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agoojigewataason ni a closet

agoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs
  2. s/he is in the sky (e.g., a star, sun, or moon)

Paired with: agoode vii

agoojiwanaanaak ni a hanging rack for food drying

agoozh vta hang h/

Paired with: agoodoon vti2

agoozi vai s/he is perched up on something

agoozi' vta put h/ or it (animate) up on a perch, perch h/ or it (animate)

agoozimakakii na a tree frog

agwadaashi na a sunfish

agwadin vii it is frozen onto something

Paired with: agwaji vai

agwa' vta sew it (animate) on something; attach it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: agwa'an vti See also: agwa'wi vta [NI]

agwa'amaw vta sew (it) on for h/; attach (it) for h/ (using something)

agwa'an vti attach it (using something); sew it on something

Paired with: agwa' vta

(benefactive) agwa'amaw vta attach (it) for h/ (using something); sew (it) on for h/ (detransitive) agwa'ige vai s/he attaches (things) (using something); s/he sews (things) on (verb of undergoing) agwa'igaade vii it is attached (by someone); it is sewn on (by someone) (verb of undergoing) agwa'igaazo vai it (animate) is attached (by someone); it (animate) is sewn on
agwa'igaade vii it is sewn on (by someone); it is attached (by someone)

agwa'igaazo vai it (animate) is sewn on; it (animate) is attached (by someone)

agwa'ige vai s/he sews (things) on; s/he attaches (things) (using something)

agwa'wi vta [NI] attach it (animate) (using something); sew it (animate) on

agwa' vta

agwaji vai s/he or it (animate) is frozen onto something

Paired with: agwadin vii

agwajiing adv loc outside, outdoors

agwajiishkwaand adv loc just outside the door

agwamo vai s/he or it (animate) is on or in the water, floats on the water

See also: agomo vai

agwanabakwebi vai s/he sits taking shelter in a bark lean-to

agwana' vta cover h/

Paired with: agwana'an vti See also: agwana'wi vta [NI]

agwana'amaw vta cover (it) for h/

agwana'an vti cover it

Paired with: agwana' vta

(benefactive) agwana'amaw vta cover (it) for h/ (detransitive) agwana'ige vai s/he covers things (verb of undergoing) agwana'igaade vii it is covered (by someone), "they" cover it (verb of undergoing) agwana'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is covered (by someone), "they" cover h/ or it (animate)
agwana'igaade vii it is covered (by someone), "they" cover it

agwana'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is covered (by someone), "they" cover h/ or it (animate)

agwana'ige vai s/he covers things

agwana'wi vta [NI]

See also: agwana' vta

agwanaabikaa vii there is a cave or hollow under the rock ledge


agwanaate vii there is shade

agwanaatesidoon vti2 lay in the shade; put it in the shade

agwanaatesin vii it is in, lies in the shade

agwanem vta put h/ in in the mouth, hold h/ in the mouth

Paired with: agwanendan vti

agwanendan vti put it in the mouth, hold it in the mouth

Paired with: agwanem vta

(detransitive) agwanenjige vai s/he puts things in h/ (own) mouth; s/he holds things in h/ mouth; s/he chews tobacco
agwanenjige vai s/he chews tobacco; s/he holds things in h/ mouth; s/he puts things in h/ (own) mouth

agwanigaan ni [BL] a camping lean-to

agwanii vai

agwaniin vai + o cover up with it

agwanjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agwanjim vta See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agwanji'onaagan ni a net float

agwanjim vta put h/ or it (animate) in the water; immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agwanjidoon vti2 See also: agonjim vta

agwanjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonjin vai

agwanogaan ni a canopy, an arbor, an open-sided shed

agwanoge vai s/he covers a lodge

agwapide vii it is attached by being tied on

Paired with: agwapizo vai

agwapidoon vti2 attach it by tying on

Paired with: agwapizh vta

(verb of undergoing) agwapijigaade vii it is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach it by tying (verb of undergoing) agwapijigaazo vai s/he is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach h/ by tying
agwapijigaade vii it is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach it by tying

agwapijigaazo vai s/he is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach h/ by tying

agwapizh vta attach h/ by tying on, tie it on

Paired with: agwapidoon vti2

agwapizo vai s/he is attached by being tied on

Paired with: agwapide vii

agwazhaan ni [RL] a blanket

agwazhaan na [BL] a shawl

agwazhe vai s/he is covered with blankets, covers up with blankets

(causative) agwazhe' vta cover h/ with blankets
(reciprocal) agwazhe'idiwag vai they cover each other with blankets (reflexive) agwazhe'idizo vai s/he covers h/ self with blankets
(derived noun) agwazhaan ni [RL] a blanket (derived noun) agwazhaan na [BL] a shawl
agwazhe' vta cover h/ with blankets

