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andomoozwe vai [BL] s/he hunts for moose

andone' vta [RL] seek h/ or it (animate); go look for h/ or it (animate); search for h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: andone'an vti See also: andone'wi vta [NI] ; nandone' vta [S]

andone'an vti go look for it; search for it; seek it

Paired with: andone'wi vta [NI] ; andone' vta [RL] See also: nandone'an vti [S]

(detransitive) andone'ige vai s/he finds things
andone'ige vai s/he finds things

See also: nandone'ige vai

andone'wi vta [NI] seek h/ or it (animate); go look for h/ or it (animate); search for h/ or it (animate)

andone' vta [RL] Paired with: andone'an vti

andonge vai s/he asks for, calls, summons people

andonizha'ige vai s/he drives game

andonizhikaw vta [N] go chase, flush, drive h/ (especially a game animal)

andonizhikige vai [N] s/he goes to chase, flush, drive a game animal

andotam vai2 s/he listens for something

See also: nandotam vai2

andotan vti listen for it; wait to hear it

andotaw vta listen for h/; wait to hear h/

Paired with: andotan vti

andowiigwaase vai s/he looks for birch bark

andoobii vai [N] s/he looks for a liquid, looks for a drink

See also: nandoobii vai

andoobiigam vta feel for h/ in water by mouth, feed on h/ in the water

Paired with: andoobiigandan vti

andoobiigandan vti feel for it in water the with mouth, feed on it in the water

Paired with: andoobiigam vta

(detransitive) andoobiiganjige vai s/he feels for something in water by mouth, feeds on something in the water
andoobiiganjige vai s/he feels for something in water by mouth, feeds on something in the water

andoobiigibidoon vti2

andoojii' vta feel around for h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: andoojii'an vti [N] See also: andoojii'wi vta [NI] ; nandoojii' vta

andoojii'an vti [N] feel for it (using something); (try to) find it (using something)

Paired with: andoojii'wi vta [NI] ; andoojii' vta See also: nandoojii'an vti

andoojii'iganaak ni [BL] a stick used to locate the entrance to a beaver lodge

andoojii'wi vta [NI] feel for h/ or it (animate) (using something); try to find h/ or it (animate) (using something)

andoojii' vta

andoojiin vta [N] feel for, grope for h/ or it (animate); (try to) find h/ or it animate (with the hand)

Paired with: andoojiinan vti [N] See also: nandoojiin vta

andoojiinige vai [N] s/he feels for, gropes for something
andoojiinan vti [N] feel for, grope for it; (try to) find it (with the hand)

Paired with: andoojiin vta [N] See also: nandoojiinan vti

andoojiinige vai [N] s/he feels for, gropes for something
andoojiinige vai [N] s/he feels for, gropes for something

See also: nandoojiinige vai

andoojiishkan vti [N] feel for it (with the foot or body)

Paired with: andoojiishkaw vta [N] See also: nandoojiishkan vti [S]

andoojiishkaw vta [N] feel for h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: andoojiishkan vti [N] See also: nandoojiishkaw vta [S]

andookomaanidizo vai s/he searches h/ self for lice

andookomaazh vta search h/ for lice or ticks

andookome vai [N] s/he searches for lice or ticks

See also: nandookome vai [S]

(applicative) andookomaazh vta search h/ for lice or ticks
(reflexive) andookomaanidizo vai s/he searches h/ self for lice
andookomeshiinh na [N] a monkey

andwaabikibijigan ni remote control

andwaagone'wi vta

andwaanikaadan vti dig for it, search for it by digging

Paired with: andwaanikaazh vta

andwaanikaazh vta dig for h/; search for h/ by digging

See also: andwaanikaadan vti

andwaanike vai s/he digs for something, searches by digging

(applicative) andwaanikaadan vti dig for it, search for it by digging (applicative) andwaanikaazh vta dig for h/; search for h/ by digging
andwaawanga' vta look for h/ in the sand or ashes

Paired with: andwaawanga'an vti

andwaawanga'an vti look for it in the sand or ashes

andwaawanga'wi vta [NI]

andwaawanga' vta

andwaawanwe vai s/he looks for eggs, searches for eggs

andweginan vti search it (sheet-like), search for it in on or in something sheet-like (such as a book)

andwewem vta go and ask for h/

See also: nandwewem vta

andwewezige vai s/he signals by firing; s/he fires to scare up game

angobide vii it wears out (in operation)

