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dakwaakozide vai s/he has a short foot or (hind)paw, has short feet or (hind)paws

dakwaakwaboye vai s/he has a short paddle

dakwaakwad vii it is short (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: dakwaakozi vai

dakwaakwashkad vii it (plant) has a short stalk

dakwaanawe vai [LLC] s/he has a short tail

See also: dakwaanowe vai

dakwaanowe vai s/he has a short tail

See also: dakwaanawe vai [LLC]

dakwaatoon vti2 make it short; shorten it

dakwegad vii it (sheet-like) is short

Paired with: dakwegizi vai

dakwegambizo vai she wears a short skirt

dakwegi' vta make it (animate; sheet-like) short

Paired with: dakwegitoon vti2

dakwegitoon vti2 make it (sheet-like) short

Paired with: dakwegi' vta

dakwegizh vta cut it (animate; sheet-like) short

Paired with: dakwegizhan vti

dakwegizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) short

Paired with: dakwegizh vta ; dakwegizhwi vta [NI]

dakwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is short

Paired with: dakwegad vii

dakwegizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; sheet-like) short

Paired with: dakwegizhan vti

danabi vai s/he lives there, is in h/ usual seat [as in lodge]

danabwezo vai s/he sweats in a certain place

danadaandiwag vai they hold a sale in a certain place

danadaawe vai + o s/he buys (it) in a certain place

danademo vai s/he cries, weeps in a certain place

danagindan vti read it in a certain place

danagoodoo vai s/he sets h/ snares in a certain place

dana'amaazo vai s/he sings in a certain place

danakamaw vta lie in wait for, ambush h/ in a certain place

See also: akamaw vta

danakamigad vii it (an event) takes place, happens in a certain place

Paired with: danakamigizi vai

danakamigizi vai s/he has an event in a certain place; s/he works, plays (in a certain place)

Paired with: danakamigad vii

danakii vai s/he lives, dwells in a certain place

(derived noun) danakiiwin ni home; place of residence
danakiiwin ni home; place of residence

danakone vii it burns, blazes there; there is flame there

danam vta eat it (animate) in a certain place

Paired with: danandan vti

danamandam vai2 s/he has pain in a certain place

danandan vti eat it in a certain place

Paired with: danam vta

(detransitive) dananjige vai s/he eats in a certain place
dananjige vai s/he eats in a certain place

dananokii vai s/he works in a certain place

danapidoon vti2 tie it in a certain place

Paired with: danapizh vta

danapizh vta tie h/ at a certain place

Paired with: danapidoon vti2

danataadiwag vai they bet with each other in a certain place; they play cards in a certain place

danawazo vai s/he warms h/ self at a certain place

danawinzo vai s/he picks berries in a certain place

danaabandam vai2 s/he dreams of being in a certain place

danaabate vii there is smoke or vapor in a certain place

danaadizi vai s/he stays around a certain place

danaadodan vti tell of it in a certain place

Paired with: danaajim vta

(verb of undergoing) danaadojigaade vii it is told of in a certain place (by someone), "they" tell of it in a certain place (verb of undergoing) danaadojigaazo vai s/he is told of in a certain place, "they" tell of h/ in a certain place
danaadojigaade vii it is told of in a certain place (by someone), "they" tell of it in a certain place

danaadojigaazo vai s/he is told of in a certain place, "they" tell of h/ in a certain place

danaajim vta tell of h/ in a certain place

Paired with: danaadodan vti

danaajimo vai s/he tells a story in a certain place; s/he tells a story of a place

danaajiwanzan vti boil it in a certain place

danaakide vii it burns in a certain place

Paired with: danaakizo vai

danaakizan vti burn it in a certain place

(detransitive) danaakizige vai
  1. s/he burns something in a certain place
  2. s/he is drunk in a certain place
danaakizige vai
  1. s/he burns something in a certain place
  2. s/he is drunk in a certain place

danaakizo vai s/he burns in a certain place; s/he is photographed there

Paired with: danaakide vii

danaamiwag vai they spawn in a certain place

danaanagidoon vai [S] s/he talks in a certain place

See also: danaanagidoone vai [N]

danaanagidoone vai [N] s/he talks, speaks (for some time); gives a speech; s/he talks in a certain place

See also: danaanagidoon vai [S]

danaanike vai s/he digs in a certain place

danaapi vai s/he laughs in a certain place

danendan vti think, expect it to be in a certain place; have it in your mind

Paired with: danenim vta

danendaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) is thought to be in a certain place

danendaagwad vii it is thought to be in a certain place, is expected or assumed to happen

Paired with: danendaagozi vai

danenim vta think, expect h/ to be in a certain place; have h/ in your mind

Paired with: danendan vti

danens na a club suite card

dangishkan vti kick it

Paired with: dangishkaw vta

(detransitive) dangishkige vai s/he kicks things
dangishkaw vta kick h/

Paired with: dangishkan vti

(detransitive) dangishkaage vai s/he kicks people (reciprocal) dangishkodaadiwag vai they kick each other
dangishkaage vai s/he kicks people

dangishkige vai s/he kicks things

dangishkodaadiwag vai they kick each other

dani vai s/he is rich

daniwin ni riches; property; belongings
danide vii it is cooked in a certain place

Paired with: danizo vai

danin vta hold h/ in a certain place

Paired with: daninan vti

daninamaw vta hold (it) in a certain place for h/

daninan vti hold it in a certain place

Paired with: danin vta

(benefactive) daninamaw vta hold (it) in a certain place for h/ (detransitive) daninige vai s/he holds things in a certain place (verb of undergoing) daninigaade vii it is held in a certain place (by someone), "they" hold it in a certain place
daningwaam vai [S] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaami vai [RL] ; daningwaamo vai [BL]

daningwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaam vai [S] ; daningwaamo vai [BL]

daningwaamo vai [BL] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaam vai [S] ; daningwaami vai [RL]

daninigaade vii it is held in a certain place (by someone), "they" hold it in a certain place

daninige vai s/he holds things in a certain place

danitan vti hear it in a certain place

Paired with: danitaw vta

danitaw vta hear h/ in a certain place

Paired with: danitan vti

danitaagozi vai s/he is heard in a certain place; h/ sound is heard coming from a certain place

Paired with: danitaagwad vii

danitaagwad vii it is heard in a certain place; its sound comes from a certain place

Paired with: danitaagozi vai

daniwin ni belongings; property; riches

daniz vta cook it (animate) in a certain place

Paired with: danizan vti

danizan vti cook it in a certain place

Paired with: daniz vta

danizekwe vai s/he cooks in a certain place

danizo vai s/he is cooked in a certain place

Paired with: danide vii

danwewe vii there is the sound of shooting (gunfire) or an explosion in a certain place

danwewebide vii it is heard driving, running, operating in a certain place

Paired with: danwewebizo vai

danwewebijige vai s/he is heard moving something (with hands or paws)

danwewebizo vai s/he is heard driving, running, operating in a certain place

Paired with: danwewebide vii

danweweboojige vai s/he is heard sawing in a certain place

danwewega'ige vai s/he is heard chopping in a certain place

danwewegamitoo vai she is heard moving in the water

danwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums in a certain place

danwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing in a certain place

danwewengwaamo vai [BL] s/he is heard sleeping in a certain place, snoring in a certain place

danwewenjige vai s/he is heard eating there

danwewesin vii it is heard hitting or falling in a certain place

Paired with: danweweshin vai

danweweshin vai s/he is heard hitting or falling in a certain place

Paired with: danwewesin vii

danwewetoo vai s/he speaks publicly, talks or makes noise in a certain place