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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

behave angrily
nishkaajitaa vai s/he behaves angrily, acts up in anger

cook angrily
nishkizekwe vai s/he cooks angrily

look angrily
nishkaabam vta glare at, look angrily at h/

Paired with: nishkaabandan vti

nishkaabandan vti glare at, look angrily at it

Paired with: nishkaabam vta

nishkaabi vai s/he glares (at someone or something), flashes an angry glance (at someone or something)

talk angrily
nishkaazom vta talk to h/ angrily

The initial /nishk-/ or the VAI final /-gidaazo/ occur in many verbs having to do with anger.
nishkaadizi vai s/he is angry, is mad

nishkaadiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be angry, pretends to be mad

nishkaadendam vai2 s/he is an angry person, is always mad

angry drinking
nishkibii vai s/he is angry when drinking

angry in a certain place
dazhigidaazo vai s/he is angry in a certain place, is mad in a certain place

angry to such an extent
apiichigidaazo vai s/he is angry to such an certain extent, is mad to such an extent

angry working
nishkanokii vai s/he gets angry working, gets mad working

arrive angry
bagamigidaazo vai s/he arrives angry, arrives mad

come from a certain place angry
onjigidaazo vai s/he gets angry for certain reason, gets mad for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place angry, comes from a certain place mad

come here angry
biijigidaazo vai s/he comes here angry, comes here mad

enter angry
biindigegidaazo vai s/he enters angry, enters mad

extremely angry
onzaamigidaazo vai s/he is extremely angry, is irate, is furious

feel angry
nishkendam vai2 s/he feels angry, feels mad

nishkenim vta feel angry at, feel mad at h/

Paired with: nishkendan vti

nishkendan vti feel angry at, feel mad at it

Paired with: nishkenim vta

go about angry
babaamigidaazo vai s/he goes about angry, goes about mad

go along angry
bimigidaazo vai s/he goes along angry, goes along mad

go away angry
animigidaazo vai s/he goes away angry, goes away mad

go home angry
giiwegidaazo vai s/he goes home angry, goes home mad

go off angry
maajiigidaazo vai s/he goes off angry, goes off mad

go out angry
zaagijigidaazo vai s/he goes out angry, goes out mad

go to a certain place angry
izhigidaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place angry, goes to a certain place mad

go upstairs angry
akwaandawegidaazo vai s/he goes upstairs angry, goes upstairs mad

make angry
nishki' vta anger h/, make h/ angry or mad

nishki'idiwag vai they anger each other, make each other angry or mad

nishki'iwe vai s/he angers people, makes people angry or mad

nishkim vta anger h/ by speech, speak and make h/ mad

nishkindiwag vai they make each other angry, make each other mad by speech

secretly angry
giimoojigidaazo vai s/he is secretly angry

domestic animal
awakaan na
  1. a domestic animal, a pet
  2. a captive, a slave

draft animal
odaabii'aagan na a draft animal

wild animal
awesiinh na a (wild) animal

ankle joint
bikwaakoganaan ni an ankle or wrist joint

twist ankle
biimaskoganese vai s/he twists h/ ankle

wiindamaage vai s/he tells (it) to people, announces (it) to people, informs people

migoshkaaji' vta annoy, bother, pester h/

migoshkaaji'idiwag vai they annoy, bother, pester each other

migoshkaaji'iwe vai s/he annoys, bothers, pesters people

migoshkaadendam vai2 s/he is annoyed, is bothered, is worried

answer back
aazhidem vta answer h/ back; talk back to h/

nakwetam vai2 s/he answers

enigoo na [BL] a big ant

enigoons na an ant

enigoonsigiwaam ni an anthill

eshkan na horn (of an animal), antler

zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

antler emerges
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

zazaagiwine vai h/ horns or antlers emerge, grow out

antler grows out
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

zazaagiwine vai h/ horns or antlers emerge, grow out

big antler
mamaangiwine vai s/he has big horns or antlers

deer antler
waawaashkeshiweshkan na a deer antler

moose antler
moozweshkan na a moose antler

shed antlers
biniwine vai s/he sheds h/ antlers

nijiid nid my anus

gijiid nid your anus

ojiid nid h/ anus

ojaanimendam vai2 s/he is anxious, is impatient, is in a hurry

awiya pron indf somebody, someone, anybody, anyone

See also: gaawiin awiya pron indf ; gakina awiya pron indf

aanawi adv man although; anyhow; but; despite

bagwana adv man at random; without direct evidence, not seeing or knowing, assuming, wondering

gegoo pron indf something, anything

See also: gaawiin gegoo pron indf ; gakina gegoo pron indf

amanj igo apii adv dub anytime; whenever

aandi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

aaniindi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

not anywhere
gaawiin ningoji adv loc not anywhere; nowhere

See also: gaawiin ingoji adv loc

gaawiin ingoji adv loc not anywhere; nowhere

See also: gaawiin ningoji adv loc

break apart
bakiboode vii it (string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)

