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/ozaaw-/ initial

brown, orange, yellow
ozaawadaawangad vii it (sand-like, powder) is yellow, is brown
ozaawadaawangaa vii there is brown sand
ozaawadaawangizi vai it (animate; sand-like, powder) is yellow, is brown
ozaawadis vta dye h/ brown or yellow
ozaawadisan vti dye it brown or yellow
ozaawadiso vai s/he or it (animate) turns brown or yellow from the sun, is dyed brown or yellow
ozaawadite vii it turns brown or yellow from the sun, is dyed brown or yellow
ozaawadowe vai s/he has brown or yellow fur
ozaawakamigaa vii it is a brown or yellowish landscape
ozaawakik na a brass kettle
ozaawamik na a brown beaver
ozaawanagekozi vai it (animate) has brown or yellow bark
ozaawanagekwad vii it has brown or yellow bark
ozaawaa vii it is yellow, is brown
ozaawaabasan vti brown it by smoking it
ozaawaabate vii there is yellow or brown smoke
ozaawaabik ni (a piece of) brass, (a piece of) copper
ozaawaabikad vii it is yellow, is brown (as something mineral); it is (of) brass
ozaawaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is yellow, is brown; it (animate) is (of) brass
ozaawaabiigad vii it (string-like) is yellow or brown
ozaawaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is yellow or brown
ozaawaagamin vii it (a liquid) is yellow, is brown
ozaawaagamishkiinzhigwe vai s/he is brown-eyed
ozaawaagonagaa vii there is yellow snow
ozaawaakide vii it is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)
ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a yellow or brown chest, is yellow-breasted
ozaawaakiz vta toast h/, brown h/ (by fire)
ozaawaakizan vti toast it, brown it (by fire)
ozaawaakizo vai it (animate) is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)
ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair
ozaawaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is yellow, is brown
ozaawaakozide vai s/he has brown or yellow feet or (hind)paws
ozaawaakwad vii it (stick-like) is yellow, is brown
ozaawaanakwad vii it is a yellow cloud
ozaawaanakwagoode vii it (cloud) is yellowish in the sky
ozaawaandagaaso vai the boughs turn brown from the sun and heat
ozaawaandagizi vai the bough is brown
ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown
ozaawaanikwe vai [BL]
  1. s/he has yellow or brown hair
  2. s/he is blond
ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown
ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown
ozaawaatese vii it flashes brown or yellow
ozaawegad vii it (sheet-like) is yellow or brown
ozaawegide vii it (sheet-like) is browned from smoking
ozaawegiz vta brown h/ by smoking (sheet-like)
ozaawegizan vti brown it (sheet-like) by smoking it
ozaawegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is yellow or brown
ozaawegizo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is browned from smoking
ozaawemikwaane vai s/he (a turtle) has a brown shell
ozaawi- pv lex yellow; brown
ozaawibagad vii it has brown or yellow leaves, is a brown or yellow leaf
ozaawibagaa vii there are brown or yellow leaves
ozaawibagizi vai it (animate: tree or plant) has brown or yellow leaves
ozaawibii' vta paint or color h/ yellow; paint or color h/ brown
ozaawibii'an vti paint or color it yellow; paint it or color it brown
ozaawibiiwaye vai s/he has brown fur
ozaawigwan na a brown feather; a yellow feather
ozaawigwane vai s/he (a bird) has brown or yellow feathers
ozaawi'o vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown
ozaawijiishkiwagad vii it is yellow mud, is brown mud
ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown
ozaawikoozhe vai s/he (a bird) has a brown or yellow bill
ozaawiminagad vii it (something small and round) is yellow or brown
ozaawiminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round) is yellow or brown
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown
ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair
ozaawishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has brown or yellow eyes
ozaawitigwaane vai [BL] s/he is blond; it (animate) has a yellow or brown head
ozaawizi vai s/he or it (animate) is yellow, is brown
ozaawizide vai s/he has brown or yellow feet or (hind)paws
ozaawizigwaa vii it (slab-like) is yellow, is brown
ozaawiingwe vai s/he has a yellow or brown face
ozaawiingweyaaso vai s/he has a sun-tanned face
ozaawoonagad vii it is a brown or yellow boat