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ashi-niso- pv qnt and three

ashi-niswaginzo vai [BL] it is the thirteenth (of the month)

ashi-niswi qnt num
  1. and three
  2. thirteen

ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt and eight

See also: ashi-ishwaaso- pv qnt

ashi-nishwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the eighteenth (of the month)

ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num ; ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt

ashi-niiwaginzo vai [BL] it is the fourteenth (of the month)

ashi-niiwin qnt num
  1. and four
  2. fourteen

ashi-niiwo- pv qnt and four

ashi-niiyo- pv qnt and four

ashi-niizh qnt num
  1. and two
  2. twelve

ashi-niizho- pv qnt and two

ashi-niizho-diba'igan qnt num twelve hours; twelve mile

ashi-niizhwaginzo vai [BL] it is the twelfth (of the month)

ashi-niizhwaaso qnt num [RL] and seven; seventeen

See also: ashi-niizhwaaswi qnt num

ashi-niizhwaaso- pv qnt and seven

ashi-niizhwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the seventeenth (of the month)

ashi-niizhwaaswi qnt num
  1. and seven
  2. seventeen

See also: ashi-niizhwaaso qnt num [RL]

ashi-zhaangaso- pv qnt and nine

ashi-zhaangaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the nineteenth (of the month)

ashi-zhaangaswi qnt num
  1. and nine
  2. nineteen [nid:488906]

ashidagaam adv loc right up against the shore

ashidaakobidoon vti2 push it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakobizh vta

ashidaakobizh vta push h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakobidoon vti2

ashidaakogaabawi vai s/he stands against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

ashidaakon vta hold h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakonan vti

ashidaakonan vti hold it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakon vta

ashidaakosidoon vti2 put it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakoshim vta

ashidaakosin vii it lies against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakoshin vai

ashidaakoshim vta put h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakosidoon vti2

ashidaakoshin vai s/he lies against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)

Paired with: ashidaakosin vii

ashidaakowebin vta fling, shove h/ against a wall or tree

Paired with: ashidaakowebin vta

ashidaakowebinan vti fling, shove it against a wall or tree

Paired with: ashidaakowebin vta

ashidaakwabi vai s/he sits against the wall or a tree

ashidaamik adv loc right on the bottom (of a body of water)

ashidaamikagwinde vii

ashidin vta hold h/ against something

Paired with: ashidinan vti

ashidinan vti hold it against something

Paired with: ashidin vta

ashigan na a fish of the sunfish family; locally applied to rock bass, crappie, and largemouth bass in NW Ontario

ashijigaabawi vai s/he stands right against something

ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashishawe-zisiboojiganens ni [BL] a triangular file

ashiwaa vii it is dull

ashkam vta eat h/ raw

Paired with: ashkandan vti

ashkandan vti eat it raw

Paired with: ashkam vta

eshkandaming ni-v a watermelon
ashkaatig ni (stick of) green wood

See also: ashkaatig na

ashkaatig na a tree with green wood

See also: ashkaatig ni

ashkaatigowan vii it is green wood

ashkaawangi-bakwezhigan na [BL] flour

ashke pc interj look!

See also: inashke pc disc ; nashke pc disc

ashki- pv lex raw

ashki-manoomin ni raw wild rice: harvested wild rice not yet parched / roasted

ashki-wiiyaas ni raw meat

ashkibag ni a fresh green leaf

(verb of abundance) ashkibagokaa vii there are (many) fresh green leaves
ashkibagaa vii there are green leaves

ashkibagokaa vii there are (many) fresh green leaves

ashkibiigisagad vii it is waterlogged wood

ashkibwaa na Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke
Helianthus tuberosus

ashkide vii it is incompletely cooked

Paired with: ashkizo vai

ashkijiishkiwagizi vai h/ (bread, bannock) is doughy

ashkikomaan ni lead (metal)

ashkimaneyaab ni babiche: rawhide lacing for snowshoe

ashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing

ashkiminagad vii it (something small and round, grain, berry) is unripe, is raw

ashkin vii it is raw (as meat)

Paired with: ashkini vai

ashkini vai it (animate) is raw, is uncooked

Paired with: ashkin vii

ashkipidan vti find that it tastes raw

Paired with: ashkipo vta

ashkipo vta find that it (animate) tastes raw

Paired with: ashkipidan vti

ashkipogozi vai s/he tastes raw

Paired with: ashkipogwad vii

ashkipogwad vii it tastes raw

ashkizo vai it (animate) is incompletely cooked

Paired with: ashkide vii

ashkiigin ni rawhide

ashkiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is raw

ashkiiwagad vii it is raw as meat

Paired with: ashkiiwagizi vai

ashkiiwagizi vai s/he, it (animate) is raw as meat

Paired with: ashkiiwagad vii

asho- pv lex be ready to

asho-wiidige vai s/he is engaged

asho-wiidigem vta be engaged to h/
(reciprocal) asho-wiidigendiwag vai they are engaged to each other
asho-wiidigem vta be engaged to h/

asho-wiidigendiwag vai they are engaged to each other

ashodamaw vta promise (it) to h/; threaten h/ with something; notify h/ something is or will be, is happening or will happen

ashodamaadiwag vai they promise each other; they threaten each other

ashodamaagoowizi vai s/he receives a promise, is told that something is true or is happening or will be true or happen

ashodamaagoowizi vai s/he receives a promise, is told that something is true or is happening or will be true or happen

ashodan vti promise, vow it

ashoodakamigin vta hold h/ down on the ground; keep h/ down on the ground

ashoodin vta hold h/ against something

Paired with: ashoodinan vti

ashoodinan vti hold or put it against something

Paired with: ashoodin vta

ashwii vai s/he is prepared, is ready to act, is on guard

atamaw vta [C] put (it) in a certain place for h/; serve h/

ataw vta
  1. put (it) in a certain place for h/
  2. gamble with, play cards with, bet with, wager with h/

(reciprocal) ataadiwag vai they gamble, bet, wager with each other; they play cards
(derived noun) ataadiwin na a playing card (derived noun) ataadiwin ni a gambling game, a wager
(detransitive) ataage vai s/he gambles, plays cards, bets, wagers
(derived noun) ataagewin ni gambling, a gambling game, a card game (verb of addiction) ataageshki vai s/he is a compulsive gambler
ataadiwag vai they gamble, bet, wager with each other; they play cards

ataadiwin ni a gambling game, a wager

ataadiwin na a playing card

ataage vai s/he gambles, plays cards, bets, wagers

ataageshki vai s/he is a compulsive gambler

ataagewigamig ni a casino

ataagewin ni gambling, a gambling game, a card game

ataagewinini na a player

ataagib ni algae

ataaso vai s/he stores something