wekwaabatoo vai s/he runs to the end |
wekwaagam ni a bay, the end of a lake |
wekwaa'adoo vai s/he walks to the end of a road or trail |
wekwaa'adoon vti2 walk to the end of it (road or trail) |
wekwaa'azh vta follow h/ trail to the end |
wekwaakawe vai [BL] h/ tracks end, trail ends |
wekwaamon vii it (road or trail) ends |
wekwaanaamo vai s/he is out of breath; takes h/ last breath |
wekwaasag adv loc in the corner |
wekwaashkan vti [N] go, come to the end of it |
wekwaashkaa vii [N] it goes, comes to the end |
wekwaashkiig adv loc at the end of a muskeg |
wekwaawajiwe vai s/he climbs to the end of the hill |
wekwaayaajimo vai s/he comes to the end of a story |
wekwaayaakwaa vii it is the end of the woods, end of the bush |