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wiisagan vii it is bitter

Paired with: wiisagizi vai

wiisaganaamozo vai s/he suffers from smoke inhalation

wiisagaabaso vai h/ eyes hurt from the smoke

wiisagaabate vii there is irritating smoke

wiisagaagamin vii it (a liquid) is bitter

wiisagaakizo vai s/he hurts from being burnt

wiisagaapinazh vta injure h/; hurt h/

wiisagaapine vai s/he hurts, suffers physically, suffer from an illness

(applicative) wiisagaapinazh vta hurt h/; injure h/
wiisagendam vai2 s/he suffers pain, is in pain, hurts

wiisagendami' vta cause h/ pain, make h/ hurt

wiisagendamowin ni pain (from sickness)

wiisagi- pv lex bitter

wiisagi-jiisens ni a radish

wiisagi-mitigomizh na red oak

northern red oak
Quercus rubra

wiisagibizh vta hurt h/ with the hands (by manipulating, pulling, pinching, etc.)

wiisagidenaniwe vai h/ tongue hurts

wiisagidiye vai h/ rear hurts

wiisagidiyeshin vai s/he hurts h/ butt in a fall

wiisagidooskwane vai h/ elbow hurts / h/ elbows hurt

wiisagidooskwaneshin vai s/he hurts h/ elbow or elbows on something or in a fall

wiisagigaadeshin vai s/he hurts h/ leg or legs on something or by falling

wiisagigidigweshin vai s/he hurts his knee or knees on something or by falling

wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts

wiisagijiibikoons ni a radish

wiisagimaagozi vai it (animate) smells bitter, smells spicy

Paired with: wiisagimaagwad vii

wiisagimaagwad vii it smells bitter, smells spicy

Paired with: wiisagimaagozi vai

wiisagimaaso vai it (animate) has a bitter aroma, smells bitter burning or cooking

Paired with: wiisagimaate vii

wiisagimaate vii it has a bitter aroma, smells bitter (burning or cooking)

Paired with: wiisagimaaso vai

wiisagindibeshin vai s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something

wiisagine vai s/he hurts, is in pain from an illness

wiisaginikeshin vai s/he hurts h/ arm or arms on something or by falling

wiisagininjii vai h/ hand hurts or hands hurt

wiisagininjiishin vai s/he hurts h/ hand or hands on something or by falling

wiisagip vta find h/ tastes biiter, tastes spicy

Paired with: wiisagipidan vti

wiisagipidan vti find it tastes bitter, tastes spicy

See also: wiisagip vta

wiisagipogozi vai it (animate) tastes bitter, tastes spicy

Paired with: wiisagipogwad vii

wiisagipogwad vii it tastes bitter, tastes spicy

Paired with: wiisagipogozi vai

wiisagishin vai s/he gets hurt (on something), gets hurt falling

wiisagishkaw vta hurt h/ (by bumping or kicking)

(reciprocal) wiisagishkodaadiwag vai they hurt each other (by bumping)
wiisagishkodaadiwag vai they hurt each other (by bumping)

wiisagishkoozh vta hurt h/ by crushing with weight

wiisagishkoozo vai s/he hurts from crushing weight

wiisagishtigwaaneshin vai [S] s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something

See also: wiisagitigwaaneshin vai [BL]

wiisagitaagozi vai s/he is shrill, screeches, squeals

wiisagitigwaaneshin vai [BL] s/he hurts h/ head falling or hitting against something

See also: wiisagishtigwaaneshin vai [S]

wiisagizi vai it (animate) is bitter (to the taste)

