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Showing Category: trees

mina'ig na [BL] a white spruce

Picea glauca

miskwaabiimag na [RL] a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim

red osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

miskwaabiimagoons na a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim

red-osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

miskwaawaak na a red cedar

eastern red cedar
Juniperus virginiana

(verb of abundance) miskwaawaakokaa vii there are (many) red cedars
mishiiminaatig na an apple tree

mitigomizh na burr oak

Quercus spp.; Quercus macrocarpa

mitigominzh na

(verb of abundance) mitigomizhikaa vii there are (many) oaks; there is an oak grove
mitigwaabaak na a hickory

shagbark hickory
Carya ovata

okikaandag na a jack pine

Pinus banksiana

See also: akikaandag na [ML]

ozhaashigob na a slippery elm

red elm
Ulmus rubra

oziisigobiminzh na a willow

Salix spp.