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/nook-/ initial

nookabi vai s/he sits on a soft seat
nookada' vta pound it (animate) soft; soften it (animate) (by hitting with something)
nookada'an vti pound it soft; soften it (by hitting with something)
nookadin vii it is frozen soft (as dangerous ice)
nookagwinde vii it is softened by soaking
nookagwinjidoon vti soak it to soften it
nookagwinjim vta soak it (animate) to soften it
nookagwinjin vai it (animate) is softened by soaking
nooka'an vti soften it (using something)
nookakamigaa vii there is soft ground
nookam vta soften h/ in the mouth
nookandan vti soften it in the mouth
nookashkweyaa vii it is soft birch bark
nookaa vii it is soft, is tender
nookaabaawe vai it (animate) is or gets soft from being in water or the rain
nookaabaawe vii it is or gets soft from being in water or the rain
nookaabikad vii it (mineral) is soft
nookaabikiz vta soften h/ (mineral) with heat
nookaabikizan vti soften it (mineral) with heat
nookaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is soft
nookaabiigad vii it (string-like) is soft
nookaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is soft
nookaadad vii it is mild
nookaadizi vai s/he has a good, easy life
nookaagamin vii it (liquid) is mild
nookaagibidoon vti2 soften it by bending it (with the hands)
nookaagibizh vta soften it (animate) by bending it (with the hands)
nookaaginan vta soften it by bending it (by hand)
nookaagonagaa vii there is soft snow
nookaajiwanzan vti boil it tender
nookaajiwanzwi vta [NI] boil it (animate) tender
nookaakide vii it softens by heat or flame
nookaakiz vta soften h/ by heat or flame
nookaakizan vti soften it by heat or flame
nookaakizo vai s/he softens by heat or flame
nookaanikwe vai s/he has soft hair
nookibidoon vti2 soften it by working it (with the hands)
nookibizh vta soften it (animate) by working it (with the hands)
nookide vii it is cooked tender
nookijiishkaa vii it (something bag-like, belly-like) softens, gets soft
nookijiishkaa vai it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) softens, gets soft
nookijiishkiwagad vii it is soft mud, is soft as mud
nookijiishkiwagaa vii there is soft mud
nookijiishkiwagizi vii it (animate) is soft as mud
nookijiiyaa vii it (something bag-like, belly-like) is soft
nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft
nookiminagad vii it (something small and round; grain) is soft
nookiskawe vai it (animate; fish) has soft meat
nookishkan vti soften it with body weight or feet
nookishkaw vta soften h/ with body weight or feet
nookiz vta cook h/ tender
nookizan vti cook it tender
nookizi vai s/he is soft, is tender
nookizigwaa vii there is soft ice
nookizo vai s/he is cooked tender
nookiigad vii it (sheet-like) is soft
nookiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is soft
nookiingwe vai s/he has soft skin on h/ face
nookiiwagad vii it is tender meat, has tender meat
nookiiwagizi vai it (animate) has soft or tender meat