jiigiga' vta hew, peel, or chip bark or other surface material off it (animate); debark it (animate) |
jiigiga'an vti hew, peel, or chip bark or other surface material off it; debark it |
jiigikodan vti shave, trim it (with a blade) |
jiigikode vii it is shaved, trimmed (by blade) |
jiigikozh vta shave, trim h/ (with a blade) |
jiigikozo vai s/he is shaved, trimmed (by blade) |
jiigizhan vti trim it (by cutting); cut it close to edge; cut a thin layer or skin off it |
jiigizhwi vta [NI] trim it (animate) (by cutting); cut it (animate) close to the edge; cut a thin layer or skin off it (animate) |