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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/apiit-/ initial

to a certain extent, degree, rate, or speed
apiich , apiis , apiiz
apiichaa vii it is a certain distance, is so far/close
apiichi- pv rel to a certain extent or degree; as much as
apiichibatoo vai s/he runs at a certain speed
apiichibiboonwe vai s/he is so old
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed
apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed
apiichibii vai s/he is intoxicated to such an extent
apiichibiiyaa vii the water is at such a level
apiichigaa vii it drips, leaks at a certain speed
apiichigaamo vai s/he is so fat
apiichigi vai s/he grows up a certain extent, grows at a certain speed
apiichigidaazo vai s/he is angry to such an certain extent, is mad to such an extent
apiichigin vii it grows such certain extent, grows at a certain speed
apiichigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps so far or so high
apiichijiishkiwagad vii it (mud) is of such a thickness, is so thick
apiichijiishkiwagizi vai it (animate: dough) is of such a thickness, is so thick
apiichisidoon vti2 lay, pile, stack it so thick, so deep, to such a height
apiichisin vii it lies so thick, so deep, to such a height; is piled or stacked so thick, so deep, to such a height
apiichishim vta lay, pile, stack it (animate) so thick, so deep, to such a height
apiichishin vai it (animate) lies so thick, so deep, to such a height; is piled or stacked so thick, so deep, to such a height
apiichitaa vai s/he engages in an activity to a certain extent, is so far along in an activity
apiichizh vta slice it (animate) so thick, cut it (animate) to such an extent
apiichizhan vti slice it so thick; cut it to such an extent
apiichii vai s/he does something at a certain rate or speed; s/he is so far along (in some activity)
apiichiigad vii it (sheet-like) has a certain thickness, is so thick
apiichiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) has a certain thickness, is so thick
apiisinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) is visible at a certain distance
apiisinaagwad vii it is visible at a certain distance
apiitabi vai s/he comes up to a certain height when seated
apiitabwezo vai s/he sweats so much
apiitadeyaa vii it is so wide; it is so deep
apiitadeyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is so wide
apiitadezh vta cut h/ so thick; slice h/ so thick
apiitadezhan vti cut it so thick; slice it so thick
apiitadezi vai s/he or it (animate) is so wide, is so thick
apiitadin vii it is so cold, is so frozen, is frozen so far
apiitagim vta set so high a price on h/
apiitagindan vti set so high a price on it
apiitaginde vii it has so high a price
apiitaginzo vai s/he has so high a price
apiitagoode vii it hangs so high
apiitagoodoon vti2 hang it so high
apiitagoojin vai it (animate) hangs so high; the moon is in a certain position (so it is a certain time of the month)
apiitagoozh vta hang h/ or it (animate) so high
apiitaji vai s/he is so cold
apiitakamigad vii it (an event) is so far along; during the course of it (an event)
apiitakizo vai it (animate) stands so tall
apiitakone vii the flame is so high
apiitan vii it weighs so much, is so heavy
apiitanaamo vai s/he breathes at a certain rate
apiitashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a stalk so high, is so high
apiitaa vii it is a certain height, is a certain thickness
apiitaabikad vii it (mineral) has a certain height, depth, or thickness
apiitaabikide vii it (mineral) is so hot, is hot to such an extent
apiitaabikinan vti set it at such a temperature (of a stove)
apiitaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) has a certain height, depth, or thickess
apiitaadizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young
apiitaagamide vii it (a liquid) is heated to such a temperature
apiitaagamishkaa vii it (liquid) reaches such a strength, temperature, or pressure; it (blood) is so high in pressure
apiitaagonagaa vii there is snow so deep, the snow is a certain depth
apiitaakwadin vii it is frozen so thick or so far
apiitaakwaji vai it (animate) is frozen so thick or so far
apiitaanike vai s/he digs so deep
apiitaanimad vii it (wind) has a certain speed, has a certain strength
apiitaapine vai s/he is sick to such an extent
apiitaasige vai the sun or moon shines so bright; the moon is in a certain phase; it is so far along in the month
apiitaate vii it is so hot from sun, sunlight goes so far
apiitaawangisidoon vti2 pile it (sand) so high
apiitendan vti be so proud of it; value, regard it so high
apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long
apiitenim vta regard h/ to such an extent, be so proud of h/
apiitenimo vai s/he is so proud of h/ self
apiitinigozi vai s/he weighs so much, is so heavy
apiitinigwad vii it weighs so much, is so heavy
apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young
apiitizo vai it (animate) is cooked a certain extent or at a certain speed
apiitowe vai s/he has a voice of a certain intensity, has so loud a voice
apiitoonagad vii it (canoe or boat) is so deep, is so high