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agaami- pv lex across; on the other side of

agaami-ishkodewidaabaanikana adv loc on the other side of the tracks

agaami-oodena adv loc across town, on the other side of town

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

agaami-ziibi adv loc across the river

agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

agaamikwam adv loc across the ice on the other side

agaamindekaw vta live across from h/ in the lodge

(reciprocal) agaamindekodaadiwag vai they live cross from each other in the lodge
agaamindekodaadiwag vai they live cross from each other in the lodge

agaamindesi adv loc on the other side of the lodge (across the fire)

agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaamisag adv loc across in the other room

agaamishkode adv loc on the other side of the fire, across the fire

agaamiigin ni the front of a page; the recto

agaasadegamaa vii it is a narrow lake

agaasade' vta make h/ narrow

Paired with: agaasadetoon vti2

agaasadekamigaa vii it is a narrow stretch of ground

agaasademon vii it (road or trail) is narrow

agaasadengwe vai s/he has a narrow face

agaasadesagaa vii it has a narrow floor area, is a narrow room

agaasadetigweyaa vii it (a river) is narrow

agaasadetoon vti2 make it narrow

Paired with: agaasade' vta

agaasadeyaa vii it is narrow

Paired with: agaasadezi vai

agaasadeyaabikad vii it (mineral) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaabikizi vai

agaasadeyaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaabikad vii

agaasadeyaabiigad vii it (string-like) is narrow, is thin (in width)

Paired with: agaasadeyaabiigizi vai

agaasadeyaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is narrow, is thin (in width)

Paired with: agaasadeyaabiigad vii

agaasadeyaabiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; stringlike) narrow

agaasadeyaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaakwad vii

agaasadeyaakwad vii it (stick-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaakozi vai

agaasadeyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyiigizi vai

agaasadeyiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyiigad vii

agaasadeyoonagad vii it (a boat) is narrow

agaasadezhan vti cut it narrow

Paired with: agaasadezhwi vta [NI]

agaasadezi vai s/he is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaa vii

agaasadezide vai s/he has narrow feet

agaasadezhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate) narrow

Paired with: agaasadezhan vti

agaasadinaa vii there is a small hill

agaasashkiigaa vii it is a small muskeg

agaasate vii it is a small house or room

agaasaa vii it is small

Paired with: agaashiinyi vai See also: agaasin vii [BL]

agaasaabaminaagozi vai s/he, it (animate) looks small, seems small

agaasaabikad vii it (mineral) is small

Paired with: agaasaabikizi vai

agaasaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is small; there is a crescent moon

Paired with: agaasaabikad vii

agaasaabiigad vii it (string-like) is small, is fine

Paired with: agaasaabiigizi vai

agaasaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is small, is fine

Paired with: agaasaabiigad vii

agaasaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is small

Paired with: agaasaakwad vii

agaasaakwad vii it (stick-like) is small

Paired with: agaasaakozi vai

agaasaakwashkad vii it (plant) has a small thin stalk

agaasaakwaanowe vai s/he has a small furry tail

agaasaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a small skinny tail

agaasaatoon vti2 make it small

Paired with: agaasi' vta

agaasendan vti think little of it, think it insignificant

Paired with: agaasenim vta

(passive) agaasendaagozi vai s/he is thought insignificant (passive) agaasendaagwad vii it is thought insignificant
agaasendaagozi vai s/he is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagwad vii

agaasendaagwad vii it is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagozi vai

agaasenim vta think h/ insignificant; think little of h/

Paired with: agaasendan vti

agaasi- pv lex small

agaasi-waawiyebii'igan ni a bullseye in a shooting target

agaasibagad vii it is a small leaf

agaasibagaa vii there are leaf buds; there are small leaves

agaasibii'an vti write it small, draw it small

(detransitive) agaasibii'ige vai s/he writes small (verb of undergoing) agaasibii'igaade vii it is written small (by someone), "they" write it small
agaasibii'igaade vii it is written small (by someone), "they" write it small

agaasibii'ige vai s/he writes small

agaasiboode vii it is sawn, filed small

Paired with: agaasiboozo vai

agaasiboodoon vti2 saw, file it small

Paired with: agaasiboozh vta

agaasiboozh vta saw, file h/ small

Paired with: agaasiboodoon vti2

agaasiboozo vai it (animate) is sawn, filed small

Paired with: agaasiboode vii

agaasidenigome vai s/he has small nostrils

agaasidiye vai s/he has a small rear

agaasidoone vai [N] s/he has a small mouth

agaasigamaa vii it is a small lake

agaasi' vta make h/ small

Paired with: agaasaatoon vti2 ; agaasitoon vti2

agaasijaane vai s/he has small nose

agaasikodan vti carve it small

Paired with: agaasikozh vta

agaasikode vii it is carved or whittled small

Paired with: agaasikozo vai

agaasikozh vta carve h/ small

Paired with: agaasikodan vti

agaasikozo vai it (animate) is carved or whittled small

Paired with: agaasikode vii

agaasiminagad vii it (something small and round; grain, berry) is small

Paired with: agaasiminagizi vai

agaasiminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round, grain, berry) is small

Paired with: agaasiminagad vii

agaasin vii [BL] it is small

Paired with: agaashiinyi vai See also: agaasaa vii

agaasinaagozi vai s/he, it (animate) looks small, seems small

Paired with: agaasinaagwad vii

agaasinaagwad vii it looks small, seems small

Paired with: agaasinaagozi vai

agaasininjii vai h/ hand is small, hands are small

agaasitawage vai s/he has a small ear or small ears

agaasitaagozi vai s/he sounds like someone small

Paired with: agaasitaagwad vii

agaasitaagwad vii it sounds like something small

Paired with: agaasitaagozi vai

agaasitoon vti2 make it small

Paired with: agaasi' vta

agaasiwane vai s/he carries a small pack, packs a small load

agaasizhan vti cut it smaller

Paired with: agaasizhwi vta

agaasizide vai s/he has small feet

agaasizhwi vta cut it (animate) smaller

Paired with: agaasizhan vti

agaasiigad vii it (sheet-like) is small

Paired with: agaasiigizi vai

agaasiigizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) smaller

Paired with: agaasiigizhwi vta [NI]

agaasiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is small

Paired with: agaasiigad vii

agaasiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; sheet-like) smaller

Paired with: agaasiigizhan vti

agaasiinad vii there is a small amount of, a little of, less of it (inanimate); [plural] there are few of, a little of, less of them (inanimate)

Paired with: agaasiino vai

agaasiingwe vai s/he has a small face, has a narrow face

agaasiino vai [plural] there are few of, a little of, less of them (animate); there is a small amount of, a little of, less of it (animate)

Paired with: agaasiinad vii

agaasoonagad vii it (a boat) is small

Paired with: agaasoonagizi vai

agaasoonagizi vai it (animate) is a small vehicle

Paired with: agaasoonagad vii