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doodan vti do something to it

Paired with: doodaw vta

doodaw vta do something to h/

Paired with: doodan vti

(reflexive) doodaazo vai s/he does something to h/ self (reflexive) doodaadizo vai s/he does something to h/ self (reciprocal) doodaadiwag vai they do something to each other
doodaadiwag vai they do something to each other

doodaadizo vai s/he does something to h/ self

doodaazo vai s/he does something to h/ self

doodooshaabo ni [BL] milk

See also: doodooshaaboo ni

doodooshaabowan vii [BL] it is milky

doodooshaaboo ni milk

doodooshaaboo-bimide ni butter

doodooshaaboo-bimidewikaan ni margarine

dooka'an vti poke, jab, tap, nudge it (using something)

Paired with: dooka'wi vta [NI]

dooka'wi vta [NI] poke, jab, tap, nudge h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: dooka'an vti See also: dooka'wi vta [NI]

dookaabiigibidoon vti2 jerk, tug it (string-like) (with hands)

dookaabiigishkan vti jerk, tug it (string-like) (with foot or body)

dookaabiigiwebinan vti tug on it (as or on a line)

dookibidoon vti2 poke, jab it

Paired with: dookibizh vta

dookibizh vta poke, jab h/

Paired with: dookibidoon vti2

dookigwaadan vti poke it (with a stick)

dookin vta poke h/

Paired with: dookinan vti

dookinan vti poke it

Paired with: dookin vta

dookishkan vti poke, nudge, tap it (by foot or body)

Paired with: dookishkaw vta

dookishkaw vta poke, nudge, tap h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: dookishkan vti

dookiwebin vta poke h/ forcefully

Paired with: dookiwebinan vti

dookiwebinan vti poke it forcefully

Paired with: dookiwebin vta

doonoo na [ML] a bull

dooskaabi vai s/he opens h/ eye, squints

dooskaabishimo vai s/he dances with eyes partly open, peeks while dancing

(derived noun) dooskaabishimowin ni eyes open to peek dance
dooskaabishimowin ni eyes open to peek dance

dootooban vii it is springy ground

dootookaabiigibidoon vti2 jerk, tug it (string-like) repeatedly (with hands)

dootookaabiigishkan vti jerk, tug it (string-like) repeatedly (with foot or body)

dootookaabiigiwebinan vti tug and tug on it (as or on a line)

dwaabide vii it drives through ice

Paired with: dwaabizo vai

dwaabizo vai s/he drives through the ice

Paired with: dwaabide vii

dwaa'ibaan ni a hole made in the ice for water

dwaa'ibii vai s/he makes a water hole in the ice

(derived noun) dwaa'ibaan ni a hole made in the ice for water
dwaa'ige vai s/he makes a hole in the ice

dwaasin vii it goes through the ice

Paired with: dwaashin vai

dwaashin vai s/he falls through the ice; s/he or it (animate) goes through the ice

Paired with: dwaasin vii