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aandaabikinan vti shift the gears on it

(detransitive) aandaabikinige vai s/he shifts gears (derived noun) aandaabikinigan ni a gear shift
aandaabikinigan ni a gear shift

aandaabikinige vai s/he shifts gears

aandaadizooke vai s/he tells a legend over

aandaajimo vai s/he tells a story over

aandaakonan vti change the law on it; give it a new ruling

(detransitive) aandaakonige vai s/he changes something decided on (a plan, rule, a law, a policy)
(derived noun) aandaakonigewin ni a change to something decided on (a plan, a rule, a law, a policy), a resolution
aandaakonige vai s/he changes something decided on (a plan, rule, a law, a policy)

aandaakonigewin ni a change to something decided on (a plan, a rule, a law, a policy), a resolution

aandaanziye' vta change h/ diaper

aandeg na a crow

American crow
Corvus brachyrhynchos

(verb of abundance) aandegokaa vii there are (many) crows
aandego-giizis na [BL] March

aandego-miigwan na a crow feather

aandegokaa vii there are (many) crows

aandegwazison ni [BL] a crow's nest

aandendam vai2 s/he changes h/ mind about something

aandi adv inter where?

See also: aandi go adv loc ; aaniindi adv inter

aandi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

aandikwewe vai s/he has a new girlfriend or female partner

aandin vta change the grip on h/; change the way h/ is handled

Paired with: aandinan vti

aandinan vti change the grip on it; change the way it is handled

Paired with: aandin vta

aangawizi vai [RL] it (animate) is gentle, is tame

See also: waangawizi vai [S]

aangodinong adv tmp occasionally; sometimes

aangwaamas adv tmp finally, after a long time

aanikanootamaw vta translate (it) for h/

aanikanootamaage vai s/he translates, interprets for (people)

aanikanootan vti translate, interpret it

Paired with: aanikanootaw vta

(benefactive) aanikanootamaw vta translate (it) for h/
(detransitive) aanikanootamaage vai s/he translates, interprets for (people)
aanikanootaw vta translate, interpret (for) h/

Paired with: aanikanootan vti

(detransitive) aanikanootaage vai s/he translates, interprets (for) people (reciprocal) aanikanootaadiwag vai they translate for each other (reflexive) aanikanootaadizo vai s/he translates for h/ self
aanikanootaadiwag vai they translate for each other

aanikanootaadizo vai s/he translates for h/ self

aanikanootaage vai s/he translates, interprets (for) people

aanikanootaagewikwe na a translator, an interpreter (female)

aanikanootaagewinini na a speaker (for others), a translator, an interpreter (male)

aanikanootaagozi vai s/he is interpreted

aanikawaabiiginigan ni [BL] an extension cord

aanike-odaake-ogimaa na a lieutenant-governor; an assistant director

aanike-ogimaa na someone next in succession to the leader (e.g., a vice president)

aanikegamaa vii it is a chain of lakes

aanikeshkaw vta stand next to or in place of h/, follow in h/ steps, suceed h/

(reciprocal) aanikeshkodaadiwag vai they are next to each other
aanikeshkodaadiwag vai they are next to each other

aanikoobidoon vti2 string it together, extend it by tying

(derived noun) aanikoobijigan na
  1. an ancestor
  2. a great-grandparent
  3. a great-grandchild
aanikoobijigan na
  1. an ancestor
  2. a great-grandparent
  3. a great-grandchild

aanikoogwaadan vti sew another piece onto it (to make it bigger)

Paired with: aanikoogwaazh vta

aanikoogwaade vii it has another piece sewn onto it (to make it bigger)

Paired with: aanikoogwaazo vai

aanikoogwaazh vta sew another piece onto it (animate) to make it bigger

Paired with: aanikoogwaadan vti

aanikoogwaazo vai it (animate) has another piece sewn onto it (to make it bigger)

Paired with: aanikoogwaade vii

aanikoo' vta add something onto it (animate) to make it bigger or longer

Paired with: aanikootoon vti2

aanikoosidoon vti2 lay it joining something else

Paired with: aanikooshim vta

(verb of undergoing) aanikoosijigaade vii it is laid joining something (by someone), "they" lay it joining something; it is linked, is hitched on
aanikoosijigaade vii it is linked, is hitched on; it is laid joining something (by someone), "they" lay it joining something

aanikoosin vii it lies joining something else

Paired with: aanikooshin vai

aanikooshim vta lay h/ joining something else

Paired with: aanikoosidoon vti2

aanikooshin vai s/he lies joining something else

Paired with: aanikoosin vii

aanikootoon vti2 add something onto it to make it bigger or longer

aanimendam vai2 s/he suffers (mentally or emotionally)

aanimi' vta make h/ suffer, cause h/ trouble, abuse h/

Paired with: aanimitoon vti2

aanimim vta reprimand h/

aanimitaagozi vai s/he prays; s/he conducts a ceremony

aanimitoon vti2 abuse, damage, injure it

Paired with: aanimi' vta

aanimizi vai s/he suffers, is in distress, is very sick

aanind adv qnt some

aaningodinong adv tmp every once in a while, every now and then; now and then; sometimes

See also: naaningodinong adv tmp

aanish adv man a well; well then

aanishim vta discourage h/

aanizhiitam vai2 s/he quits, gives up, stops doing something

aaniin adv inter how?; in what way?; why?

aaniin pc interj greetings!; hello!

aaniin apii adv inter when?

aaniin danaa adv inter well how?; well why?; why not?

aaniin dash adv inter why?

aaniin iwapii adv inter when?

aaniin minik adv inter how many?; how much?

aaniindi adv inter where?

See also: aandi adv inter

aaniindi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

aaniish apii adv inter when?

See also: aaniin apii adv inter

aaniish naa adv man well now; you see

aanji- pv lex change

aanji-bimaadizi vai s/he changes h/ (own) life

aanji-bimaadiziwin ni a changed life

aanjibabagiwayaane vai s/he puts on another shirt, changes h/ shirt

aanjibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he puts on another coat, changes h/ coat

aanjibii'an vti write it over, rewrite it

(detransitive) aanjibii'ige vai s/he writes things over, rewrites things (verb of undergoing) aanjibii'igaade vii it is rewritten, "they" rewrite it
aanjibii'igaade vii it is rewritten, "they" rewrite it

aanjibii'ige vai s/he writes things over, rewrites things

aanjibiitooshkigane vai s/he puts on another pair of underwear, changes h/ underwear

aanjichigaade vii it is changed; it is made different

aanjichigaazo vai s/he is changed, made different (by someone); "they" change h/, make h/ different

aanjichige vai s/he remakes things, makes things over

aanjidaabaadan vti drag, pull it to a new place

aanjidaabaade vii it is pulled, pushed, or dragged to a new place (on something)

aanjidaabaane vai s/he changes cars, trades in a car

aanjigaabawi vai s/he changes place while standing

aanjige vai s/he makes a different house

aanjigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he puts on another pair of pants, changes h/ pants

aanjigondaagane vai h/ voice changes

aanjigozi vai s/he moves to another place to live

aanjigwane vai s/he [bird] moults

aanjigwaadan vti sew it over, alter it (by sewing)

Paired with: aanjigwaazh vta

aanjigwaade vii it is sewn over

aanjigwaaso vai s/he sews over

aanjigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps again, hops