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wiikwajitoon vti2 try to do it; try to get free of it

Paired with: wiikwaji' vta

wiikwam vta
  1. suck on h/ ; draw on h/ with mouth
  2. invite h/ to a feast (especially as part of a religious ceremony)

Paired with: wiikwandan vti See also: wiikom vta

(detransitive) wiikwange vai s/he invites people (reciprocal) wiikwandiwag vai they feast each other, have a feast
(derived noun) wiikwandiwin ni feast food; a feast
wiikwamo vai s/he sucks

wiikwanaamo vai s/he draws in breath, inhales

wiikwandamaw vta suck (it) out for h/

wiikwandan vti suck on it; draw on it with mouth

Paired with: wiikwam vta

(benefactive) wiikwandamaw vta suck (it) out for h/ (detransitive) wiikwanjige vai s/he sucks on things; s/he draws on things with mouth (verb of undergoing) wiikwanjigaade vii it is sucked out (by someone), "they" suck it out
wiikwandiwag vai they feast each other, have a feast

See also: wiikondiwag vai

wiikwandiwin ni a feast; feast food

wiikwange vai s/he invites people

wiikwanjigaade vii it is sucked out (by someone), "they" suck it out

wiikwanjige vai s/he draws on things with mouth; s/he sucks on things

wiikwazom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

(detransitive) wiikwazonge vai s/he persuades, urges, convinces people (reciprocal) wiikwazondiwag vai they persuade, urge, convince each other
wiikwazondiwag vai they persuade, urge, convince each other

wiikwazonge vai s/he persuades, urges, convinces people

wiikwaabiigibidoon vti2 pull it on a line or as a line

Paired with: wiikwaabiigibizh vta

wiikwaabiigibizh vta pull h/ on a line

Paired with: wiikwaabiigibidoon vti2

wiikwaabiigin vta pull h/ with a rope

Paired with: wiikwaabiiginan vti

wiikwaabiiginan vti pull it with a rope

Paired with: wiikwaabiigin vta

wiikwaakwa'igan ni a fishing reel

wiikwaanikwebizh vta pull h/ hair

wiikwaasin vii it is drawn towards or pulled in by the wind or moving air

wiikwaasindoon vti2 [BL]
  1. vacuum it
  2. apply suction to it

(derived noun) wiikwaasinjigan ni [BL]
  1. a vacuum cleaner
  2. an aspirator; a suction machine
wiikwaasinjigan ni [BL]
  1. a vacuum cleaner
  2. an aspirator; a suction machine

wiikwaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is drawn towards or pulled in by the wind or moving air

Paired with: wiikwaasin vii

wiikwed ni bay

wiikwegamaa vii it is a bay

wiikwekamigaa vii it is end of the ground

wiikweyaa vii it is a bay

wiikwii vai s/he pulls (with h/ whole body)

wiimaa- pv lex go around something, make a detour

wiimaabizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives around something, takes a detour

wiimaabizo' vta drive around h/, make a detour around h/ driving

wiimaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles around something, takes a detour paddling

wiimaashkan vti go around, detour around, skirt it

Paired with: wiimaashkaw vta [BL]

wiimaashkaw vta [BL] go around, detour arounds, skirt h/

Paired with: wiimaashkan vti

wiimaashkaa vai s/he goes around something; detours around, skirts something

wiimaayaajimo vai s/he leave something out of the story, evades the truth, prevaricates

wiimbanak na

wiimbanakad vii it is a hollow log

Paired with: wiimbanakizi vai

wiimbanakizi vai it (animate) is a hollow tree

wiimbaa vii

Paired with: wiimbizi vai

wiimbaabikad vii it (mineral) is hollow, has a cavity

Paired with: wiimbaabikizi vai

wiimbaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is hollow, has a cavity

Paired with: wiimbaabikad vii


wiimbaatig na a hollow tree

wiimbikodan vti carve a depression in it, hollow it out by carving

Paired with: wiimbikozh vta

wiimbikozh vta carve a depression in it (animate), hollow it (animate) out by carving

