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madwewechige vai s/he makes things sound, plays (music)

madwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums

madwewetaw vta play music for h/

madwewetoon vti2 make it sound, play it

(detransitive) madwewechige vai s/he makes things sound, plays (music) (benefactive) madwewetaw vta play music for h/ (derived noun) madwewechigan ni a musical instrument (especially a keyboard instrument): a piano, an organ
madweyaabideshin vai h/ teeth chatter

madweyaabidewaji vai h/ teeth chatter from the cold

madweyaabikise vai s/he (something mineral or metal) clinks, clangs, rattles, rings

Paired with: madweyaabikise vii

madweyaabikise vii it (something mineral or metal) clinks, clangs, rattles, rings

Paired with: madweyaabikise vai

madweyaabikisin vii it is heard hitting (as or on rock or metal), clangs, rings

Paired with: madweyaabikishin vai

madweyaabikishin vai s/he is heard hitting (as or on rock or metal), clangs, rings

Paired with: madweyaabikisin vii

madweyaabiiga'ige vai s/he plays a violin

madweyaabiigibidoon vti2 strum, play it (a guitar)

(detransitive) madweyaabiigibijige vai s/he strums something, plays a guitar (derived noun) madweyaabiigibijigan ni a guitar
madweyaabiigibijigan ni a guitar

madweyaabiigibijigani-biiwaabikoons ni a guitar string

madweyaabiigibijige vai s/he strums something, plays a guitar

madweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming

See also: madweyaadage vai [BL]

madweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading, "you" can hear h/ wading

madweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming

See also: madweyaadagaa vai

madweyaagone vai s/he is heard going through the snow, "you" can hear h/ going through the snow

madweyaajiwande vii it is heard boiling

Paired with: madweyaajiwanzo vai

madweyaajiwanzo vai s/he (a kettle) is heard boiling

Paired with: madweyaajiwande vii

madweyaakide vii it is heard burning, "you" can hear it burning

Paired with: madweyaakizo vai

madweyaakizo vai s/he is heard burning, "you" can hear h/ burning

Paired with: madweyaakide vii

madweyaakwadin vii it (something stick-like) is heard cracking in the cold

madweyaakwa'ige vai s/he knocks on wood, knocks on the door

madweyaakwaji vai is (animate; something stick-like or solid) heard cracking from the cold

Paired with: madweyaakwadin vii

madweyaandagaasin vii the boughs can be heard blowing in the wind

madweyaanike vai s/he is heard digging

madweyaanimad vii it is audible wind, "you" can hear the wind

madweyaasin vii it is heard blowing in the wind

Paired with: madweyaashi vai

madweyaashi vai it (animate) is heard blowing in the wind; s/he or it (animate) is heard soaring, sailing

Paired with: madweyaasin vii

madweyaashkaa vii waves can be heard, "you" can hear the waves

madweyoone'ige vai s/he makes noise on a canoe or boat

madwezan vti crack it (mineral) with fire or blasting

(detransitive) madwezige vai s/he is heard firing
madwezhaazo vai s/he can be heard urinating

madwezige vai s/he is heard firing

madwezigoshkaa vii ice moves making noise

madwezigwadin vii the sound of ice cracking is heard

madwezigwa'ige vai s/he is heard chopping ice

magozigoshin vai it (animate; a sled or sled runner) is iced up; s/he or it (animate) is coated with ice

magoodaas ni [BL] a dress

(verb of making) magoodaasike vai s/he makes a dress or dresses
magoodaasike vai s/he makes a dress or dresses

magwaagoneshin vai s/he lies covered with snow, is covered with snow (so only h/ shape or contour can be seen)

magwegigidigweshin vai

magwegishin vai s/he lies as a mound under blanket (sheet-like)


ma'iingan na a wolf

timberwolf / gray wolf
Canis lupus

(verb of being) ma'iinganiwi vai s/he is a wolf
ma'iinganasim na a German shepherd

ma'iinganaanow ni a wolf's tail

ma'iingani-nagwaagan ni a wolf snare

ma'iinganiwayaan na a wolf hide

ma'iinganiwi vai s/he is a wolf

maji- pv lex bad

maji-izhi vta speak ill of or to h/; swear at h/

maji-izhiwebizi vai s/he misbehaves, behaves improperly, is naughty, is evil

maji-manidoo na an evil spirit, a devil

maji-manidoowaadizi vai s/he is evil, is possessed by an evil spirit

maji-mashkiki ni poison; bad medicine: a remedy or spell having or intended to have negative results

majigiizhwe vai s/he swears

majigoodenh ni a dress

majinaagozi vai s/he looks bad, looks poor, looks inadequate

Paired with: majinaagwad vii

majinaagwad vii it looks bad, looks poor, looks inadequate

Paired with: majinaagozi vai

majitan vti dislike the sound of it

makade ni black gunpowder

makade- pv lex black; dark (color)

makade-aniibiish ni black tea

makade-aniibiishi-ozhaawishkwaa vii [NI] it is dark green

makade-bakwezhigan na unbleached flour

makade-bigiw na tar, asphalt

makade-ma'iingan na a black wolf

makade-manidoominens na a black bead

makade-manoomin ni black wild rice

makade-mashkikiwaabo ni [BL] coffee

See also: makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN]

makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN] coffee

See also: makade-mashkikiwaabo ni [BL]

makade-miigwan na a black feather

See also: makadewigwan na

makade-ozaawadowe vai s/he has dark-brown fur

makade-ozhaawishkozi vai [NI]

Paired with: makade-ozhaawishkwaa vii [NI]

makade-ozhaawishkwaa vii [NI] it is dark blue, is navy blue

Paired with: makade-ozhaawishkozi vai [NI]

makade-waagosh na a black fox

red fox
Vulpes vulpes

makadeke vai s/he blackens h/ face with charcoal (as when fasting for a vision)

makadekoozh vta blacken h/ face with charcoal when fasting

makademashkikiwaabo ni coffee

makade-mashkikiwaabo ni [BL]

makademashkikiwaaboo ni coffee

makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN]

makademik na a black beaver

makadepwaaganasin na black pipestone

makadewadaawangaa vii there is black sand, a black beach

makadewadis vta dye, color it (animate) black

Paired with: makadewadisan vti

makadewadisan vti dye, color it black

makadewadiso vai s/he is dyed black

Paired with: makadewadite vii

makadewadite vii it is dyed black

Paired with: makadewadiso vai

makadewadowe vai s/he has black fur, has dark fur

makadewakamigaa vii it is black ground

makadewamik na a black beaver

makadewanagekozi vai it (animate) has dark bark

Paired with: makadewanagekwad vii

makadewanagekwad vii it has dark bark

Paired with: makadewanagekozi vai

makadewazhe vai s/he has dark sklin, black skin

makadewaa vii it (canoe) is black, is dark (in color)

Paired with: makadewizi vai

makadewaabate vii it emits black smoke

makadewaabikad vii it is black (as something mineral)

Paired with: makadewaabikizi vai

makadewaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is black (as something mineral)
  2. s/he is in eclipse, there is an eclipse (of the sun or moon)

Paired with: makadewaabikad vii