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maadagim vta start counting them (animate)

Paired with: maadagindan vti

maadagindan vti start counting, reading it

Paired with: maadagim vta

(detransitive) maadagindaaso vai s/he starts counting, starts reading
maadagindaaso vai s/he starts counting, starts reading

maadaginzo vai the month begins, it is the first (of the month)

maada'adoo vai s/he goes off following a trail

maada'adoon vti2 start following it (road or trail)

Paired with: maada'azh vta

maada'amaazo vai s/he starts singing

maada'an vti scrape the hair and fat from it (a skin)

(detransitive) maada'ige vai s/he scrapes hides (derived noun) maada'igan ni a hide scraper (for removing hair); a hide scraper, a flesher
maada'azh vta go off following h/ trail

Paired with: maada'adoon vti2

maada'igan ni a hide scraper, a flesher; a hide scraper (for removing hair)

maada'ige vai s/he scrapes hides

maada'ookii vai + o s/he distributes something, distributes gifts, shares something with others

(derived noun) maada'ookiiwin ni distribution; a gift for distribution
maada'ookiiwikwe na a woman in charge of the distribution of gifts

maada'ookiiwin ni a gift for distribution; distribution

maada'ookiiwinini na [BL] a man in charge of the distribution of gifts; a band councillor

maada'oonidiwag vai they distribute (something) to each other, share (something) among each other

maada'oozh vta distribute (it) to, share (it) with h/

(reciprocal) maada'oonidiwag vai they distribute (something) to each other, share (something) among each other
maadakamigad vii it starts, begins (as an event)

Paired with: maadakamigizi vai

maadakamigizi vai s/he starts, begins (in some event)

Paired with: maadakamigad vii

maadam vta start eating, start chewing h/

Paired with: maadandan vti

maadamandam vai s/he starts to have pain

maadanaamo vai s/he starts breathing

maadandan vti start eating, start chewing it

Paired with: maadam vta

(detransitive) maadanjige vai s/he starts eating, starts chewing
maadanjige vai s/he starts eating, starts chewing

maadanokaadan vti start working on it

Paired with: maadanokaazh vta

maadanokaazh vta start working on h/

Paired with: maadanokaadan vti

maadanokii vai s/he starts working

(applicative) maadanokaadan vti start working on it (applicative) maadanokaazh vta start working on h/
maadanoozo vai s/he starts smoking (tobacco)

maadashkime vai s/he starts weaving snowshoe webbing

maadataadiwag they start to play (a game or contest), start to contend

maadawinzo vai s/he starts to pick berries

maadaaboode vii it drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboozo vai

maadaaboono vai s/he drift off on the current

maadaaboozo vai s/he drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboode vii

maadaadagaako vai s/he starts off on the ice

maadaadagaazii vai s/he starts to wade off

maadaada'e vai s/he starts skating

maadaadizi vai s/he starts a journey

maadaadodan vti start telling about it

Paired with: maadaajim vta

maadaagiwebishkige vai [BL] s/he starts bicycling, starts riding a bicycle

maadaa'an vii it drifts off on the waves

Paired with: maadaa'ogo vai

maadaa'ogo vai s/he drifts off on the waves

See also: maadaa'an vii

maadaajim vta start telling of h/

Paired with: maadaadodan vti

maadaajimo vai s/he starts to tell

(applicative) maadaajimotaw vta start telling (it) to h/
maadaajimotaw vta start telling (it) to h/

maadaakide vii it starts burning

Paired with: maadaakizo vai

maadaakizo vai s/he starts burning

Paired with: maadaakide vii

maadaanagidoon vai [S] s/he starts off talking

maadaanagidoone vai [N] s/he starts off talking

See also: maadaanagidoon vai [S]

maadaandawe vai s/he starts off climbing

maadaanike vai s/he starts digging

maadaanimad vii the wind starts to blow; the wind picks up

maadaapi vai s/he leaves laughing

maadaasin vii it starts being blown away (by the wind); it begins to sail away, begins to soar away

