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/gid-/ initial

remove, disconnect
gida'an vti remove it, take it off or out (using something)
gida'wi vta [NI] remove h/ or it (animate), take h/ or it (animate) off or out (using something)
gidamo vta eat all of h/, eat h/ up
gidasan vti roast it to remove something, parch it [wild rice]
gidashkibide vii it is threshed and winnowed in a machine
gidashkibidoon vti2 remove the husk of it (wild rice) by hand
gidaabiigibide vii it (something string-like) comes off in operation
gidaa'ogo vai s/he undergoes wave action
gidaandawe vai s/he climbs out
gidaasin vii it is removed in the wind
gidaashi vai it (animate) is removed in the wind
gidin vta remove h/ or it (animate), take h/ or it (animate) off or out (by hand)
gidinan vti remove it, take it off or out (by hand)
gidoonagise vai s/he falls out of a boat
gijibide vii it falls off in operation, pops off
gijibidoon vti2 pull it off, remove it with hands
gijibizh vta pull h/ off, remove h/ with hands
gijibizo vai s/he or it (animate) exits fast, falls out or off, pops off
gijidaabaadan vti drag it out or off
gijigonewebizh vta pull it (animate) out of the mouth quickly
gijigwaadan vti remove it with something sharp
gijigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps off, jumps out
gijigwaazh vta remove h/ with something sharp
gijiminagishkan vti thresh it by dancing on it
gijinagizhiin vta gut, disembowel h/
gijiwebaasin vii it is blown out forcefully
gijiwebaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown out forcefully
gijiwebin vta pull it (animate) out quickly, dump it (animate) out
gijiwebinan vti pull it out quickly, dump it out
gijiigibidoon vti2 pull it (sheet-like) off
gijiigibizh vta skin h/ (a rabbit)
gijiigizhwi vta [NI] rough skin h/ (an animal)