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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

waabishkiingwedowe vai s/he has white fur on h/ face

waabishkiiwe vai s/he is a white person; s/he is pale-complexioned

waabishkiiwed na-v [N] a white person, a whiteman wayaabishkiiwed na-v [S] a white person
waabishkiiwed na-v [N] a white person, a whiteman

See also: wayaabishkiiwed na-v [S]

waabizhagindibe vai s/he is bald

waabizheshi na a marten

American marten, pine marten
Martes americana

waabizheshiwanii'igan ni a marten trap

waabizheshiwayaan na a marten hide

waabizii na a swan

trumpter swan
Cygnus buccinator

waabiziiwanwi ni [BL] buckshot

waabizo vai it (animate) turns light (in color)

Paired with: waabide vii

waabiiganaandam vai2 s/he is pale from being hungry

waabiingwe vai s/he is pale-faced

waaboshkaakodan vti peel the bark off it exposing the light wood

waabowayaan ni [N] a blanket

See also: waabooyaan ni [S]

waabozo-mowens ni a rabbit dropping

waabozowiinzob ni a rabbit gallbladder

waabooyaan ni [S] a blanket

See also: waabowayaan ni [N]

(verb of making) waabooyaanike vai s/he makes a blanket
waabooyaanike vai s/he makes a blanket

waabooz na a rabbit, a snowshoe hare

snowshoe hare
Lepus americanus

(verb of abundance) waaboozokaa vai there are (a lot of) rabbits
waaboozekon ni [BL] a netted rabbit hide blanket

(verb of making) waaboozekonike vai [BL] s/he makes a netted rabbitskin blanket
waaboozekonikaanaak ni a frame for netting a rabbit hide blanket

waaboozekonike vai [BL] s/he makes a netted rabbitskin blanket

waaboozo-miikana ni a rabbit trail

waaboozo-moowens ni a rabbit dropping

waaboozo-nagwaagan ni a rabbit snare

waaboozo-wiiyaas ni rabbit meat

waaboozokaa vai there are (a lot of) rabbits

waaboozokon ni a rabbit liver

waaboozoninj ni a rabbit forepaw

waaboozotigwaan ni [BL] a rabbit head

waaboozwayaan na a rabbit skin

waaboozwaaboo ni rabbit soup

waagaa vii it is bent

Paired with: waagizi vai

waagaabikad vii it is bent (as something mineral)

Paired with: waagaabikizi vai

waagaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is bent

Paired with: waagaabikad vii

waagaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is bent

Paired with: waagaakwad vii

waagaakwad vii it is bent (as something stick- or wood-like)

(derived noun) waagaakwad ni an ax
(verb of possession) owaagaakwado vai s/he has an ax or axes (derived noun) waagaakwadoons ni a hatchet
waagaakwad ni an ax

waagaakwadoons ni a hatchet

waagaakwadwaabik ni an ax blade

waagaakwadwaatig ni an ax handle

waagaasin vii it bends in the wind

waagaashi vai s/he or it (animate) bends in the wind

Paired with: waagaasin vii

waagaatig ni a curved stick (used to feel for a beaver lodge entrance)

waagibidoon vti2 bend it (with hands)

Paired with: waagibizh vta

(verb of undergoing) waagibijigaade vii it is bent (by someone), "they" bend it (verb of undergoing) waagibijigaazo vai it (animate) is bent (by someone), "they" bend it (animate) (detransitive) waagibijige vai s/he bends something (by hand)
waagibijigaade vii it is bent (by someone), "they" bend it

Paired with: waagibijigaazo vai

waagibijigaazo vai it (animate) is bent (by someone), "they" bend it (animate)

waagibijige vai s/he bends something (by hand)

waagibizh vta bend h/ (with hands)

Paired with: waagibidoon vti2

waagigaade vai s/he is bowlegged

waagijaane vai s/he has a curved nose

waagijiiyaa vii it (something three-dimensional and soft) is bent

waagikodan vti carve it curved

Paired with: waagikozh vta

waagikomaan ni a crooked knife

waagikozh vta carve h/ curved

Paired with: waagikodan vti

waagikoozhe vai s/he has a curved bill

waagin vta bend h/ (with hand)

Paired with: waaginan vti

waaginan vti bend it (with hand)

Paired with: waagin vta

(detransitive) waaginige vai s/he bends (things) (verb of undergoing) waaginigaade vii it is bent (by hand) by someone, "they" bend it (by hand)
waaginaa na a canoe rib

waaginaake vai s/he makes a canoe rib or canoe ribs

waaginigaade vii it is bent (by hand) by someone, "they" bend it (by hand)

waaginige vai s/he bends (things)

waaginogaan ni a domed lodge, a wigwam

waagishkan vti bend it (with foot or body)

Paired with: waagishkaw vta

waagishkaw vta bend h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: waagishkan vti

waagishkoode vii it bends (from weight or pressure)

Paired with: waagishkoozo vai

waagishkoozo vai it (animate) bends (under weight or pressure)

Paired with: waagishkoode vii

waagizi vai it (animate) is bent

Paired with: waagaa vii

waagosh na a fox

red fox
Vulpes vulpes

waagoshi-nagwaagan ni a fox snare

waagoshiwayaan na a fox hide

waagoshiwaazh ni a fox den

waak na a fish egg, roe

waakamin vii it is clear water, has clear water

waakaminaagwad vii it looks clear

waakaabiwag vai they sit around in circle

waakaagaabawiwag vai they stand in a circle

waakaagwaadan vti sew all around it; sew a cuff on it

(derived noun) waakaagwaajigan ni a moccasin cuff
waakaagwaajigan ni a moccasin cuff

waakaa'igan ni a house, a building

waakaa'iganens ni [BL] a cabin, a small house

waakaa'ige vai s/he builds (a house or other building)

waakaa'igewinini na a builder

waakaayaagibidoon vti2 bend it around something (with the hands)

(derived noun) waakaayaagibijigan ni a basket rim
waakaayaagibijigan ni a basket rim

waakaayaakobidoon vti2 fence it, fence it in

(detransitive) waakaayaakobijige vai s/he fences something in
waakaayaakobijige vai s/he fences something in

waakowazh na a whipporwill

waakoons na a fish egg, roe

waakoonsiwi-bakwezhigan na fish-egg bread

waakwaandesiing adv loc inside at the rear of the lodge (across from the doorway)

waanadaawangaa vii there is a depression or dip in the sand

waanadizi vai s/he is rich, has a lot of things

waanaji' vta have a lot of it (animate); be rich in it (animate)

Paired with: waanajitoon vti

waanajitoon vti have a lot of it; be rich in it

Paired with: waanaji' vta

waanakamigaa vii there is a depression or hollow in the ground


waanaamikaa vii there is a depression in the bottom (of a body of water), a drop-off

waanda- pv lex really; just so; completely

See also: wenda- pv lex

waangawi' vta tame it (animate), train it (animate)

(detransitive) waangawi'iwe vai s/he tames people or animals