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babiikwashkoozo vai it (a net) knots up

babiikwaabiigad vii it (string-like) has knots, has lumps on it

Paired with: babiikwaabiigizi vai

babiikwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) has knots, has lumps on it

Paired with: babiikwaabiigad vii

babiikwaadigose vii there are riffles (ruffles) in the flowing water

babiikwaakoninjiini vai

babiikwaakwadwaagonagin vta make h/ (snow) into snowballs

babiikwaanakwad vii it is a cumulus cloud

babiikwaanakwad vii there are cumulus clouds

babiikwaanaamikaa vii the bottom (of a body of water) is rough and bumpy

babiikwaanikwe'o vai s/he combs h/ hair in a wave or waves

babiimwaagonatoon vti2

babiimwaagone'idiwag vai they have a snowball fight

babiinitam vai2 s/he doesn't listen, doesn't follow instructions, disregards or disobers instructions

babiinitaw vta don't follow h/ instructions, disregard or disobey h/ instructions

babiinzikawaagan ni a coat, a jacket

See also: biinzikawaagan ni [BL]

(verb of possession) obabiinzikawaagani vai s/he has a coat or jacket
babiisibii'an vti write it small, draw it small

(detransitive) babiisibii'ige vai s/he writes small
babiisibii'ige vai s/he writes small

babiisibiisaa vii there is light rain, drizzle; it is drizzling

babiiskijiitaa vai s/he bends, folds, flexes h/ body repeatedly

babiiskinikeni vai s/he bends, flexes h/ arms

babiishigonan keep missing it grabbing or catching it; keep dropping or letting it go from your grasp

babiitaakodoondaneshin vai s/he keeps hitting h/ heels on it (stick-like) accidentally

babiitaakoshkan vti

babiiwanowe vai s/he has tiny cheeks

babiiwaabide vai s/he has tiny teeth

babiiwaakoziwag vai they (animate; stick-like) are small

Paired with: babiiwaakwadoon vii

babiiwaakwadoon vii they (stick-like) are small

Paired with: babiiwaakoziwag vai

babiiwaawan vii they (inanimate) are small, are tiny

Paired with: babiiwizhenyiwag vai [NI] ; babiiwizhiinyiwag vai

babiiwiminagadoon vii they are tiny (as something ball-like)

Paired with: babiiwiminagiziwag vai

babiiwiminagiziwag vai they are tiny (as something ball-like)

Paired with: babiiwiminagadoon vii

babiiwinike vai s/he has small arms; s/he has thin arms

babiiwininjii vai s/he has tiny hands

babiiwishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has small eyes

babiiwitawage vai s/he has tiny ears

babiiwizhenyiwag vai [NI] they (animate) are small, are tiny

Paired with: babiiwaawan vii See also: babiiwizhiinyiwag vai

babiiwizide vai s/he has tiny feet

babiiwizidekawe vai s/he leaves tiny-footed tracks

babiiwizhiinyiwag vai they (animate) are small, are tiny

Paired with: babiiwaawan vii See also: babiiwizhenyiwag vai [NI]

babiizigaa vii it is curly, is curled, is crinkled

Paired with: babiizigizi vai

babiizigaakiz vta curl h/ hair (by heat)

babiizigaakizan vti curl it (by heat)

Paired with: babiizigaakiz vta

(derived noun) babiizigaakizigan ni a curling iron (detransitive) babiizigaakizige vai h/ hair is curled (by heat)
babiizigaakizigan ni a curling iron

babiizigaakizige vai h/ hair is curled (by heat)

babiizigaakizigewigamig ni a beauty parlor, a hair dressing salon

babiizigaakizigewikwe na a (female) hairdresser

babiizigaakizigewinini na a (male) hairdresser

babiizigaakizo vai s/he curls h/ hair

(derived noun) babiizigaakizon ni a curler
babiizigaakizon ni a curler

babiizigaanikwe vai s/he has curly hair

babiizigaanikweyaakizigan ni a curling iron

babiizigaanikweyaakizige vai s/he curls hair, gives permanents

babiizigaanikweyaakizigekwe na a hairdresser (female)

