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zhaabwaya'ii adv loc through it

See also: zhaabwayi'ii adv loc

zhaabwayi'ii adv loc through it

See also: zhaabwaya'ii adv loc

zhaabwaabam vta see through h/

Paired with: zhaabwaabandan vti

zhaabwaabandan vti see through it

Paired with: zhaabwaabam vta

zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2 soak it through, get it soaked; saturate it

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawazh vta

zhaabwaabaawazh vta soak it (animate) through, get it (animate) soaked; saturate it (animate)

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2

zhaabwaabaawe vii it is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vai

(applicative) zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2 soak it through, get it soaked; saturate it (applicative) zhaabwaabaawazh vta soak it (animate) through, get it (animate) soaked; saturate it (animate)
zhaabwaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vii

zhaabwaabi vai s/he sees through something, looks through something

zhaabwaabiigin vta

zhaabwaakide vii it is burned through

Paired with: zhaabwaakizo vai

zhaabwaakiz vta
  1. cut through h/ (by burning)
  2. x-ray h/

Paired with: zhaabwaakizan vti

zhaabwaakizan vti
  1. cut through it (by burning)
  2. x-ray it

Paired with: zhaabwaakiz vta

(detransitive) zhaabwaakizige vii it cuts through things (by burning) (derived noun) zhaabwaakizigan ni an x-ray
zhaabwaakizigan ni an x-ray

zhaabwaakizige vii it cuts through things (by burning)

zhaabwaakizo vai
  1. s/he gets x-rayed
  2. it (animate) is burned through

Paired with: zhaabwaakide vii

(derived noun) zhaabwaakizon ni an x-ray
zhaabwaakizon ni an x-ray

zhaabwaakizwi vta [NI]

zhaabwaakiz vta

zhaabwaakwadin vii it freezes or is frozen all the way through

Paired with: zhaabwaakwaji vai

zhaabwaakwaji vai it (animate) freezes or is frozen all the way through

Paired with: zhaabwaakwadin vii

zhaabwaanakwad vii clouds can be seen through, "you can see through the clouds"

zhaabwaandawe vai s/he climbs through

zhaabwaanimad vii wind blows through something

zhaabwaasige vai it (animate; the sun or moon) shines light through

zhaabwaate vii light shines through it

zhaabwaatewinaaganens ni [BL] a drinking glass

zhaabwaatewinaagaans ni a (drinking) glass

zhaabwaateyaa vii it is transparent

Paired with: zhaabwaatezi vai

zhaabwaatezi vai s/he or it (animate) is transparent

Paired with: zhaabwaateyaa vii

zhaabwii vai s/he goes through, passes through, achieves something, survives

zhaaganaash na an Englishman

(verb of being) zhaaganaashiiwi vai [BL] s/he is English
zhaaganaashiimo vai s/he speaks English

(applicative) zhaaganaashiimotaw vta speak English to h/ (applicative) zhaaganaashiimonodaw vta speak English to h/ (derived noun) zhaaganaashiimowin ni the English language
zhaaganaashiimonodaw vta speak English to h/

zhaaganaashiimotaw vta speak English to h/

zhaaganaashiimowin ni the English language

zhaaganaashiiwaki ni Canada

zhaaganaashiiwi vai [BL] s/he is English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'amaw vta write (it) in English to or for h/

zhaaganaashiiwibii'an vti write it in English

(detransitive) zhaaganaashiiwibii'ige vai s/he writes in English (benefactive) zhaaganaashiiwibii'amaw vta write (it) in English to or for h/ (verb of undergoing) zhaaganaashiiwibii'igaade vii it is written in English (by someone), "they" write it in English
zhaaganaashiiwibii'igaade vii it is written in English (by someone), "they" write it in English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'ige vai s/he writes in English

zhaaganaashiiwikwe na an English woman

zhaaganaashiiwinikaadan vti give it an English name, call it by an English name

Paired with: zhaaganaashiiwinikaazh vta

zhaaganaashiiwinikaade vii [BG] it has an English name, is called in English

zhaaganaashiiwinikaazh vta give h/ or it (animate) an English name, call h/ or it (animate) by an English name

