asabishkoozo vai s/he is shot full of holes |
bakishkoozo vai s/he (string) breaks, snaps (from weight or pressure) |
baasindibeshkoozo vai h/ head is cracked (by weight, pressure, or shooting) |
maakishkoozo vai s/he is wounded; it (animate) is marred, is nicked, is dented |
minjimishkoozo vai s/he is pinned down, held in place (with weight) |
miikoshkoozo vai s/he is shot, hit right on by a projectile (arrow, bullet) |
nabogaadeshkoozo vai s/he is caught with h/ legs doubled up |
naboninjiishkoozo vai [BG] [BL] s/he is caught with hands or forepaws doubled up |
nabozideshkoozo vai s/he is caught with feet or hindpaws doubled up |
waagishkoozo vai it (animate) bends (under weight or pressure) |
zagigweshkoozo vai it (animate) is trapped by the neck |
zaginikeshkoozo vai s/he is trapped by the forepaw |
zhawabaagishkoozo vai it (animate) bends over from the weight of something |
zhawabishkoozo vai it (animate) bends over (from weight) |
zhishigoshkoozo vai s/he is crushed by weight |