babiizigaanikweyaakizo vai s/he has h/ hair curled (by heat); s/he gets a pemanent

babiizigaanikweyaakizwi vta curl h/ hair (by heat); give h/ a permanent

babiizigindibe vai s/he has curly hair

babiizigishkaa vii it curls up, crinkles

babiizigitaagozi vai s/he sounds hoarse; h/ voice is not clear

babiizigitigwaane vai s/he has curly hair

babiizigizi vai it (animate) is curly, is curled, is crinkled

Paired with: babiizigaa vii

babiizigiigad vii it (sheet-like) is curled, is crinkled, is crumpled

Paired with: babiizigiigizi vai

babiizigiigishkaa vii it (sheet-like) curls up, wrinkles

babiizigiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is curled, is crinkled, is crumpled

Paired with: babiizigiigad vii

babiizigwagazhe vai babiizigwagazhe

badagoshkan vti cover it with h/ body, lie protectively on it

Paired with: badagoshkaw vta

badagoshkaw vta cover h/ with body, lie protectively on h/

Paired with: badagoshkan vti

badagoshkwemaginan vti cover it with bark

badagwana' vta cover h/

Paired with: badagwana'an vti

badagwana'an vti cover it

Paired with: badagwana' vta

(detransitive) badagwana'ige vai s/he covers things (verb of undergoing) badagwana'igaade vii it is covered (by someone), "they" cover it (verb of undergoing) badagwana'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is covered (by someone), "they" cover h/ or it (animate) badagwana'igan ni a cover, a tarpaulin
badagwana'igan ni a cover, a tarpaulin

badagwana'igaade vii it is covered (by someone), "they" cover it

Paired with: badagwana'igaazo vai

badagwana'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is covered (by someone), "they" cover h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: badagwana'igaade vii

badagwana'ige vai s/he covers things

badagwiingweshin vai s/he lies with h/ face covered

badaka' vta
  1. stick h/ or it (animate) with something sharp, prick h/ or it (animate), use a fork on it (animate)
  2. give h/ an injection, a shot

Paired with: badaka'an vti

(reflexive) badaka'odizo vai s/he sticks, pricks h/ self (with something sharp); s/he gives h/self an injection
badaka'an vti stick it (with something sharp), prick it, use a fork on it

Paired with: badaka' vta

(detransitive) badaka'ige vai s/he sticks something in things, pricks things (derived noun) badaka'igan ni a fork
badaka'igan ni a fork

badaka'ige vai s/he sticks something in things, pricks things

badaka'odizo vai s/he sticks, pricks h/ self (with something sharp); s/he gives h/self an injection

badakakiiwebinan vti throw it sticking into the ground

badakashka'igan ni a pitchfork

badakaakose vai it (animate) sticks in wood

Paired with: badakaakose vii

badakaakose vii it sticks in wood

Paired with: badakaakose vai

badakaakosidoon vti2 stick it in wood

Paired with: badakaakoshim vta

badakaakosin vii it sticks in wood

Paired with: badakaakoshin vai

badakaakoshim vta stick h/ in wood

Paired with: badakaakosidoon vti2

badakaakoshin vai s/he sticks in wood

Paired with: badakaakosin vii

badakibidoon vti2 hook, snag it

Paired with: badakibizh vta

(detransitive) badakibijige vai s/he hooks something
badakibijige vai s/he hooks something

badakibine'o vai s/he sticks a feather in h/ (own) hair or hat

badakibine'on na a plume, a single feather ornament worn in the hair

badakibizh vta hook, grab onto h/ (with something sharp)

Paired with: badakibidoon vti2

badakide vii it sticks up, stands, stands up (from a surface), is planted in

badakidoon vti2 erect, plant it; set it up, stand it up

Paired with: badakizh vta

badakidoondaneshin vai s/he steps on something sharp and pricks h/ heel

badakiga'igan ni a pickaroon

badakijigan ni a post; a cornerpost

badakijin vai s/he gets pricked

badakijii'iganaak ni a cribbage board

badakijii'igewataadiwag vai [BL] they play cribbage

(derived noun) badakijii'igewataadiwin ni [BL] cribbage
badakijii'igewataadiwin ni [BL] cribbage