Paired with: zhaaganaashiiwinikaadan vti

zhaaganaashiiwinikaazo vai [BL] s/he has an English name, is called in English

(derived noun) zhaaganaashiiwinikaazowin ni an English name
zhaaganaashiiwinikaazowin ni an English name

zhaaganaashiiwisidoon vti2 [BL] express it in English; write it in English

zhaagawaa vii it is oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawizi vai

zhaagawaabikad vii it (mineral) is oblong, is oval

Paired with: zhaagawaabikizi vai

zhaagawaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is oval, is oblong

Paired with: zhaagawaabikad vii

zhaagawibagad vii it has oval leaves

Paired with: zhaagawibagizi vai

zhaagawibagizi vai it (animate) has oval leaves

Paired with: zhaagawibagad vii

zhaagawiboode vii it is filed oblong or oval; it is sawn oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawiboozo vai

zhaagawiboodoon vti2 file it oblong or oval; saw it oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawiboozh vta

zhaagawiboozh vta file it (animate) oblong or oval; saw it (animate) oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawiboodoon vti2

zhaagawiboozo vai it (animate) is filed oblong or oval; it (animate) is sawn oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawiboode vii

zhaagawigamaa vii it is an oval lake

zhaagawi' vta make it (animate) oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawitoon vti2

zhaagawitoon vti2 make it oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawi' vta

zhaagawizhan vti cut it oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawizhwi vta

zhaagawizi vai it (animate) is oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawaa vii

zhaagawizhwi vta cut it (animate) oblong or oval

Paired with: zhaagawizhan vti

zhaagigamiiwan vii there is open water along the shore as the ice breaks up

zhaagode'e vai s/he is cowardly

(derived noun) zhaagode'ewin ni cowardice
zhaagode'ewin ni cowardice

zhaagomaagozi vai it (animate) smells mild

Paired with: zhaagomaagwad vii

zhaagomaagwad vii it smells mild

Paired with: zhaagomaagozi vai

zhaagomaaso vai it (animate) smells mild (burning or cooking), has a mild aroma

zhaagomaate vii it smells mild (burning or cooking), has a mild aroma

Paired with: zhaagomaaso vai

zhaagoodaabaso vai s/he can't stand the smoke

zhaagoodendam vai2

zhaagoodenim vta outthink, outwit h/; get the better of h/ (in a mental activity)

zhaagooj adv man anyway; regardless; no matter what; contrary to intention

See also: zhaagooj igo adv man

zhaagooj igo adv man anyway; regardless; no matter what; contrary to intention

See also: zhaagooj adv man

zhaagoojibinidiwag vai
  1. they defeat, beat each other (by pulling)
  2. they compete in tug-of-war

zhaagoojibizh vta defeat, beat h/ (with hands)

(reciprocal) zhaagoojibinidiwag vai
  1. they defeat, beat each other (by pulling)
  2. they compete in tug-of-war
zhaagooji' vta defeat, overcome, beat h/

Paired with: zhaagoojitoon vti2

(detransitive) zhaagooji'iwe vai s/he defeats, overcomes people
zhaagooji'iwe vai s/he defeats, overcomes people

zhaagoojinikebizh vta win arm wrestling h/

zhaagoojitoon vti2 defeat, beat, overcome it

Paired with: zhaagooji' vta

zhaagoozaabam vta outstare h/

zhaagoozom vta convince, persuade h/; get the best of h/ in an argument or debate

(reciprocal) zhaagoozondiwag vai they debate each other; they (try to) defeat, persuade, or overcome each other by speech
zhaagoozondiwag vai they (try to) defeat, persuade, or overcome each other by speech; they debate each other

zhaagwanaamo vai s/he has weak breathing

zhaagwaadad vii it is weak in power, is ineffective

Paired with: zhaagwaadizi vai

zhaagwaadizi vai s/he is weak in power, is ineffective

Paired with: zhaagwaadad vii

zhaagwaagamichige vai s/he makes a weak drink

zhaagwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is weak

zhaagwaagamitoon vti2 make it (a liquid) weak

(detransitive) zhaagwaagamichige vai s/he makes a weak drink
zhaagwaate vii it has a dim light, a weak light

zhaagwendan vti think it weak

Paired with: zhaagwenim vta

zhaagwenim vta think h/ weak, have doubts about h/

Paired with: zhaagwendan vti

zhaagwenimo vai s/he is reluctant, is afraid to do something, is introverted, lacks self confidence

(derived noun) zhaagwenimowin ni reluctance, introversion
zhaagwenimowin ni reluctance, introversion

zhaagwiiwii vai s/he is weak (in muscular strength)

zhaangaching adv qnt nine times

zhaangachinoon vii they (inanimate) are nine, there are nine of them

Paired with: zhaangachiwag vai

zhaangachiwag vai they (animate) are nine, there are nine of them

Paired with: zhaangachinoon vii

zhaangasimidana qnt num ninety