(reflexive) agwazhe'idizo vai s/he covers h/ self with blankets (reciprocal) agwazhe'idiwag vai they cover each other with blankets
agwazhe'idiwag vai they cover each other with blankets

agwazhe'idizo vai s/he covers h/ self with blankets

agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together

agwaaba'iwe vai s/he gets off the water getting away from something in a hurry

agwaabatoo vai s/he runs ashore

agwaabide vii it drives, speeds to shore

Paired with: agwaabizo vai

agwaabidoon vti2 pull it ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabizh vta

agwaabikide vii it is scorched, burns to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikizo vai

agwaabikiz vta burn h/ to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikizan vti

agwaabikizan vti burn it to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikiz vta

agwaabikizo vai s/he burns things to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikide vii

agwaabizh vta pull h/ or it (animate) ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabidoon vti2

agwaabizo vai s/he drives, speeds to shore

Paired with: agwaabide vii

agwaabiidaabaadan vti drag it out of the water, drag it ashore

Paired with: agwaabiidaabaazh vta

agwaabiidaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the water, drag h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaabiidaabaadan vti

agwaabiiga' vta take h/ off the water using something

Paired with: agwaabiiga'an vti See also: agwaabiiga'wi vta [NI]

agwaabiiga'amaw vta take (it) off the water using something for h/

agwaabiiga'an vti take it off the water using something

Paired with: agwaabiiga' vta ; agwaabiiga'wi vta [NI]

(benefactive) agwaabiiga'amaw vta take (it) off the water using something for h/
agwaabiiga'wi vta [NI]

Paired with: agwaabiiga'an vti See also: agwaabiiga' vta

agwaabiigin vta take h/ or it (animate) off the water

Paired with: agwaabiiginan vti

agwaabiiginan vti take it out of or off the water

Paired with: agwaabiigin vta

(verb of undergoing) agwaabiiginigaade vii it is take out of or off the water (by someone) (verb of undergoing) agwaabiiginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is taken out of or off the water (by someone) (detransitive) agwaabiiginige vai s/he takes (things) the off water
agwaabiiginigaade vii it is take out of or off the water (by someone)

agwaabiiginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is taken out of or off the water (by someone)

agwaabiiginige vai s/he takes (things) the off water

agwaabiigwaashkwani vai s/he or it (animate) jumps ashore out of the water

agwaabii' vta scoop h/ out of the water, take h/ out of the water using something

Paired with: agwaabii'an vti

agwaabii'an vti scoop it out of the water, take it out of the water using something

Paired with: agwaabii' vta

agwaabiitaa vai s/he or it (animate) comes ashore, moves ashore

agwaadaabaadan vti drag it ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaazh vta

agwaadaabaazh vta drag h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaadan vti

agwaadaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load ashore

agwaagodoondane vai s/he has crusty heels

agwaagomaagozi vai s/he smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagwad vii

agwaagomaagwad vii it smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagozi vai

agwaagonike vai s/he has an arm or arms encrusted with dirt

agwaagopogozi vai s/he tastes moldy

Paired with: agwaagopogwad vii

agwaagopogwad vii it tastes moldy

Paired with: agwaagopogozi vai

agwaagosin vii it is moldy

Paired with: agwaagoshi vai

agwaagoshi vai s/he is moldy

Paired with: agwaagosin vii

agwaagwaabikad vii it is rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikizi vai

agwaagwaabikisin vii it turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikishin vai

agwaagwaabikishin vai s/he turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikisin vii

agwaagwaabikizi vai it (animate) is rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikad vii

agwaagwaashkwani vai s/he jumps ashore

agwaa' vta take it (animate) off the water or fire (using something), take it (animate) out of the pot (using something), dip or scoop it (animate) out

Paired with: agwaa'an vti See also: agwaa'wi vta [NI]