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/bak-/ initial

broken, snapped, parted (esp. of something string-like)
bakada' vta break it (animate; string-like) (using a stick or tool); snap it (animate; string-like) (using a stick or tool)
bakada'an vti break it (string-like) off or through (using a stick or tool); snap it (string-like) off (using a stick or tool)
bakaganaam vta hit and break it (animate; string-like)
bakaganaandan vti hit and break it (string-like)
baka' vta break or part it (animate; string-like) (using something)
baka'an vti break or part it (string-like) (using something)
bakam vta bite it (animate; string-like) through or off
bakandan vti bite it (string-like) through or off
bakaaboode vii it (string-like) breaks in current
bakaagime vai s/he breaks the webbing of h/ snowshoe or snowshoes
bakaakide vii it (string-like) is broken or parted (by heat or fire)
bakaakizo vai it (animate; string-like) is broken or parted (by heat or fire)
bakaasin vii it (string-like) breaks or snaps in the wind
bakaashi vai it (animate; string-like) breaks or snaps in the wind
bakibidoon vti2 break or snap it (string-like) (with hands)
bakibizh vta break or snap it (animate; string-like) (with hands)
bakiboode vii it (string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)
bakiboozo vai it (animate; string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)
bakidisiizh vta cut h/ umbilcal cord
bakise vii it (string-like) snaps, parts
bakise vai it (animate; string-like) snaps, parts
bakishkan vti snap it (something string-like) off (with foot or body)
bakishkaw vta snap h/ (something string-like) off (with foot or body)
bakishkoode vii it (string) breaks, snaps (from weight or pressure)
bakishkoodoon vti2 break, snap it (string) (by weight or pressure)
bakishkoozh vta break, snap h/ (string) (by weight or pressure)
bakishkoozo vai s/he (string) breaks, snaps (from weight or pressure)
bakiwanii'igane vai s/he pulls all h/ traps out
bakizh vta snip h/ (something string-like) off
bakizhan vti cut it (string-like) off or through; snip it (string-like) off
bakiiwii vai s/he strains h/ muscles