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/-aak-/ medial

amadaakizo vai s/he wakes from heat or from burning
angwaakide vii it burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)
angwaakiz vta burn h/ completely (so nothing is left)
angwaakizan vti burn it completely (so nothing is left)
angwaakizo vai s/he or it (animate) burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)
aazhawaakide vii it burns across
babiizigaakiz vta curl h/ hair (by heat)
babiizigaakizan vti curl it (by heat)
babiizigaakizo vai s/he curls h/ hair
bagwaakide vii it has a hole burned in it
bagwaakiz vta burn a hole in h/
bagwaakizan vti burn a hole in it
bagwaakizo vai s/he has a hole burned in h/
bakaakide vii it (string-like) is broken or parted (by heat or fire)
bakaakizo vai it (animate; string-like) is broken or parted (by heat or fire)
biinaakiz vta clean h/ by burning
biinaakizan vti clean it by burning
bwaawaakide vii it doesn't burn, is unable to burn
bwaawaakiz vta be unable to burn, unable to light h/
bwaawaakizan vti be unable to burn, unable to light it
bwaawaakizo vai s/he doesn't burn, is unable to burn
danaakide vii it burns in a certain place
danaakizo vai s/he burns in a certain place; s/he is photographed there
dawaakizo vai it (animate) has a passage burned through it
dawaakizwi vta [NI] burn a passage through it (animate)
daashkaakide vii it splits in the fire
daashkaakiz vta split h/ in fire
daashkaakizan vti split it in fire
daashkaakizo vai s/he splits in the fire
ginibaakide vii it burns quickly
ginibaakizo vai s/he burns quickly
giishkaakizan vti burn it through
giiwashkweyaakizo vai s/he is dizzy from the heat
inaakide vii it burns a certain way
inaakiz vta burn h/ a certain way
inaakizan vti burn it a certain way
inaakizo vai s/he burns a certain way
jaagaakide vii it burns
jaagaakiz vta burn h/
jaagaakizan vti burn it up
jaagaakizo vai s/he burns
madweyaakide vii it is heard burning, "you" can hear it burning
madweyaakizo vai s/he is heard burning, "you" can hear h/ burning
mazinaakide vii it is pictured, is photographed
mazinaakiz vta take a picture of, photograph h/
mazinaakizan vti take a picture of, photograph it
mazinaakizo vai s/he or it (animate) is pictured, is photographed
maadaakide vii it starts burning
maadaakizo vai s/he starts burning
maanaakiz vta take a poor picture of h/
maanaakizan vti take a poor picture of it
miiwaakizo vai s/he can't stand the heat
mookwaakizo vai s/he cries from the heat, cries from being burned
nookaakide vii it softens by heat or flame
nookaakiz vta soften h/ by heat or flame
nookaakizan vti soften it by heat or flame
nookaakizo vai s/he softens by heat or flame
ojibwaakide vii it shrivels, puckers in the fire
ojibwaakizo vai it (animate) shrivels, puckers in the fire
onzaamaakide vii it is burnt crisp
onzaamaakiz vta burn h/ to a crisp; burn too much of h/
onzaamaakizan vti burn it crisp; burn too much of it
onzaamaakizo vai s/he is burnt crisp
ozaawaakide vii it is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)
ozaawaakiz vta toast h/, brown h/ (by fire)
ozaawaakizan vti toast it, brown it (by fire)
ozaawaakizo vai it (animate) is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)
wiisagaakizo vai s/he hurts from being burnt
zhaabwaakide vii it is burned through
zhaabwaakiz vta
  1. cut through h/ (by burning)
  2. x-ray h/
zhaabwaakizan vti
  1. cut through it (by burning)
  2. x-ray it
zhaabwaakizo vai
  1. s/he gets x-rayed
  2. it (animate) is burned through
zhiibaayaakizo vai s/he gets x-rayed