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ishkwaabiisaan vii [BL] the rain is over

See also: ishkwaabiisaa vii

ishkwaagamizige vai s/he finishes boiling sap

ishkwaagaa vii it is the last run of sap

ishkwaaj adv tmp last

ishkwaajanokii-giizhigad vii it is Saturday

ishkwaajinikaazo vai s/he has a last name

(derived noun) ishkwaajinikaazowin ni a last name
ishkwaajinikaazowin ni a last name

ishkwaakamigad vii it (an event) is over

ishkwaanaamo vai s/he stops breathing

ishkwaandem ni a door

ishkwaandemaabik ni a doorknob

ishkwaapon vii the snow is over

ishkwaase vii it comes to an end

ishkwaataa vai s/he is at the end of an activity; s/he stops an activity, stops working, quits working, quits a job

ishkwaayaanimad vii

ishkwaayaasige vai it (animate; moon) is in the last quarter = it is the end of the month

ishkwe- pv lex at the end

ishkwe-aya'ii adv loc at the end

ishkwe-ayi'ii adv loc at the end of it

ishkwe-minis adv loc at the end of the island

ishkwe-oodena ni the end of town

ishkwebi vai s/he sits at the end

ishkwedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives in last place

ishkwegamaa vii it is the last lake

ishkwegaabawi vai s/he stands at the end

ishkwege vai s/he lives at the end of town, lives in the last house

ishkwegoode vii it hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoojin vai

ishkwegoodoon vti2 hang it at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoozh vta

ishkwegoojin vai s/he hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoode vii

ishkwegoozh vta hang h/ at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoodoon vti2

ishkwejaagan na a last born child, the youngest child

See also: ishkwejiiyaagan na [NI]

ishkwejiiyaagan na [NI] a last born child, the youngest child

See also: ishkwejaagan na

ishkwekana adv loc at the end of the road or trail

ishkwenikaazo vai s/he has a last name

ishkwenikaazowin ni a last name
ishkwenikaazowin ni a last name

ishkweninj ni a little finger

ishkwesa'igan na a top [toy]

ishkwesidoon vti2 put it at the end, in last place

Paired with: ishkweshim vta

ishkwesin vii it lies at the end

Paired with: ishkweshin vai

ishkweshim vta put h/ at the end, in last place

Paired with: ishkwesidoon vti2

ishkweshimo vai s/he dances at the end

ishkweshin vai s/he lies at the end

Paired with: ishkwesin vii

ishkweyaang adv loc behind, at the back, in the rear; back (in time), in the past; in the back

ishkwii vai s/he stays behind, remains

ishpabi vai s/he has a high office, is the chairman; s/he sits high

ishpadinaa vii it is a high hill or ridge

ishpadowe vai s/he has deep fur

ishpagim vta charge a high price for h/

Paired with: ishpagindan vti

ishpagindan vti charge a high price for it

Paired with: ishpagim vta

(detransitive) ishpagindaaso vai s/he charges a high price
ishpagindaaso vai s/he charges a high price

ishpaginde vii it is high-priced

Paired with: ishpaginzo vai

ishpaginzo vai
  1. s/he is high-priced
  2. s/he is high in rank, status, or office

Paired with: ishpaginde vii

ishpagoode vii it hangs high

Paired with: ishpagoojin vai

ishpagoodoon vti2 hang it high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoozh vta

ishpagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs high
  2. the sun is high in the sky

Paired with: ishpagoode vii

ishpagoozh vta hang h/ high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoodoon vti2

ishpagoozi vai s/he is perched up high

ishpakamigaa vii it is high ground

ishpakide vii it stands high

Paired with: ishpakizo vai

ishpakidoon vti2 erect it high

ishpakizo vai it (animate) stands high

Paired with: ishpakide vii

ishpakii vii it stands high out of the ground, grows high

ishpashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a high stalk, is high

ishpashkosiwagaa vii there is high grass

ishpaya'ii adv loc up high (above, or over it)

See also: ishpayi'ii adv loc

ishpayi'ii adv loc up high (above, or over it)

See also: ishpaya'ii adv loc

ishpaa vii it is high up

ishpaabi vai s/he looks up high

ishpaabikaa vii there is a high rocky ridge or cliff

ishpaabiigagoodoon vti2 hang it high or higher

ishpaabiigibide vii it moves up high fast on a string or line

ishpaabiigibidoon vti2 pull it up high on a rope, hoist it up high

ishpaagamishkaa vii it (blood) is high in pressure; it (temperature) goes high, is above zero

ishpaagonagaa vii it is deep snow

ishpaagone'ige vai s/he makes a high snow bank or mound (using something)

ishpaakosidoon vti2 pile it (stick-like) up high

Paired with: ishpaakoshim vta

ishpaakosin vii it (stick-like) lies piled high

Paired with: ishpaakoshin vai

ishpaakoshim vta pile h/ (stick-like) up high

Paired with: ishpaakosidoon vti2

ishpaakoshin vai s/he (stick-like) lies piled high

Paired with: ishpaakosin vii

ishpaandawe vai s/he climbs high

ishpaandawebide vii it climbs up under power (as an elevator)

ishpaandawebizo vai s/he climbs up under power, goes up in an elevator

ishpaasin vii it is blown high (by the wind); it sails, soars high

Paired with: ishpaashi vai

ishpaashi vai s/he is blown high (by the wind); sails, soars high

Paired with: ishpaasin vii

ishpaatenan vti shine it higher

(detransitive) ishpaatenige vai s/he shines a light higher
ishpaatenige vai s/he shines a light higher

ishpaatoon vti2 make it high

ishpendan vti think highly of, esteem, respect it

Paired with: ishpenim vta

ishpendaagozi vai s/he is highly respected ishpendaagwad vii it is highly regarded, is highly respected, is esteemed
ishpendaagozi vai s/he is highly respected

ishpendaagwad vii it is highly regarded, is highly respected, is esteemed

ishpenim vta think highly of h/

Paired with: ishpendan vti

ishpenimo vai s/he is proud, has self-respect

ishpi- pv lex advanced into a time; high

ishpi-dagwaagin vii it is past the middle of the fall

ishpi-dibik adv tmp late at night

ishpi-dibikad vii it is late at night

ishpi-niibin vii it is past the middle of summer

ishpi-ziigwan vii it is past the middle of the spring

ishpibide vii it flies high

Paired with: ishpibizo vai

ishpibizo vai s/he speeds, flies higher; ascends in flight

Paired with: ishpibide vii