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aagiingwe'onaakoke vai s/he makes a cradleboard hoop

aagonwetam vai2 s/he denies, contradicts

aagonwetan vti deny, contradict, don't believe it

Paired with: aagonwetaw vta

aagonwetaw vta deny, contradict, don't believe h/

Paired with: aagonwetan vti

aagonweyenim vta disbelieve h/

aagoopizon ni [BL] an apron

See also: aagoopizonens ni [BL]

aagoopizonens ni [BL] a bib

aagwaniitaw vta

aagwiingwe'onaak ni a cradleboard hoop

aajidibikishi vai s/he is stranded by nightfall coming

aajigade na [S] a coot, a mud hen

American coot
Fulicia americana

See also: daajigade na [N]

aajikode vii it is notched

aajim vta tell a story of h/

Paired with: aadodan vti

aajimodakwe vai s/he tells a war story

aajinike' vta link arms with h/; hook arms with h/

(reciprocal) aajinike'odiwag vai they link arms with each other
aajinike'odiwag vai they link arms with each other

aajiningwa'on ni a crutch

aajisag adv loc in the next room

aajisaginigaade vii

aajizide'on ni [ML] a cradleboard footrest

aajizide'onaak ni a cradleboard footrest

aako- pv lex agressively; extremely; intensely

aakomaagozi vai s/he stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagwad vii

aakomaagwad vii it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagozi vai

aakomaam vta find h/ stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaandan vti

aakomaandan vti find it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaam vta

aakomaasige vai s/he spreads a stink, an acrid smell by cooking of burning something

aakomaaso vai s/he stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaate vii

aakomaate vii it stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaaso vai

aakoshkade vai s/he has a stomachache

See also: aakwashkade vai

aakozi vai s/he is sick, is ill

(verb of addiction) aakozishki vai s/he always gets sick aakozin vai + o s/he is sick in (it) (verb of pretending) aakoziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be sick (derived noun) aakoziwin ni a sickness, an illness, a disease
(verb of abundance) aakoziwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) sickness
aakozin vai + o s/he is sick in (it)

aakozishki vai s/he always gets sick

aakoziwin ni a sickness, an illness, a disease

aakoziwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) sickness

aakoziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be sick

aakoziishkaw vta make h/ sick (something consumed) [inv]

aakoziiwendaagozi vai s/he is thought sickly

aakoziiwidaabaan na an ambulance

See also: aakoziiwidaabaan ni [RL]

aakoziiwidaabaan ni [RL] an ambulance

See also: aakoziiwidaabaan na

aakoziiwigamig ni a hospital

aakoziiwinaagozi vai s/he looks sickly

aakwashkade vai s/he has a stomachache

See also: aakoshkade vai

aakwaadizi vai s/he is fierce

aakwaagamide vii it (liquid) is extremely hot

aakwaagamin vii it is a strong drink

aakwaakadozo vai s/he is cooked hard

aakwaanakwad vii

aakwaapine vai s/he is in severe pain, is severely ill

aakwaasige vai s/he shines bightly

aakwendam vai2 s/he has intense feelings, is in intense pain

aama' vta abuse, injure, damage h/: be mean to, be aggressive toward h/; chase h/ away by harshness

aamanisimo vai s/he (a dog) is in heat

aamanoozo vai s/he (moose, deer) is in heat, in rut

aamiwag vai they spawn

aamoo na a bee, a wasp

(verb of abundance) aamookaa vii there are (many) bees, wasps
aamoo-wadiswan ni a bee hive, a wasp nest

aamoo-wazison ni [BL] a bee hive, a wasp nest

aamoo-ziinzibaakwad ni honey

aamoo-zhiiwaagamizigan ni honey

aamookaa vii there are (many) bees, wasps

aana- pv tns [N] in vain; without result; in spite of

See also: aano- pv tns [S]

aanak na a thrush

aanakwad ni a cloud

(verb of abundance) aanakwadokaa vii there are (a lot of) clouds, there are clouds there (verb of being) aanakwadowan vii it is a cloud
aanakwadokaa vii there are (a lot of) clouds, there are clouds there

aanakwadowan vii it is a cloud

aanapii adv tmp when?

aanapiish adv tmp when?

aanawendan vti find it unsatisfactory, dislike, reject it

Paired with: aanawenim vta

(detransitive) aanawenjige vai s/he finds things unsatisfactory, dislike, rejects things (verb of undergoing) aanawenjigaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is disliked
aanawendaagozi vai s/he is found unsatisfactory, is disliked, is rejected

Paired with: aanawendaagwad vii

aanawendaagwad vii it is found unsatisfactory, is disliked, is rejected

Paired with: aanawendaagozi vai

aanawenim vta find h/ unsatisfactory, dislike, reject h/

Paired with: aanawendan vti

aanawenimo vai s/he thinks h/ self unworthy, incapable, unable

aanawenjigaade vii

aanawenjigaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is disliked

aanawenjige vai s/he finds things unsatisfactory, dislike, rejects things

aanawewizi vai s/he is inadequate, is ineffective, fails

aanawi adv man although; anyhow; but; despite

aandabi vai s/he changes h/ seat

(causative) aandabi' vta make h/ change h/ seat
aandabi' vta make h/ change h/ seat

aandadowe vai s/he changes h/ coat (of fur)

aandagim vta count h/ over

Paired with: aandagindan vti

aandagindan vti count it over

Paired with: aandagim vta

aandagoode vai she puts on another dress, changes her dress

aandagoodoon vti2 hang it someplace else; rehang it

Paired with: aandagoozh vta

aandagoozh vta hang h/ someplace else; rehang h/

Paired with: aandagoodoon vti2

aanda'e vai s/he takes another shot, reshoots

aandakidoon vti2 stick it in a new place; transplant it

Paired with: aandakizh vta

aandakizh vta stick h/ in a new place; transplant h/

Paired with: aandakidoon vti2

aandakizine vai s/he puts on another pair of shoes, changes h/ shoes

aandakii vai s/he lives, moves somewhere else (in a different territory or country); s/he moves to the spirit world

aandanjige vai s/he changes h/ way of eating, changes h/ diet

aandanokii vai s/he changes jobs, gets a new job

aandapakwe vai s/he changes the wigwam cover or roof, puts a new roof on

aandapidoon vti2 retie it

Paired with: aandapizh vta

aandapizh vta retie h/; rewrap h/

Paired with: aandapidoon vti2

aandashkimaazh vta relace h/ (a snowshoe)

aandazhigane vai s/he puts on another pair of socks, changes h/ socks

aandaabide vai s/he gets h/ permanent teeth

aandaabikibijige vai [BL] s/he shifts gears