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Showing Category: animals

ojiig na a fisher

Martes pennanti

omashkooz na an elk

American elk, wapiti
Cervus elaphus

wazhashk na a muskrat

Ondatra zibethicus

waabizheshi na a marten

American marten, pine marten
Martes americana

waabooz na a rabbit, a snowshoe hare

snowshoe hare
Lepus americanus

(verb of abundance) waaboozokaa vai there are (a lot of) rabbits
waagosh na a fox

red fox
Vulpes vulpes

waawaabiganoojiinh na a mouse

waawaashkeshi na a deer

white-tailed deer
Odocoileus virginianus

zhagashkaandawe na a flying squirrel

northern flying squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus

zhaangweshi na a mink

Mustela vison

zhigaag na a skunk

striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis

zhingos na a weasel

long-tailed weasel, ermine
Mustela spp.