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oyoosim vta have h/ as a father

See also: o'oosim vta ; owoosim vta

ozhaga'aa vai s/he has skin

ozhaga'e nad [BL] h/ skin

ozagaskwaajime na a leech, a bloodsucker

Paired with: zagaskwaajime na

ozagiin nid animal arm; front quarter

ozha' vta [S] scare it (animate; a game animal) off

See also: ozha'wi vta [NI]

ozha'wi vta [NI] scare it (animate; a game animal) off

See also: ozha' vta [S]

ozhaaboomin na [BL] a gooseberry

northern gooseberry
Ribes oxyacanthoides

See also: zhaaboomin na

ozhaashadamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

ozhaashakamigaa vii it is slippery ground

ozhaashakamigaabaawe vii the ground is slippery with water

ozhaashamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

ozhaashandan vti

ozhaashaa vii it is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashizi vai

ozhaashaabikad vii it (mineral) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaabikizi vai

ozhaashaabikaa vii there is slippery rock

ozhaashaabikishin vai s/he slips and falls on rocks

ozhaashaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaabikad vii

ozhaashaabiigad vii it is slippery (string-like)

ozhaashaagonagaa vii there is slippery snow; it is slippery with snow

ozhaashaagoneshin vai s/he slips and falls on snow

ozhaashaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaakwad vii

ozhaashaakwad vii it is slippery (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: ozhaashaakozi vai

ozhaashi- pv lex slippery

ozhaashibagaa vii there are slippery leaves

ozhaashibide vii it speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

ozhaashibidoon vti2 have it slip from grasp

ozhaashibizh vta have h/ slip from grasp

Paired with: ozhaashibidoon vti2

ozhaashibizo vai s/he speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

ozhaashibiigishin vai s/he slips and falls in water on something

ozhaashibiiyaa vii it is slippery from a liquid

ozhaashigob na a slippery elm

red elm
Ulmus rubra

ozhaashijiishkiwagad vii it is slippery mud

ozhaashijiishkiwagaa vii there is slippery mud

ozhaashijiishkiweshin vai s/he slips and falls on the mud

ozhaashikamii vai h/ foot slips on something

ozhaashikoshin vai s/he slips and falls on the ice

ozhaashikwaa vii there is slippery ice

ozhaashisagaa vii it is a slippery floor

ozhaashisagishin vai s/he slips and falls on the floor

ozhaashise vii it slips, slides (by itself)

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

ozhaashise vai s/he slips, slides

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

ozhaashishin vai s/he slips and falls

ozhaashizi vai it (animate) is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashaa vii

ozhaashizigobizo vai s/he or it (animate) slips speeding on the ice

ozhaashizigwaa vii there is slippery ice

ozhaashiigad vii it (sheet-like) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashiigizi vai

ozhaashiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is slippery

See also: ozhaashiigad vii

ozaawadaawangad vii it (sand-like, powder) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawadaawangizi vai

ozaawadaawangaa vii there is brown sand

ozaawadaawangizi vai it (animate; sand-like, powder) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawadaawangad vii

ozaawadis vta dye h/ brown or yellow

Paired with: ozaawadisan vti

ozaawadisan vti dye it brown or yellow

Paired with: ozaawadis vta

ozaawadiso vai s/he or it (animate) turns brown or yellow from the sun, is dyed brown or yellow

Paired with: ozaawadite vii

ozaawadiswi vta [NI]

ozaawadis vta

ozaawadite vii it turns brown or yellow from the sun, is dyed brown or yellow

Paired with: ozaawadiso vai

ozaawadowe vai s/he has brown or yellow fur

ozaawagosimaan ni [RL] a pumpkin

ozaawakamigaa vii it is a brown or yellowish landscape

ozaawakik na a brass kettle

ozaawakone vii it is a brown or yellow flame

ozaawamik na a brown beaver

ozaawanagekozi vai it (animate) has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekwad vii

ozaawanagekwad vii it has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekozi vai

ozhaawashko- pv lex blue, green

ozhaawashko-aniibiish ni green tea

ozhaawashko-bineshiinh na a bluebird

eastern bluebird
Sialia sialis

ozhaawashko-ginoozhe na a muskellunge

ozhaawashko-manidoominens na a blue bead; a green bead

ozhaawashko-manoomin ni green wild rice

ozhaawashkobii'an vti color, paint it blue or green

(detransitive) ozhaawashkobii'ige vai s/he colors, paints things blue or green (verb of undergoing) ozhaawashkobii'igaade vii it is colored, painted blue or green (by someone)
ozhaawashkobii'igaade vii it is colored, painted blue or green (by someone)

ozhaawashkobii'ige vai s/he colors, paints things blue or green

ozhaawashkogwan na a blue feather; a green feather

ozhaawashko'o vai s/he wears blue, wears green

ozhaawashkojiisag ni foxfire; (a piece of) rotten wood that glows at night

See also: ozhaawishkojiisag ni [NI]

ozhaawashkominagad vii it (something small and round; grain/rice) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkominagizi vai See also: ozhaawishkominagad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkominagizi vai it (animate; something small and round, berry) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkominagad vii See also: ozhaawishkominagizi vai [NI]

ozhaawashkonaagozi vai s/he looks blue, appears blue; s/he looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagwad vii

ozhaawashkonaagwad vii it looks blue, appears blue; it looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagozi vai

ozhaawashkozi vai s/he or it (animate) is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaa vii

ozhaawashkwadis vta dye h/ blue; dye h/ green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadisan vti

ozhaawashkwadisan vti dye it blue; dye it green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadis vta

ozhaawashkwadiso vai it (animate) is dyed green; it (animate) is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadite vii

ozhaawashkwadite vii it (animate) is dyed green; it is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadiso vai

ozhaawashkwakone vii it is blue or green flame

See also: ozhaawishkwakone vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaa vii it is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkozi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaa vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaabi vai s/he has a black eye

ozhaawashkwaabikad vii it is blue, green (as something mineral)

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabikizi vai

ozhaawashkwaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabikad vii

ozhaawashkwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabiigizi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaabiigad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabiigad vii

ozhaawashkwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is blue or green

ozhaawashkwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaakwad vii

ozhaawashkwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaakozi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaakwad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaanagiingwe vai s/he has a bruised face

ozhaawashkwaande vii it is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaanzo vai

ozhaawashkwaanzo vai it (animate) is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaande vii

ozhaawashkwaate vii it shines with a blue or green light

ozhaawashkwaatese vii it flashes with a blue or green light