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jiishaakwa'iganaak ni a hide scraper, a flesher

jiishaakwa'iganigan ni leg bone of deer used as a scraper

jiishaakwa'ige vai s/he scrapes hides

jiishaakwa'wi vta [NI]

jiishaakwa' vta

jiishaandawe'ige vai s/he cuts off boughs

jiishaanowebizh vta pull off h/ tail bone

jiishaanowezhige vai

jiishibidoon vti2 strip it off the with hands

Paired with: jiishibizh vta

jiishibizh vta strip it (animate) off with the hands

Paired with: jiishibidoon vti2

jiishi' vta lure h/ by false pretenses; fool, entice h/

(detransitive) jiishi'iwe vai s/he tricks, fools, entices people
jiishi'idiwag vai

jiishi'iwe vai s/he tricks, fools, entices people

jiishim vta deceive, mislead h/ (by speech)

jiishiweba' vta sweep h/ (forcefully), brush h/ off (forcefully using something)

Paired with: jiishiweba'an vti

jiishiweba'an vti sweep it (forcefully), brush it off (forcefully using something)

Paired with: jiishiweba' vta

jiishiweba'wi vta [NI]

jiishiweba' vta

jiiwede vii it sizzles

Paired with: jiiwezo vai

jiiwezo vai s/he sizzles

Paired with: jiiwede vii