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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

bagamidaabaazo vai s/he or it (animate) arrives, gets here pulled, pushed, or dragged (on something)

Paired with: bagamidaabaade vii

bagamidaabii vai s/he arrives pulling or dragging a load

bagamidaabii'iwe vai s/he arrives driving

bagamigidaazo vai s/he arrives angry, arrives mad

bagamigozi vai s/he moves in, arrives with h/ belongings

bagamijiwan vii it arrives flowing, flows in

bagamine vai s/he arrives sick

bagaminizhimo vai s/he arives in flight

bagamipon vii the snow arrives, it starts snowing

bagamise vii it arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vai

bagamise vai s/he arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vii

bagamishkaa vai s/he arrives paddling, arrives by boat

bagamiwane vai s/he arrives with pack

bagamiwebinan vti get it there by throwing or shoving

bagamiwidaaso vai s/he arrives carrying a load, arrives hauling freight

bagamiwidoon vti2 arrive carrying it

Paired with: bagamiwizh vta

(detransitive) bagamiwidaaso vai s/he arrives carrying a load, arrives hauling freight
bagamiwizh vta arrive carrying h/

Paired with: bagamiwidoon vti2

bagamiinowag vai they arrive in a group (a swarm, a flock, a school)

bagamiinowag vai they arrive in a group (a swarm, a flock, a school)

bagamose vai s/he arrives walking

bagamoode vai s/he arrives crawling

bagamoom vta arrive carrying h/ on back

bagamoomigo vai s/he arrives on horseback

bagamoondan vti arrive carrying it on back

Paired with: bagamoom vta

bagamwewebide vii it can be heard driving in, arriving

Paired with: bagamwewebizo vai

bagamwewebizo vai s/he can be heard driving in, arriving

Paired with: bagamwewebide vii

bagamwewetoo vai s/he arrives making noise with something

bagamwewidam vai2 s/he arrives sounding, arrives vocalizing

bagandizi vai s/he is lazy, is shiftless, is incompetent

bagaskanjige vai s/he eats making slurping noise

bagaskaadagaazii vai [BR] s/he wades splashing through the water

bagaskidiye' vta slap h/ on the rear

bagaskijii'an vti hit it making a slapping noise

bagaskimisade' vta slap h/ on the stomach making a slapping sound

bagaskindibe' vta club h/ on the head

bagaskise vii it falls and lands with a splat

bagaskise vai s/he falls and lands with a splat

Paired with: bagaskise vii

bagaskisin vii it makes a splat hitting something or falling

Paired with: bagaskishin vai

bagaskishin vai s/he makes a splat hitting something or falling

Paired with: bagaskisin vii

bagaskiingweganaam vta smack h/ on the face

bagaskiingwe' vta slap h/ on the face making a slapping sound

bagaan na a nut, a hazelnut, a peanut

bagaani-bimide ni peanut butter

bagaaniminzh na a hazelnut bush

American hazelnut, beaked hazelnut
Corylus spp.

bagaanimizhiins na a hazel bush

bagesaan na a plum

American plum
Prunus americana

(verb of abundance) bagesaanikaa vii there are (a lof of) plums
bagesaanaatig na a plum tree

American plum
Prunus americana

bagesaani-baashkiminasigan ni plum sauce or jam

bagesaanikaa vii there are (a lof of) plums

bagesaaniminagaawanzh na a plum bush

American plum
Prunus americana

bagese vai s/he plays the dish game

bagesewinaagan ni dish used in the dish game

bagida'waa vai s/he fishes (with a net), sets net

(derived noun) bagida'waawin ni setting nets
bagida'waawin ni setting nets

bagida'wewin ni fishing using a net

bagida'wewinini na a commercial net fisherman

bagidam vta release h/ from the mouth

Paired with: bagidandan vti

bagidanaamo vai s/he breathes, exhales

(derived noun) bagidanaamowin ni breathing, breath
bagidanaamochigan ni [RL] a (vehicle) muffler

bagidanaamowin ni breathing, breath

bagidandan vti let it drop from the mouth

Paired with: bagidam vta

bagidaabaan ni a setline, a trotline: a fishing line with multiple hooks set across a stretch of water

bagidaabii vai s/he fishes with a setline

(derived noun) bagidaabaan ni a setline, a trotline: a fishing line with multiple hooks set across a stretch of water
bagidaabiigin vta let h/ out on a line

