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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-ens/ final

abwiikaanens na a boat propeller or outboard motor propeller
agobizonens ni bandaid
agongosens na [RL] a chipmunk
amikoonsens na [BL] a baby beaver kit
aniibiishens ni leaf-bud, small leaf
apambizonens ni [BL] a (flat) cloth diaper
baashkiziganens ni [BL] a small gun: a twenty-two rifle, a handgun, a toy gun
biboonodaabaanens na a sled
bizhikiins na a calf
biiminakwaanens ni string, a string
biitoo-midaasens ni [BL] (a pair of) panties
boodaajiganens ni [BL] a whistle
desinaaganens ni [BL] a saucer
diba'igiiziswaanens na a watch
emikwaanens ni teaspoon
gijipizonens ni a fan belt
gitigaanens ni a vegetable
giziingwe'onens na [N] a washcloth
giziingwe'onens ni [S] a washcloth
gookooshens na a piglet
makizinens ni a small moccasin or shoe; a child's moccasin or shoe
makoonsens na a baby bear cub
manidoominens na a bead
mashkimodens ni a small bag: a pouch, a wallet, a coin purse, an envelope
maanadikoshens na a goat
maanishtaanishens na a lamb
mookomaanens ni a table knife
naboobiiwinaaganens ni [BL] a soup bowl
nitiiwinaaganens ni [BL] a teacup
onaaganens ni [BL] a cup; a small dish
oshtigwaanens ni a postage stamp
waakaa'iganens ni [BL] a cabin, a small house
waasigani-gizhaabikiziganens ni [BL] a coleman stove
zhoominens na a raisin