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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-aag-/ medial

bent, curved
compare initial: waag-
basaagitawageni vai s/he perks up h/ ears
biidaaginan vti bend it here, this way
gagwedaagibizh vta test the tension of it (animate) by bending
inaagin vta bend h/ a certain way
inaaginan vti bend it a certain way
nookaagibidoon vti2 soften it by bending it (with the hands)
nookaagibizh vta soften it (animate) by bending it (with the hands)
nookaaginan vta soften it by bending it (by hand)
onaagibidoon vti2 bend it to into shape
onaagibizh vta bend h/ into shape
onaagin vta bend it (animate) into shape, shape it by hand
onaaginan vti bend it into shape, shape it by hand
waakaayaagibidoon vti2 bend it around something (with the hands)
zhawabaaginan vti bend it over, bow it
zhawabaagishkaa vai it (animate) bends over
zhawabaagishkoode vii it bends over from the weight of something
zhawabaagishkoozo vai it (animate) bends over from the weight of something