basaagitawageni vai s/he perks up h/ ears |
biidaaginan vti bend it here, this way |
gagwedaagibizh vta test the tension of it (animate) by bending |
inaagin vta bend h/ a certain way |
inaaginan vti bend it a certain way |
nookaagibidoon vti2 soften it by bending it (with the hands) |
nookaagibizh vta soften it (animate) by bending it (with the hands) |
nookaaginan vta soften it by bending it (by hand) |
onaagibidoon vti2 bend it to into shape |
onaagibizh vta bend h/ into shape |
onaagin vta bend it (animate) into shape, shape it by hand |
onaaginan vti bend it into shape, shape it by hand |
waakaayaagibidoon vti2 bend it around something (with the hands) |
zhawabaaginan vti bend it over, bow it |
zhawabaagishkaa vai it (animate) bends over |
zhawabaagishkoode vii it bends over from the weight of something |
zhawabaagishkoozo vai it (animate) bends over from the weight of something |