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agwaa'amaw vta take (it) off the water or fire for h/ (using something), take (it) out of the pot for h/ (using something), dish (it) up for h/

agwaa'amaazo vai s/he comes ashore singing

agwaa'amaazo vai s/he dishes (it) up for h/ self

agwaa'an vti take it off the water or fire (using something); take it out of the pot (using something)

Paired with: agwaa' vta ; agwaa'wi vta [NI]

(benefactive) agwaa'amaw vta take (it) off the water or fire for h/ (using something), take (it) out of the pot for h/ (using something), dish (it) up for h/
agwaa'iskomaadan vti scoop ice out of it

agwaa'iskomii vai s/he scoops ice (from a hole in the ice)

agwaa'izekwe vai s/he takes something out of the cooking pot

agwaa'o vai s/he lands, comes ashore in a boat

agwaa'oodoon vti2 take it off something or unload it off something: take it ashore, take it off the fire, take it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: agwaa'oozh vta

agwaa'oojigaade vii it is taken ashore by boat

agwaa'oozh vta bring h/ ashore (as a fish); land h/

Paired with: agwaa'oodoon vti2

agwaa'wi vta [NI] take it (animate) off the water or fire (using something), take it (animate) out of the pot (using something), dip or scoop it (animate) out

Paired with: agwaa'an vti See also: agwaa' vta

agwaakadozo vai

agwaakawe vai s/he leaves tracks coming ashore

agwaakwadin vii it is frozen onto something

Paired with: agwaakwaji vai

agwaakwa'an vti nail it up against the wall; post it up

(detransitive) agwaakwa'ige vai s/he nails things up, posts things (verb of undergoing) agwaakwa'igaade vii it is posted (by someone), "they" post it (derived noun) agwaakwa'igan ni a sign, a poster, a posted notice
agwaakwa'igan ni a sign, a poster, a posted notice

agwaakwa'igaade vii it is posted (by someone), "they" post it

agwaakwa'ige vai s/he nails things up, posts things

agwaakwaji vai s/he or it (animate) is frozen onto something

Paired with: agwaakwadin vii

agwaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles ashore

agwaanaaso vai s/he unloads a boat or vehicle

agwaanizhikaw vta chase h/ ashore

agwaase vai it (animate) comes up on shore

agwaasidoon vti2 take it off something or unload it off something: take it ashore, take it off the fire, take it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: agwaashim vta

(detransitive) agwaasijige vai take things ashore, take things off a boat or vehicle, unload things off something (passive) agwaasijigaade vii it is taken ashore; it is taken off the fire (passive) agwaasijigaazo vai s/he is taken ashore; s/he is taken off the fire
agwaasijigaade vii it is taken ashore; it is taken off the fire

agwaasijigaazo vai s/he is taken ashore; s/he is taken off the fire

agwaasijige vai take things ashore, take things off a boat or vehicle, unload things off something

agwaashim vta take h/ ashore, take h/ off a boat or vehicle, unload it (animate) off something; take it (animate) off the fire

Paired with: agwaasidoon vti2

agwaashkiiga'am vai2 s/he comes off a muskeg or swamp

agwaataa vai s/he goes ashore, comes ashore

agwaawaanaak ni a smoking or drying rack for meat or fish; a meat rack; a smokehouse

(verb of making) agwaawaanaakoke vai s/he makes a meat rack
agwaawaanaakokaan ni a smokehouse

agwaawaanaakoke vai s/he makes a meat rack

agwaaweba' vta [S] get h/ or it (animate) off the water using something forcefully, scoop h/ or it (animate) out of the water

Paired with: agwaaweba'an vti See also: agwaaweba'wi vta [NI]

agwaaweba'an vti get it off the water using something forcefully, scoop it out of the water onto the land

Paired with: agwaaweba' vta [S] ; agwaaweba'wi vta [NI]

agwaaweba'wi vta [NI] get h/ or it (animate) off the water using something forcefully, scoop h/ or it (animate) out of the water

agwaaweba' vta [S] Paired with: agwaaweba'an vti See also: agwaaweba' vta [S]

agwaawebin vta throw h/ out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebinan vti

agwaawebinamaw vta throw (it) out of the water for or to h/

agwaawebinan vti throw it out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebin vta