Paired with: wiimbikodan vti

wiimbinaagan ni [BL] a bowl

wiimbizi vai it (animate) is hollow

Paired with: wiimbaa vii

wiimbizigwa'ige vai

wiimbwewe vii it gives a hollow sound

wiin pc disc [contrastive particle]

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next
wiinabi vai s/he lives in a dirty place; s/he sits in dirt

wiinad vii it is dirty

Paired with: wiinizi vai

wiinadaawangaa vii there is dirty sand

wiinag nid his penis

wiinakamigaa vii it is dirty ground

wiinakamigisin vii it gets dirty lying on ground

Paired with: wiinakamigishin vai

wiinakamigishin vai s/he gets dirty lying on ground

Paired with: wiinakamigisin vii

wiinam vta [BL] gets h/ dirty with the mouth

Paired with: wiinandan vti

wiinandan vti get it dirty with the mouth

Paired with: wiinam vta [BL]

(detransitive) wiinanjige vai s/he gets things dirty with the mouth, gets things dirty by eating them; s/he eats dirty things
wiinanjige vai s/he gets things dirty with the mouth, gets things dirty by eating them; s/he eats dirty things

wiinanowe vai s/he has a dirty cheek or dirty cheeks

wiinapizo vai s/he wears dirty clothes

wiinate vai it is a dirty house or room

wiinawaa pron per they, them

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per ; gewiinawaa pron per

wiinetawaa pron per only they, only them; just them wiinitamawaa pron per their turn, them next
wiinazhe vai s/he has dirty skin, h/ skin is dirty

wiinaabide vai s/he has a dirty tooth, has dirty teeth

wiinaabikad vii it (mineral) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabikizi vai

wiinaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabikad vii

wiinaabiigad vii it (string-like) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabiigizi vai

wiinaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is dirty ; s/he is dirty (as if s/he has with strings of dirt on h/)

Paired with: wiinaabiigad vii

wiinaagamin vii it (a liquid) is dirty, is polluted

wiinaagonagaa vii there is dirty snow

wiinaajimo vai s/he tells an indecent or dirty story

wiinaakigane vai s/he has a dirty chest

wiinaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is dirty

wiinaakwad vii it is dirty (stick-like)

Paired with: wiinaakozi vai

wiinaanagiingwe vai s/he has a dirty face

wiinaange na a vulture

turkey vulture, buzzard
Cathartes aura

wiinaanikwe vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty

wiinaanziye vai s/he has a dirty diaper

wiindamaw vta tell h/ about (it), inform h/ about (it)

(reciprocal) wiindamaadiwag vai they tell each other something (reflexive) wiindamaadizo vai s/he tells h/ self something (detransitive) wiindamaage vai s/he tells (it) to people, announces (it) to people, informs people
wiindamaadiwag vai they tell each other something

wiindamaadizo vai s/he tells h/ self something

wiindamaage vai s/he tells (it) to people, announces (it) to people, informs people

wiindamaagoowizi vai s/he is given a message (by a higher power)

wiindan vti name it, mention its name, give it a name

Paired with: wiinzh vta

(benefactive) wiindamaw vta tell h/ about (it), inform h/ about (it)
wiindaawaso vai s/he names a child, gives names, has a naming ceremony

wiindaawasowin ni a naming ceremony

wiinde vii it has a name

Paired with: wiinzo vai

wiindigoo na windigo: a winter cannibal monster

(verb of being) wiindigoowi vai s/he is a windigo
wiindigoo-bineshiinh na a kingbird

eastern kingbird
Tyrannus tyrannus

wiindigoowi vai s/he is a windigo

wiinendan vti consider it dirty

Paired with: wiinenim vta

wiinenim vta consider h/ dirty

Paired with: wiinendan vti

wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

wiinetawaa pron per only they, only them; just them

wiingashk ni sweet grass

Hierochloe odorata