Paired with: maadaashi vai

maadaaso vai s/he starts shining

Paired with: maadaate vii

maadaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: maadaasin vii

maadaate vii it starts shining

Paired with: maadaaso vai

maadaatese the movie or show starts

maadaawadaaso vai s/he starts to haul freight

maadaawadoon vti2 start hauling it

Paired with: maadaawazh vta

(detransitive) maadaawajige vai s/he starts to haul things away (detransitive) maadaawadaaso vai s/he starts to haul freight
maadaawajige vai s/he starts to haul things away

maadaawanidiwag vai they start off in a group

maadaawazh vta start hauling h/ away

Paired with: maadaawadoon vti2

(reciprocal) maadaawanidiwag vai they start off in a group
maadaazhagaame vai s/he starts off along the shore

maadaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he starts running along the shore

maadingwaam vai [S] s/he starts sleeping

maadizh vta operate on h/; perform sugery on h/; start cutting h/

Paired with: maadizhan vti See also: maadizhwi [NI]

maadizhan vti start cutting it

Paired with: maadizh vta ; maadizhwi [NI]

(detransitive) maadizhige vai s/he starts cutting
maadizekwe vai s/he starts cooking

maadizhige vai s/he starts cutting

maadizhwi [NI] start cutting h/

maadoode vai s/he crawls off

maadoom vta carry h/ off on h/ back

Paired with: maadoondan vti

maadoondan vti carry it off on h/ back

Paired with: maadoom vta

maadwewebizoni' vta start h/ (e.g., a car)

maadwewengwaami vai [RL] s/he starts to snore

maadwewetoo vai s/he begins to make sounds, begins to speak

maagizhaa adv man maybe; I think that..., perhaps, maybe

maagizhaa gaye adv man perhaps, maybe, might

See also: maagizhaa adv man

maagobidoon vti2 press, squeeze, or wring it to get liquid out

Paired with: maagobizh vta

maagobizh vta press, squeeze, or wring it (animate) to get liquid out

Paired with: maagobidoon vti2

maagojiibidoon vti2 squeeze it (something soft and hollow or belly-like)

Paired with: maagojiibizh vta

maagojiibizh vta squeeze h/ belly, squeeze h/ (something soft and hollow or belly-like)

Paired with: maagojiibidoon vti2

maagon vta press on h/ (with hand)

Paired with: maagonan vti

maagonamaw vta press on (it) for h/

maagonan vti press on it (with hand)

Paired with: maagon vta

(benefactive) maagonamaw vta press on (it) for h/ (detransitive) maagonige vai s/he presses on things (with hand) (verb of undergoing) maagonigaade vii it is pressed on (by someone with hand), "they" press on it (with hand) (verb of undergoing) maagonigaazo vai s/he is pressed on (by someone with hand), "they" press on h/ (with hand)
maagonigaade vii it is pressed on (by someone with hand), "they" press on it (with hand)

maagonigaazo vai s/he is pressed on (by someone with hand), "they" press on h/ (with hand)

maagonige vai s/he presses on things (with hand)

maagoshkan vti press, squeeze it (with foot or body)

Paired with: maagoshkaw vta

maagoshkaw vta press, squeeze h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: maagoshkan vti

maagoshkoodoon vti2 press it down [by weight]

Paired with: maagoshkoozh vta

maagoshkoozh vta press h/ down (by weight)

Paired with: maagoshkoodoon vti2

maagowebishkaw vta press down on h/ forcefully (with foot or body); kick start h/ (a motorcycle)

maagwam vta bite down on h/

Paired with: maagwandan vti

maagwandan vti bite down on it

Paired with: maagwam vta

(detransitive) maagwanjige vai s/he bites down on something
maagwanjige vai s/he bites down on something

maagwapidoon vti2 tie it down tight

Paired with: maagwapizh vta

maagwapizh vta tie h/ down tight

Paired with: maagwapidoon vti2

maagwapizon ni a corset, a girdle