Paired with: bagidaabiiginan vti

bagidaabiiginan vti let it out on a line

Paired with: bagidaabiigin vta

bagidaa'waawin ni

bagidaakwii vai s/he lets go of something held on to (something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)

bagidendan vti release it from your mind, try to forget about it, let it go (and don't think abut it)

Paired with: bagidenim vta

(detransitive) bagidenjige vai
  1. s/he releases things from h/ mind
  2. s/he holds a funeral
(verb of undergoing) bagidenjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate)
bagidenim vta
  1. release h/ from your mind
  2. complete mourning for h/
  3. bury h/ or it (animate)
  4. let h/ or it (animate) go (and don't think about h/ or it)

Paired with: bagidendan vti

bagidenimo vai s/he loses hope, gives up on something, lets go

bagidenjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate)

bagidenjige vai
  1. s/he releases things from h/ mind
  2. s/he holds a funeral

bagidin vta
  1. set h/ down; offer, release h/
  2. allow h/

Paired with: bagidinan vti

bagidinamaw vta set (it) down for h/; offer, release, allow (it) to h/

bagidinan vti
  1. allow it
  2. set it down; offer, release it

Paired with: bagidin vta

(detransitive) bagidinige vai s/he sets things down; offers, releases, allows things (verb of undergoing) bagidinigaade vii it is set down, offered, released, allowed (by someone), "they" set it down; offer, release, allow it (verb of undergoing) bagidinigaazo vai s/he is set down, offered, released (by someone), "they" set h/ down; offer, release h/ (benefactive) bagidinamaw vta set (it) down for h/; offer, release, allow (it) to h/
bagidinigaade vii it is set down, offered, released, allowed (by someone), "they" set it down; offer, release, allow it

bagidinigaazo vai s/he is set down, offered, released (by someone), "they" set h/ down; offer, release h/

Paired with: bagidinigaade vii

bagidinige vai s/he sets things down; offers, releases, allows things

bagidinisaadan vti put it (wood) on a fire or in the stove

bagidinise vai s/he puts wood on or in the fire

(applicative) bagidinisaadan vti put it (wood) on a fire or in the stove
bagidoom vta set h/ down off one's back

Paired with: bagidoondan vti

bagidoondan vti set it down off h/ back

Paired with: bagidoom vta

bagijigan ni an offering, a gift

bagijige vai s/he makes an offering

bagijigan ni an offering, a gift
bagijinige vai s/he sets down a load from h/ shoulder

bagijitaa vai s/he lets loose, releases; s/he loosens up

bagijiwane vai s/he sets down h/ pack

bagijwebin vta release h/ quickly; throw h/ down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebinan vti

bagijwebinan vti release it quickly, throw it down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebin vta

(detransitive) bagijwebinige vai she releases something quickly, throws something down quickly (verb of undergoing) bagijwebinigaade vii it is released quickly (by someone), thrown down quickly (by someone) (verb of undergoing) bagijwebinigaazo vai s/he is released quickly (by someone), is thrown down quickly (by someone)
bagijwebinigaade vii it is released quickly (by someone), thrown down quickly (by someone)

bagijwebinigaazo vai s/he is released quickly (by someone), is thrown down quickly (by someone)

bagijwebinige vai she releases something quickly, throws something down quickly

bagite'igan ni a hammer

See also: bakite'igan ni

bagitejii'ige vai [N] s/he plays baseball

See also: bakitejii'ige vai

bagitejii'ige-wiiwakwaan ni [N] a baseball cap

bagitejii'igewinini na [N] a baseball player; a batter

See also: bakitejii'igewinini na

bagiteshka'ige vai s/he threshes field crops

bagiwayaan ni [LLC] a shirt, (a piece of) cloth

See also: babagiwayaan ni

bagiwayaanegamig ni a tent

See also: babagiwayaanegamig ni

bagiwayaaneshkimod ni a cloth bag