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aanjigwaazh vta sew it (animate) over

Paired with: aanjigwaadan vti

aanjigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn over

Paired with: aanjigwaade vii

aanji' vta change h/, make h/ over

Paired with: aanjitoon vti2

aanjikwanaye vai s/he changes h/ (own) clothes

aanjinaagwad vii it changes appearance

aanjinikaadan vti change name of it

Paired with: aanjinikaazh vta

aanjinikaade vii its name is changed

Paired with: aanjinikaazo vai

aanjinikaazh vta change name of h/

Paired with: aanjinikaadan vti

aanjinikaazo vai h/ name is changed

Paired with: aanjinikaade vii

aanjininiiwe vai s/he has a new boyfriend or male partner

aanjise vai s/he changes

Paired with: aanjise vii

aanjise vii it changes

Paired with: aanjise vai

aanjisidoon vti2 change it in writing; put it in another place

Paired with: aanjishim vta

aanjisin vii it lies in new place; its wording is changed

Paired with: aanjishin vai

aanjishim vta put h/ in another place; reset h/

Paired with: aanjisidoon vti2

aanjishin vai s/he lies or sleeps in new place

Paired with: aanjisin vii

aanjitoon vti2 change it, make it over

Paired with: aanji' vta

(detransitive) aanjichige vai s/he remakes things, makes things over (verb of undergoing) aanjichigaade vii it is changed; it is made different (verb of undergoing) aanjichigaazo vai s/he is changed, made different (by someone); "they" change h/, make h/ different
aanjitwaa vai s/he changes h/ religion

aanjiwidoon vti2 carry, take it to a different place

Paired with: aanjiwizh vta

aanjiwizh vta carry, take h/ to a different place

Paired with: aanjiwidoon vti2

aano- pv tns [S] in vain; without result; in spite of

See also: aana- pv tns [N]

aanwaakoshin vai s/he gets locked out

aanwetam vai2 s/he doubts. doesn't believe

aanwetaw vta disagree with what h/ says; disbelieve h/; doubt h/; not believe h/

aanzanaamo vai s/he changes h/ breathing, sighs, changes pitch of h/ voice; s/he takes a deep breath

aanzikan vti change it (something on the foot or body)

Paired with: aanzikaw vta

aanzikaw vta change h/ (something on the foot or body)

Paired with: aanzikan vti

aanzikonaye vai s/he changes h/ (own) clothes

aanzikonaye' vta change h/ clothes

aanzinaago' vta change h/ appearance, transform h/

Paired with: aanzinaagotoon vti2

(reflexive) aanzinaago'idizo vai s/he changes h/ (own) appearance, transforms h/ self
aanzinaago'idizo vai s/he changes h/ (own) appearance, transforms h/ self

aanzinaagotoon vti2 change its appearance, transform it

Paired with: aanzinaago' vta

aanzinaagozi vai s/he looks changed

Paired with: aanzinaagwad vii

aanzinaagwad vii it looks changed

Paired with: aanzinaagozi vai

aanziyaan ni
  1. a man's apron, a breech cloth
  2. a diaper

aapidabi vai s/he just sits, sits and can't get up

(applicative) aapidabiitaw vta just sit with h/, sit with h/ and not leave
(detransitive) aapidabiitaage vai s/he just sits with someone, sits with someone and doesn't get up or leave
aapidabiitaw vta just sit with h/, sit with h/ and not leave

aapidabiitaage vai s/he just sits with someone, sits with someone and doesn't get up or leave

