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Showing Category: trees

adoop ni [BL] an alder

speckled alder
Alnus rugosa

See also: wadoop na [MN]

(verb of abundance) adoopiikaa vii there are alders there
aninaatig na a maple

sugar maple
Acer saccharum

See also: ininaatig na ; ziinzibaakwadwaatig na

(verb of abundance) aninaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples
aniib na an elm

American elm
Ulmus americana

asasaweminagaawanzh na a chokecherry bush or tree

Prunus virginiana

azaadi na a poplar, an aspen

trembling aspen
Populus tremuloides

(verb of being) azaadiiwi vai it (animate) is a poplar
aagimaak na a white ash

white ash
Fraxinus americana

bagaaniminzh na a hazelnut bush

American hazelnut, beaked hazelnut
Corylus spp.

bagesaanaatig na a plum tree

American plum
Prunus americana

bapakwanagemag na [S] a red pine

red pine, Norway pine
Pinus resinosa

bawa'iminagaawanzh na a pin cherry bush

Prunus pensylvanica

See also: bawa'iminaanaganzh na [BL]

baapaagimaak na a black ash (tree)

Fraxinus nigra

biisaandago-zhingwaak na [BL] a white pine

eastern white pine
Pinus strobus

gaagaagiwaandag na a juniper bush

common juniper
Juniperus communis

gaawaandag na a white spruce

Picea glauca

See also: mina'ig na [BL]

giizhik na a cedar (tree)

eastern white cedar
Thuja occidentalis

(verb of abundance) giizhikikaa vii there are (a lot of) cedars (verb of being) giizhikiwi vai it (animate) is a cedar (verb of possession) ogiizhikimi vai s/he has cedar
ininaatig na a maple

sugar maple
Acer saccharum

See also: aninaatig na

(verb of abundance) ininaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples
makominagaawanzh na a mountain ash

American mountain ash
Sorbus americana

mashkiigwaatig na a tamarack

Larix laricina

(verb of abundance) mashkiigwaatigokaa vii there are (many) tamaracks
maananoons na an ironwood

eastern hornbeam
Ostrya viginiana

(verb of abundance) maananoonsikaa vii there are (many) ironwood trees
maanazaadi na a Balm of Gilead tree; a balsam poplar

balsam poplar
Populus balsamifera

mina'ig na [BL] a white spruce

Picea glauca

miskwaabiimag na [RL] a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim

red osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

miskwaabiimagoons na a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim

red-osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

miskwaawaak na a red cedar

eastern red cedar
Juniperus virginiana

(verb of abundance) miskwaawaakokaa vii there are (many) red cedars
mishiiminaatig na an apple tree

mitigomizh na oak, burr oak

Quercus spp.; Quercus macrocarpa

(verb of abundance) mitigomizhikaa vii there are (many) oaks; there is an oak grove
mitigwaabaak na a hickory

shagbark hickory
Carya ovata

okikaandag na a jack pine

Pinus banksiana

See also: akikaandag na [ML]

ozhaashigob na a slippery elm

red elm
Ulmus rubra

oziisigobiminzh na a willow

Salix spp.

ookweminagaawanzh na a black cherry bush

Prunus serotina

wadoop na [MN] an alder

speckled alder
Alnus rugosa

See also: adoop ni [BL]

wiigob na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

(verb of abundance) wiigobiikaa vii there are (a lot of) basswood trees
wiigobaatig na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

(verb of abundance) wiigobaatigokaa vii there are (many) basswood trees
wiigobimizh na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

wiigwaasaatig na a birch tree

paper birch
Betula papyrifera

See also: wiigwaas na ; wiigwaasi-mitig na

wiinizik na a yellow birch

yellow birch
Betula alleghaniensis

wiisagi-mitigomizh na red oak

northern red oak
Quercus rubra

wiishkobi-mitigomizh na white oak

Quercus alba

zesegaandag na a black spruce

Picea mariana

zhingob na a balsam fir; {BL] a bough of any evergreen tree; a christmas tree

Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea

(verb of abundance) zhingobiikaa vii there are (many) fir trees
zhingwaak na a pine; [S] a white pine; [BL] a red pine

(verb of abundance) zhingwaakokaa vii there are (many) pines; it is a pine grove
ziinzibaakwadwaatig na a maple