Paired with: angobizo vai

angobizo vai s/he wears out (in operation)

Paired with: angobide vii

angode vii it melts away

Paired with: angozo vai

ango' vta reduce h/ to nothing

Paired with: angotoon vti2

angomaagozi vai h/ smell disappears, fades

Paired with: angomaagwad vii

angomaagwad vii its smell disappears, fades

Paired with: angomaagozi vai

angonaagozi vai s/he vanishes, fades from view

Paired with: angonaagwad vii

angonaagwad vii it vanishes, fades from view

Paired with: angonaagozi vai

angoshkan vti wear it out with foot or body

Paired with: angoshkaw vta

angoshkaw vta wear h/ out with foot or body (e.g., pants)

Paired with: angoshkan vti

angoshkaa vii it disappears, vanishes

angotoon vti2 reduce it to nothing

Paired with: ango' vta

angozo vai it (animate) melts away

angwaakide vii it burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakizo vai

angwaakiz vta burn h/ completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakizan vti

angwaakizan vti burn it completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakiz vta

angwaakizo vai s/he or it (animate) burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakide vii

ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

ani-naagozi vai s/he goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagwad vii

ani-naagwad vii it goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagozi vai

anibegoode vii it hangs crooked (at a slant)

anibekamigaa vii it is sloping ground

aniben vta hold h/ slanted; tilt h/

Paired with: anibenan vti

anibenan vti hold it slanted; tilt it, turn it over (spilling out the contents)

Paired with: aniben vta

anibesidoon vti2 put it on a slant

Paired with: anibeshim vta

anibesin vii it lies at a slant, is tilted

Paired with: anibeshin vai

anibeshim vta put h/ at a slant

Paired with: anibesidoon vti2

anibeshin vai s/he lies at a slant, is tilted

Paired with: anibesin vii

anibewebin vta fling, shove h/ over leaning on h/ side

Paired with: anibewebinan vti

anibewebinan vti fling, shove it over leaning on its side

Paired with: anibewebin vta

anibewebishkan vti lean it over, tilt it (shoving with foot or body)

Paired with: anibewebishkaw vta

anibewebishkaw vta lean it (animate) over, tilt it (animate) (shoving with foot or body)

Paired with: anibewebishkan vti

anijiimin ni a pea

See also: anijiimin na

anijiimin na a pea

See also: anijiimin ni

anijiiminaaboo ni pea soup

anikamaanan ni suspenders; shoulder straps of a traditional Anishinaabe dress

anim na [STEM FOR] dog

animadaawangose vai s/he walks away (in the other direction) on sand

animademo vai s/he goes away crying

animadewe vai s/he goes, walks away (in the other direction) on the snow crust

anima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail away

anima'adoon vti2 follow it away as a trail

Paired with: anima'azh vta

anima'amaazo vai s/he goes away singing

anima'azh vta follow h/ trail away

Paired with: anima'adoon vti2

anima'oodoon vti2 take it away by boat

Paired with: anima'oozh vta

anima'oojige vai s/he takes something away (in the other direction) by boat; s/he poles the boat away (in the other direction)

anima'oozh vta take h/ away by boat

Paired with: anima'oodoon vti2

animakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat away

See also: animakii'o vai [BL]

animakii'o vai [BL] s/he poles a canoe away

See also: animakii'ige vai [S]

animakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles away [in the other direction]; s/he swims away (as fish)

animamon vii it (road or trail) goes away (in the other direction); it leads away (in the other direction)

animanaandam vai2 s/he goes away (in the other direction) hungry

animanoozo vai s/he goes away smoking tobacco

animaabate vii it (smoke) goes away (in the other direction)

animaabogo vai s/he drifts or floats away (in the other direction) on the current

Paired with: animaaboode vii

animaaboode vii it drifts away on the current

Paired with: animaaboozo vai

animaaboozo vai s/he drifts or floats away (in the other direction) on the current

Paired with: animaaboode vii