aapidademo vai s/he cries without stopping

aapidagoozi vai s/he is perched up above and can't get down

aapida'oode vii it is permanently tangled, tied up in knots for good

Paired with: aapida'oozo vai

aapida'oodoon vti2 tie it up in knots for good

Paired with: aapida'oozh vta

aapida'oozh vta tie h/ up in knots for good

Paired with: aapida'oodoon vti2

aapida'oozo vai s/he is permanently tangled, tied up in knots for good

Paired with: aapida'oode vii

aapidanaamo vai s/he is unable to recover h/ breath

aapidanaamose vai s/he has whooping cough

aapidapide vii it is tied securely, tied for good

Paired with: aapidapizo vai

aapidapidoon vti2 tie it securely, tie it for good

Paired with: aapidapizh vta

aapidapizh vta tie h/ securely, tie h/ for good

Paired with: aapidapidoon vti2

aapidapizo vai s/he or it (animate) is tied securely, tied for good

Paired with: aapidapide vii

aapidazina'amaw vta

aapidaakizige vai s/he can't quit drinking

aapidaandawe vai s/he climbs and gets stuck

aapidek adv disc what the heck!, what the hell!, my goodness! [an expression of disbelief, amazement, or disapproval]

See also: aapidekamig pc disc

aapidekamig pc disc what the heck!, what the hell!, my goodness! [an expression of disbelief, amazement, or disapproval]

See also: aapidek adv disc

aapidendi vai s/he goes and doesn't return, is gone for good

aapidingwaam vai [S] s/he sleeps and doesn't wake up, dies in h/ sleep

See also: aapidingwaami vai [N]

aapidingwaami vai [N] s/he sleeps and doesn't wake up, dies in h/ sleep

See also: aapidingwaam vai [S]

aapiji adv deg very, quite

See also: gaawiin aapiji adv deg

aapiji-wiidige vai s/he is legally married

aapiji-wiidige-mazina'igan ni a marriage license

aapiji-wiidigendiwin ni a marriage; a wedding

aapijibatoo vai s/he runs away for good

aapijibide vii it drives, runs, operates without stopping

Paired with: aapijibizo vai

aapijibizo vai s/he drives, runs, operates without stopping

Paired with: aapijibide vii

aapijigise vii it goes into wood and sticks

aapijinazh vta finish h/ off, finally and completely kill h/

aapijinizhimo vai s/he flees for good

aapijise vii it slips in, goes into something and not reappear

aapijiskwagizi vai s/he bleeds without stopping

aapijishin vai s/he has a serious fall or accident, has a fatal fall or accident

aas ni a legging

aasamadaaki adv loc on this side of hill

aasamajiw adv loc on the side of a hill, on the hill

aasamayi'ii adv loc facing something

aasamaabik adv loc on the rock cut, on the rock face

aasamaakwa'igan na bread or bannock made by leaning to face an open fire

aasamaakwaa vii it is the facing side or end of the trees

aasamaate vii it is right in the sun

aasamaatesidoon vti2 put, lay it in the sun

Paired with: aasamaateshim vta

aasamaatesin vii it lies in the sun

Paired with: aasamaateshin vai

aasamaateshim vta put, lay h/ in the sun

Paired with: aasamaatesidoon vti2

aasamaateshin vai s/he lies in the sun

Paired with: aasamaatesin vii

aasamaatig adv loc against a tree or log

aasamewaam adv loc

aasamisag ni a wall

aasamisag by, against, or on the wall or boards

aasamisidoon vti2 lean or stand it against or facing something

Paired with: aasamishim vta

aasamisin vii it lies against or facing something

Paired with: aasamishin vai

aasamishim vta lean or stand h/ against or facing something

aasamishin vai s/he lies against or facing something

aasamoonag adv loc on the side of the canoe or boat

aasaakamig ni moss

aasaakamigokamigaa vii it is mossy ground

aasodoodooshimebizon ni a brassiere

aason vta support h/ (with hand); take care of, look after, support, provide for, adopt h/

Paired with: aasonan vti

aasonamaw vta support (it) for h/ (with hand)

aasonan vti steady it; support it (with hand)

Paired with: aason vta

(benefactive) aasonamaw vta support (it) for h/ (with hand) (detransitive) aasonige vai s/he supports things (with hand) (verb of undergoing) aasonigaade vii it is supported (by someone with hand), "they" support it (with hand)
aasonigaade vii it is supported (by someone with hand), "they" support it (with hand)

aasonige vai s/he supports things (with hand)