

oshkinzh nid h/ snout, muzzle

oshkinzhii vai s/he has a snout, a muzzle

oshkiwaakaa'igane vai s/he has a new house

oshkiwiiwakwaane vai s/he has a new hat

oshkiinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks young, looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagwad vii

oshkiinaagwad vii it looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagozi vai

oshkiinzhig nid h/ eye

oshkiinzhigokaajiganan ni glasses, eyeglasses

oshkiinzhigokaanan ni glasses, eyeglasses

oshkiinzhigokaanens ni a contact lens

oshkiinzhigoke vai
  1. s/he wears glasses
  2. s/he makes glasses

oshkiinzhigokewinini na an eye doctor, an optometrist

oshkiinzhigomin ni

oshkiinzhigominaganzh na

oshpiming adv loc [LLC] in the sky, above, in heaven

See also: ishpiming adv loc

oshtigwaan nid h/ head

See also: otigwaan nid [BL]

oshtigwaanens ni a postage stamp

oshtigwaanigegan nid h/ skull

oshtigwaanzhaabonigan ni a common pin

otawag nid h/ ear

otawagaa vai s/he has ears

otigwaan nid [BL] h/ head

See also: oshtigwaan nid

owa pc disc [exclamation of agreeable surprise]

owaagaakwado vai s/he has an ax or axes

owaagwaakwadomi vai s/he has an ax or axes

owaawano vai s/he has an egg or eggs; she lays eggs

owe pron dem this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'ow pron dem ; o'owe pron dem [N]

owedi pron dem this over here (inanimate singular)

See also: o'owedi pron dem

owidi adv loc over here, over this way

See also: o'owidi adv loc

owiibidaa vai s/he has teeth

owiigiwaami vai s/he has a wigwam

owiijikiwenyan nad his brother

owiijikiwenyi vai he has a brother or male agemate

owiijiiwaagani vai s/he has a partner, has a companion

owiinge adv deg [NI] carefully; completely; properly; well

See also: wawiinge adv man

owiinimo vai s/he has a sibling-in-law of opposite sex: she has a brother-in-law, he has a sister-in-law

owiinimom vta s/he has h/ as a sibling-in-law (of the opposite sex)

owiinimoshenyan nad h/ cross-cousin (of the opposite sex to h/): h/ mother's brother's child, h/ father's sister's child ; h/ sweetheart

See also: wiinimoshenyan nad

owiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: wiinimoon nad

owiinindib nid h/ brain

owiinizis nid h/ (strand of) hair

See also: wiinizis nid

owiinizisi vai s/he has hair

owiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: wiitaan nad

owiiwan nad [RL] his wife

See also: wiiwan nad

owiiyaw nid h/ body

owoosi vai s/he has a father

See also: o'oosi vai ; oyoosi vai

owoosim vta have h/ as a father

See also: o'oosim vta ; oyoosim vta

oyoosi vai s/he has a father

See also: o'oosi vai ; owoosi vai