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zhingobiikaan na an artificial christmas tree

zhingobiiwaatig na [BL] a pine

zhingos na a weasel

long-tailed weasel, ermine
Mustela spp.

zhingosiwayaan na a weasel skin

zhingwaak na a pine; [S] a white pine; [BL] a red pine

(verb of abundance) zhingwaakokaa vii there are (many) pines; it is a pine grove
zhingwaako-bigiw na pine pitch

zhingwaako-mishiimin na a pineapple

zhingwaakokaa vii it is a pine grove; there are (many) pines

zhingwaakwanagek na (a piece of) pine bark

zhingwaakwaandag na a pine bough

zhingwena'odizo vai

zhinoodaagan ni selvedge lines at top and bottom of a net made of heavy cord or rope; lines tying the net to an anchor or buoy; [Border Lakes] a rope

zhishigagowaadan vti vomit it up; vomit, puke on it

zhishigagowaan ni vomit, puke

zhishigagowaazh vta vomit, puke on h/

zhishigagowe vai s/he vomits, pukes

(applicative) zhishigagowaadan vti vomit it up; vomit, puke on it (derived noun) zhishigagowaazh vta vomit, puke on h/ (derived noun) zhishigagowaan ni vomit, puke
zhishigagowezigan ni an emetic: a medicine used to induce vomiting

zhishigobidoon vti2 crush it (with hands)

Paired with: zhishigobizh vta

zhishigobizh vta crush h/ (with hands)

Paired with: zhishigobidoon vti2

zhishigode vii it is cooked mushy

Paired with: zhishigozo vai

zhishigoshkan vti crush it (by foot or body)

Paired with: zhishigoshkaw vta

zhishigoshkaw vta crush h/ (by foot or body)

Paired with: zhishigoshkan vti

zhishigoshkoode vii it is crushed by weight

Paired with: zhishigoshkoozo vai

zhishigoshkoozo vai s/he is crushed by weight

Paired with: zhishigoshkoode vii

zhishigoz vta cook h/ mushy

Paired with: zhishigozan vti

zhishigozan vti cook it mushy

Paired with: zhishigoz vta

zhishigozo vai it (animate) is cooked mushy

Paired with: zhishigode vii

zhishigwa' vta mash, crush h/ (using something)

Paired with: zhishigwa'an vti

zhishigwa'an vti mash, crush it (using something)

Paired with: zhishigwa' vta

(detransitive) zhishigwa'ige vai s/he mashes, crushes something (using something) (derived noun) zhishigwa'igan ni ground meat, hamburger
zhishigwa'igan ni ground meat, hamburger

zhishigwa'ige vai s/he mashes, crushes something (using something)

zhishigwa'wi vta [NI]

zhishigwa' vta

zhishigwam vta chew h/ up, chew h/ to bits

Paired with: zhishigwandan vti

zhishigwandan vti chew it up, chew it to bits

Paired with: zhishigwam vta

zhishwajayi'ii adv loc alongside it

zhishwajigamig adv loc alongside the house

zhishwajikana adv loc alongside the road

zhizhodew adv loc along the shore

zhizhoobiigii vai s/he smears, spreads, rubs liquid on

(derived noun) zhizhoobiigiiwin ni liniment
zhizhoobiigiiwin ni liniment

zhizhoobii' vta paint h/; apply lotion or liniment to h/

Paired with: zhizhoobii'an vti

zhizhoobii'amaw vta paint (it) for h/

zhizhoobii'an vti paint it

Paired with: zhizhoobii' vta

(benefactive) zhizhoobii'amaw vta paint (it) for h/ (detransitive) zhizhoobii'ige vai s/he paints things (verb of undergoing) zhizhoobii'igaade vii it is painted (by someone), "they" paint it (verb of undergoing) zhizhoobii'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is painted (by someone), "they" paint h/ or it (animate) (derived noun) zhizhoobii'igan ni paint
zhizhoobii'igan ni paint

zhizhoobii'iganaatig ni a paint brush

zhizhoobii'igaade vii it is painted (by someone), "they" paint it

zhizhoobii'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is painted (by someone), "they" paint h/ or it (animate)

zhizhoobii'ige vai s/he paints things

zhizhoobii'igewinini na a painter

zhizhoobii'o vai s/he applies liniment; s/he paints h/ self

zhizhoobii'on ni liniment
zhizhoobii'odizo vai s/he rubs something on h/ self

zhizhoobii'on ni liniment

zhizhoo' vta spread h/ on (using something)