(benefactive) agwaawebinamaw vta throw (it) out of the water for or to h/ (detransitive) agwaawebinige vai s/he throws things out of the water, throws things ashore (verb of undergoing) agwaawebinigaade vii it is thrown out of the water, is thrown ashore (verb of undergoing) agwaawebinigaazo vai s/he is thrown out of the water, is thrown ashore
agwaawebinigaade vii it is thrown out of the water, is thrown ashore

agwaawebinigaazo vai s/he is thrown out of the water, is thrown ashore

agwaawebinige vai s/he throws things out of the water, throws things ashore

agwaawidoon vti2 carry, take it ashore

Paired with: agwaawizh vta

agwaawizh vta carry, take h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaawidoon vti2

agwaayaabogo vai [BL] s/he drifts ashore in the current

agwaayaaboode vii it drifts ashore on the waves; it floats ashore

agwaayaadagaa vai s/he swims ashore

See also: agwaayaadage vai [BL]

agwaayaadagaako vai s/he goes ashore on ice

agwaayaadagaazii vai s/he wades ashore

agwaayaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he wades ashore in a hurry

agwaayaadage vai [BL] s/he swims to shore

See also: agwaayaadagaa vai

agwaayaa'an vii it drifts ashore on the waves

Paired with: agwaayaa'ogo vai

agwaayaa'angosag (a piece of) driftwood

agwaayaa'ogo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts ashore on the waves

Paired with: agwaayaa'an vii

agwaayaako vai s/he comes ashore off the ice

agwaayaandawe vai s/he climbs ashore on a dock or log

agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaashi vai

agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaasin vii

agwaayaashkaa vii waves come ashore

agwaayoode vai s/he crawls ashore

agwaayoom vta carry, take h/ shore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoondan vti

agwaayoondan vti carry, take it ashore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoom vta

agwaazii vai s/he comes off the water, walks out of the water

agwinaan na a shawl

agwinde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonde vii

agwinjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwanjidoon vti2

(verb of undergoing) agwinjijigaade vii it is put into the water, immersed (by someone), "they" put it into the water, immerse it (verb of undergoing) agwinjijigaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is put into the water, immersed (by someone), "they" put h/ or it (animate) into the water, immerse h/ or it (animate)
agwinjijigaade vii it is put into the water, immersed (by someone), "they" put it into the water, immerse it

agwinjijigaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is put into the water, immersed (by someone), "they" put h/ or it (animate) into the water, immerse h/ or it (animate)

agwinjiwinaagan ni [BL] a net float

agwii vai s/he is covered with a garment

agwiin vai + o wear it as a outer garment (e.g., a shawl or a cloak)

agwiiwin ni a garment

ahaaw pc interj come on; okay

a'a pron dem that (animate singular)

See also: a'aw pron dem ; a'awe pron dem [N]

a'aw pron dem that (animate singular)

See also: a'a pron dem ; a'awe pron dem [N]

a'awe pron dem [N] that (animate singular)

See also: a'aw pron dem

a'awedi pron dem that over there (animate singular)

See also: awedi pron dem

ajidagoode vii it hangs upside down

Paired with: ajidagoojin vai

ajidagoodoon vti2 hang it upside down

Paired with: ajidagoozh vta

ajidagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs upside down

ajidagoozh vta hang h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidagoodoon vti2

ajidagoozi vai s/he hangs above upside down

ajidakide vii it is stuck in upside down

See also: ajidakizo vai

ajidakidoon vti2 erect it upside down; stick it in upside down

Paired with: ajidakizh vta

ajidakizh vta erect h/ upside down; stick h/ in upside down

Paired with: ajidakidoon vti2

ajidakizo vai s/he is stuck in upside down

Paired with: ajidakide vii

ajidakiibizo vai s/he falls head first, takes a dive head first

ajidakiise vai s/he suddenly falls on ground head first, keels over

ajidakiiwebin vta throw h/ on the ground head first

Paired with: ajidakiiwebinan vti

ajidakiiwebinan vti throw it on the ground head first

Paired with: ajidakiiwebin vta

ajidamoo na a red squirrel

American red squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

ajidamoo-miikana ni a squirrel trail

ajidamoo-nagwaagan ni a squirrel snare

ajidamoowayaan na a squirrel hide

ajidin vta hold h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidinan vti

ajidinan vti hold it upside down

Paired with: ajidin vta

(detransitive) ajidinige vai s/he holds, turns things upside down (verb of undergoing) ajidinigaade vii it is held, turned upside down (by someone), "they" hold, turn it upside down (verb of undergoing) ajidinigaazo vai s/he is held, turned upside down (by someone), "they" hold, turn h/ upside down
ajidinigaade vii it is held, turned upside down (by someone), "they" hold, turn it upside down

ajidinigaazo vai s/he is held, turned upside down (by someone), "they" hold, turn h/ upside down

ajidinige vai s/he holds, turns things upside down