Paired with: wiisagan vii

wiisagizideshin vai s/he hurts h/ foot or feet on something or by falling

wiisakwe vai s/he has a high, shrill voice

wiisaakodewikwe na a Metis woman; a Native woman of mixed ancestry

See also: wiisaakodewinini na

wiisaakodewinini na a Metis (especially male); a Native person of mixed ancestry

See also: wiisaakodewikwe na

wiisini vai s/he eats

(derived noun) wiisiniwin ni food
(verb of making) wiisiniwinike vai s/he prepares food
wiisiniwin ni food

wiisiniwin-adaawewigamig ni a grocery store

See also: wiisinii-adaawewigamig ni

wiisiniwinike vai s/he prepares food

wiisinii-adaawewigamig ni a grocery store

See also: wiisiniwin-adaawewigamig ni

wiisiniiwi-mitigoons ni a chopstick

wiisiniiwigamig ni a restaurant, a cafe; a dining room

wiisiniiwikomaan ni a table knife

wiisookaw vta associate with, be frequently with, be friendly with h/

(reciprocal) wiisookodaadiwag vai they associate with each other, are with each other frequently, are friendly with each other
wiisookodaadiwag vai they associate with each other, are with each other frequently, are friendly with each other

wiish ni [BL] lodge of an animal

wiishaagomaagozi vai s/he has body odor

Paired with: wiishaagomaagwad vii

wiishaagomaagwad vii it smells of body odor

Paired with: wiishaagomaagozi vai

wiishkoban vii it is sweet

Paired with: wiishkobizi vai

wiishkobanjige vai s/he eats sweets

(verb of addiction) wiishkobanjigeshki vai s/he has a sweet tooth
wiishkobanjigeshki vai s/he has a sweet tooth

wiishkobaaboo ni maple sap

wiishkobaagamin vii it (a liquid) is sweet

wiishkobi- pv lex sweet

wiishkobi-bakwezhigan na a pastry, a cake, a sweet roll

wiishkobi-jiis ni a sugar beet

wiishkobi-mitigomizh na white oak

Quercus alba

wiishkobimaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) smells sweet

Paired with: wiishkobimaagwad vii

wiishkobimaagwad vii it smells sweet

Paired with: wiishkobimaagozi vai

wiishkobipidan vti find it tastes sweet

wiishkobipogozi vai it (animate) tastes sweet

Paired with: wiishkobipogwad vii

wiishkobipogwad vii it tastes sweet

Paired with: wiishkobipogozi vai

wiishkobitoon vti2 sweeten it

wiishkobizi vai it (animate) is sweet

Paired with: wiishkoban vii

wiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: owiitaan nad

wiiwakwaan ni a cap, a hat

wiiwakwe'oodoon vti2

wiiwan nad his wife

wiiwegin vta wrap h/

Paired with: wiiweginan vti

wiiweginamaw vta wrap (it) for h/

wiiweginan vti wrap it (as or as with something sheet-like)

Paired with: wiiwegin vta

(detransitive) wiiweginige vai s/he wraps (things) (benefactive) wiiweginamaw vta wrap (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) wiiweginigaade vii it is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap it (verb of undergoing) wiiweginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap h/ or it (animate) (derived noun) wiiweginigan ni a wrapped package or pack
wiiweginigan ni a wrapped package or pack

wiiweginigaade vii it is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap it

wiiweginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap h/ or it (animate)

wiiweginige vai s/he wraps (things)

wiiwi vai he has a wife

wiiwish na a peewee

Eastern Wood-Pewee; Pewee; Peewee
Contopus virens | 

wiiyagasenh ni dust, dirt

wiiyagi' vta do something regrettable to h/; spoil, waste h/

Paired with: wiiyagitoon vti2

wiiyagitoon vti2 do something regrettable to it; waste, spoil it

Paired with: wiiyagi' vta

wiiyaw nid h/ body

wiiyawen'enyan nad h/ namesake

wiiyaakwa'an vti bait it with lure, put scent on it

(detransitive) wiiyaakwa'ige vai s/he baits with lure to attract furbearers (derived noun) wiiyaakwa'igan ni [BL] lure: an animal scent used in trapping
wiiyaakwa'igan ni [BL] lure: an animal scent used in trapping

wiiyaakwa'ige vai s/he baits with lure to attract furbearers