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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

biimishkan vti

wear it sideways or askew

nimbiimishkaan 1s - 0s ind; obiimishkaan 3s - 0s ind; biimishkang 3s - 0 conj; biimishkan 2s - 0 imp; Stem: /biimishk-/

Noongom ogowe abinoojiinyag onapaazikaanaawaan owiiwakwaaniwaan, gaye obiimishkaanaawaan.

Today these children are wearing their caps backwards, or sideways.

biimishkan /biimishk-/: /biim-/
not straight: crosswise, crooked, twisted, oblique, skewed
; /-shk/
act on it by foot or body; wear it