Paired with: zhizhoo'an vti

zhizhoo'an vti spread it on (using something)

Paired with: zhizhoo' vta

(detransitive) zhizhoo'ige vai s/he spreads things on (using something)
zhizhoo'ige vai s/he spreads things on (using something)

zhizhookam vai2 s/he steps on a turd

zhiiba'ataan na a stretched pelt

zhiiba'ataanaak ni stretcher for pelt

zhiiba'wi vta stretch it (animate) out on a fur stretcher

zhiibaji vai s/he can withstand the cold, endures the cold

zhiiban vii it is tough, strong

Paired with: zhiibizi vai

zhiibanaabaawe vai s/he is able to hold breath under water

zhiibanaamo vai s/he has strong respiration, is long-winded

zhiibanaamwaabaawe vai

zhiibanaandam vai2 s/he can go without eating, can endure being hungry

zhiibaa- pv lex (in the space) under something

zhiibaa-adoopowinaak adv loc [BL] under a table

zhiibaa-giizis adv loc in the sky between the horizon and the sun

zhiibaa-minis between two islands

zhiibaa-nibewin adv loc under the bed

zhiibaabaso vai s/he can withstand the smoke

zhiibaabaagwe vai s/he endures thirst, doesn't get thirsty easily

zhiibaabizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives through a passage

zhiibaajiwan vii it flows through a tunnel or passage

See also: gaa-izhi-zhiibaajiwang ni-v

zhiibaakwa' vta stretch it (animate) out on a fur stretcher

zhiibaakwa'ataan ni a flat hide stretcher (especially for muskrats)

zhiibaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles under something; s/he paddles through a channel

zhiibaangwashi vai s/he takes a quick nap

zhiibaapine vai s/he endures suffering, can withstand pain

zhiibaashka'igan ni a jingle

zhiibaashka'igani-magoodaas ni [BL] a jingle dress

zhiibaashkan vti pass over or step over it

Paired with: zhiibaashkaw vta

zhiibaashkaw vta pass over or step over h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: zhiibaashkan vti

zhiibaashkige vai s/he passes over or steps over things

zhiibaaweba' vta knock h/ under something

Paired with: zhiibaaweba'an vti

zhiibaaweba'an vti knock it under something

Paired with: zhiibaaweba' vta

zhiibaaweba'wi vta [NI]

zhiibaaweba' vta

zhiibaawebin vta throw or shove h/ under something

Paired with: zhiibaawebinan vti

zhiibaawebinan vti throw or shove it under something

Paired with: zhiibaawebin vta

zhiibaawebinige vai s/he takes a nap

zhiibaawebishkan vti kick, shove it under something

Paired with: zhiibaawebishkaw vta

zhiibaawebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ under something

Paired with: zhiibaawebishkan vti

zhiibaaya'ii adv loc in the space under it

zhiibaayaa vii it has space to go through; there is a passage or tunnel

zhiibaayaabandan vti see through it

(derived noun) zhiibaayaabanjigan ni a telescope, a gun scope, (pl.) binoculars
zhiibaayaabanjigan ni a telescope, a gun scope, (pl.) binoculars

zhiibaayaabi vai s/he sees through something (e.g., binoculars, telescope, scope)

zhiibaayaabiiginan vti pull it under something on a line

zhiibaayaabiigisidoon vti2 put, lay it (string-like) going through underneath

Paired with: zhiibaayaabiigishim vta

zhiibaayaabiigisin vii it (string-like) goes through underneath, lies underneath

Paired with: zhiibaayaabiigishin vai