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bapakwenese vii it emits quick puffs of smoke

bapangibiisaa vii rain drops fall

bapangigaa vii it is dripping, keeps dripping

Paired with: bapangigaa vai

bapangigaa vai it (animate) keeps dripping

bapangiskwe vai s/he keeps dripping blood

bapangishin vai s/he keeps falling; [pl] they fall one after another

bapasangaabi vai s/he blinks, winks repeatedly

bapasiboodoon vti2 file or plane grooves in it or in each

Paired with: bapasiboozh vta

bapasiboozh vta file or plane grooves in h/ or in each

Paired with: bapasiboodoon vti2

bapasidiye' vta spank h/

bapasidiyeshkaw vta kick h/ repeatedly in the rear

bapasikawewag vai they play the double-ball game; they play soccer

bapasininjii' vta slap, clap h/ hands

bapasininjii'amaw vta

bapasininjii'odizo vai s/he claps h/ (own) hands

bapasiingweganaam vta keep slapping h/ on the face forcefully

bapashanzhe' vta keep whipping h/

bapashkozi vai s/he, it (animate) is without fur or hair

bapashkwadowe vai it (animate) is bare of fur

bapashkwadoweshkaa vai it (animate) looses fur here and there

bapashkwakamigaa vii it is bare ground (cleared of vegetation)

bapashkwaa vii it is a clear area

bapawaangeni vai s/he shakes h/ wings

bapawibagizo vai s/he shakes off (as a dog when wet)

See also: bapawibani'o vai [BL]

bapawibani'o vai [BL] s/he shakes off (as a dog when wet)

See also: bapawibagizo vai

bapawii vai it (animate) shakes itself self off [e.g., a dog]

bapazigwii vai sh/e stands up and then gets down, gets up and down

bapaakwa'am vai2 s/he comes out of the woods

bapaasininjii'odiwag vai

bapidiyeni vai [BL] s/he sticks h/ butt through an opening

See also: dapidiyeni vai [MN]

bapiimojige vai s/he shoots things with an arrow or other projectile repeatedly

bapiingwa' vta keep throwing sand or ashes at h/

bapiinitam vai2 s/he doesn't heed, disobeys what s/he is told

bapiinitaw vta don't heed h/, disobey what s/he says

basadinaa vii it is a valley

basakamigaa vii there is a cleft, ditch, or gulley in the ground

basangaabi vai s/he blinks, winks

basaagitawageni vai s/he perks up h/ ears

basaawiganeganaam vta

basiboodoon vti2 file or plane a groove in it

Paired with: basiboozh vta

basiboozh vta file or plane a groove in h/

Paired with: basiboodoon vti2

basidiye' vta slap h/ on the rear

basidiyeshkaw vta kick h/ in the rear

basidoone' vta slap h/ on the mouth

basikawaadan vti kick it

Paired with: basikawaazh vta

basikawaazh vta kick h/

Paired with: basikawaadan vti

basikawe vai s/he kicks something up

basikobaa vii there is a ravine or valley in the bush

basikwebizo vai s/he wears a headband

(derived noun) basikwebizon ni a headband
basikwebizon ni a headband

basinaw vta

basindibeganaam vta slap h/ on the top of h/ head

basindibe' vta slap h/ on the top of h/ head

basininjii' vta slap h/ on the hand

basitebidoon vti2 shoot it with a slingshot

Paired with: basitebizh vta

basitebijigan ni [BL] a slingshot

See also: basitenigan ni

basitebizh vta shoot h/ with a slingshot

Paired with: basitebidoon vti2

basitenazh kill h/ with a slingshot

basitenigan ni a slingshot

See also: basitebijigan ni [BL]

basiingweganaam vta slap h/ on the face with force

basiingwe' vta slap h/ on the face

baswewe vii it echoes, resounds

Paired with: baswewe vai

baswewe vai s/he echoes, resounds

Paired with: baswewe vii

basweweyaabiigibidoon vti2 play, strum it so it echoes (as an electric guitar)

(detransitive) basweweyaabiigibijige vai s/he plays the electric guitar (derived noun) basweweyaabiigibijigan ni an electric guitar
basweweyaabiigibijigan ni an electric guitar

basweweyaabiigibijige vai s/he plays the electric guitar

bashanzhe' vta [MN] whip h/; punish h/ physically

Paired with: bashanzhe'an vti See also: bashanzhe'wi vta [NI]

bashanzhe'an vti whip it

Paired with: bashanzhe' vta [MN] ; bashanzhe'wi vta [NI]

(detransitive) bashanzhe'ige vai s/he whips (derived noun) bashanzhe'igan ni a whip, a switch
bashanzhe'igan ni a whip, a switch

bashanzhe'iganeyaab ni a strap (for punishment)

bashanzhe'ige vai s/he whips

bashanzhe'wi vta [NI] whip h/; punish h/ physically

bashanzhe' vta [MN] Paired with: bashanzhe'an vti See also: bashanzhe' vta [MN]

bashkasab na a net with a coarse mesh

bashkashkizi vai

bashkaabide vai s/he has a gap or gaps between h/ teeth, has widely spaced teeth

bashkaabide-binaakwaan ni a wide-tooth comb

bashkobidoon vti2 pick, pluck, snatch it; clear it off (with hands), weed it

Paired with: bashkobizh vta

(detransitive) bashkobijige vai s/he clears something off (with hands), weeds something
bashkobijige vai s/he clears something off (with hands), weeds something

bashkobizh vta pluck it (animate); clear it (animate) off (with hands)

Paired with: bashkobidoon vti2

bashkobiis vta scald h/ removing hair or feathers

Paired with: bashkobiisan vti

bashkobiisan vti scald it removing hair or feathers

Paired with: bashkobiis vta

(detransitive) bashkobiisige vai s/he scalds things removing hair or feathers
bashkobiisige vai s/he scalds things removing hair or feathers

bashkobiisin vii there is only water and sky on horizon, no sight of land

bashkobiiswi vta [NI]

bashkobiis vta

bashkoga'an vti clear it off (with an ax), clearcut it

(detransitive) bashkoga'ige vai s/he is brushing, is clearcutting (verb of undergoing) bashkoga'igaade vii it is clearcut
bashkoga'igaade vii it is clearcut

bashkoga'ige vai s/he is brushing, is clearcutting

bashkonaw vta [BL] shoot and miss h/

See also: bishkonaw vta

(detransitive) bashkonaage vai s/he misses (in shooting)
bashkonaage vai s/he misses (in shooting)

bashkozhan vti cut it all off; shear, mow it

(detransitive) bashkozhige vai s/he cuts everything off; shears, mows something
bashkozi vai s/he, it (animate) is without fur or hair

bashkozhige vai s/he cuts everything off; shears, mows something

bashkwada' vta weed h/ using a hoe

Paired with: bashkwada'an vti

bashkwada'an vti clear it off, weed it (using something like a hoe)

(detransitive) bashkwada'ige vai s/he clears something off, weeds something (using something like a hoe) (verb of undergoing) bashkwada'igaade vii it is cleared off, weeded (using something like a hoe) by someone
bashkwada'igaade vii it is cleared off, weeded (using something like a hoe) by someone

bashkwada'ige vai s/he clears something off, weeds something (using something like a hoe)

bashkwadikwane'ige vai s/he strips branches off a tree

bashkwadinaa vii it is a hill bare of trees

bashkwadowe vai it (animate) is bare of fur

bashkwakamigaa vii it is bare ground (cleared of vegetation)