Paired with: bakiboozo vai

bakiboozo vai it (animate; string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)

Paired with: bakiboode vii

bakise vii it (string-like) snaps, parts

Paired with: bakise vai

blown apart
biigwaashi vai it (animate) is damaged by the wind, is blown apart

Paired with: biigwaasin vii

biigwaasin vii it is damaged by the wind, is blown apart

Paired with: biigwaashi vai

gaagiizom vta appease h/, apologize to h/, make amends with h/

[be present]
bi-naagwad vii it appears; it comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagozi vai

bi-naagozi vai s/he appears; s/he comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagwad vii

appear a certain way
inaabaminaagwad vii it appears a certain way (especially as in a dream); it has a certain look or appearance

inaabaminaagozi vai s/he appears a certain way (especially as in a dream)

appear black
makadewinaagozi vai it (animate) looks dark or black, appears dark or black

Paired with: makadewinaagwad vii

makadewinaagwad vii it looks dark or black, appears dark or black

Paired with: makadewinaagozi vai

appear blue
ozhaawashkonaagozi vai s/he looks blue, appears blue; s/he looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagwad vii

ozhaawashkonaagwad vii it looks blue, appears blue; it looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagozi vai

appear brown
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

appear green
ozhaawashkonaagozi vai s/he looks blue, appears blue; s/he looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagwad vii

ozhaawashkonaagwad vii it looks blue, appears blue; it looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagozi vai

appear old
getenaagozi vai s/he [an animate thing] looks old, appears old

Paired with: getenaagwad vii

getenaagwad vii it looks old, appears old

Paired with: getenaagozi vai

appear red
miskonaagozi vai s/he looks red, appears red

Paired with: miskonaagwad vii

miskonaagwad vii it looks red, appears red

Paired with: miskonaagozi vai

appear white
waabishkinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks white, appears white

Paired with: waabishkinaagwad vii

waabishkinaagwad vii it looks white, appears white

Paired with: waabishkinaagozi vai

appear yellow
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

change appearance
aanzinaago' vta change h/ appearance, transform h/

Paired with: aanzinaagotoon vti2

aanzinaagotoon vti2 change its appearance, transform it

Paired with: aanzinaago' vta

aanzinaago'idizo vai s/he changes h/ (own) appearance, transforms h/ self

aanjinaagwad vii it changes appearance

have a certain appearance
izhinaagozi vai s/he has a certain look or appearance

Paired with: izhinaagwad vii

izhinaagwad vii it has a certain look or appearance

Paired with: izhinaagozi vai

gaagiizom vta appease h/, apologize to h/, make amends with h/

mishiimin na an apple

apple juice
apple juice
mishiiminaaboo ni apple juice, cider

See also: mishiiminaabo ni [BL]

apple tree
apple tree
mishiiminaatig na an apple tree

agogwaajigan ni something sewn or appliqued, trim

onagim vta appoint h/, swear h/ in; decide on h/; put a price or value on h/

Paired with: onagindan vti

naazikan vti go to, approach it

Paired with: naazikaw vta [N]

naazikaw vta [N] go to, approach h/

naazikaage vai s/he goes to, approaches people

ingoji adv deg somewhere, anywhere; approximately; nearly, almost

See also: ningoji adv loc

iskigamizige-giizis na April

maango-giizis na [BL] April

kitchen apron
inapizowin ni a kitchen apron

man's apron
aanziyaan ni
  1. a man's apron, a breech cloth
  2. a diaper

zhooshkwaada'ewigamig ni a rink, a hockey arena

giikaam vta quarrel with h/; argue with h/

giikaandiwag vai they argue, quarrel with each other,

There is no simple independent word for arm. A personal prefix goes with the dependent noun stem /=nik-/ "arm" to make a full word naming the body part: ninik "my arm", ginik "your arm", onik "his or her arm", and so on in many more inflected forms. Verbs describing arms or actions affecting arms use /-nik-/ as a medial element as in many of the words below.
ninik nid my arm

ginik nid your arm

onik nid h/ arm

arm aches
dewinike vai s/he has an ache in h/ arm

arm itches
gizhiibinike vai h/ arm itches

gagizhiibinike vai h/ arms itch

ginaginike vai h/ arm itches

big arm
mamaanginike vai s/he has big arms

bloody arm
miskwiiwinike vai s/he has a bloody arm

break arm
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm

bookonikeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ arm

broken arm
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm

bump arm
bitaakonikeshin vai s/he bumps h/ arm on something

fall and break arm
bookonikeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ arm

fall and twist arm
biimiskonikeshin vai s/he falls and twists h/ arm

hairy arm
miishinike vai s/he has hairy arms

lift arm
ombinikeni vai s/he lifts, raises h/ arm

long arm
ginwaakonike vai s/he has long arms

gagaanwaakonike vai s/he has long arms

move arm a certain way
izhinikeni vai s/he moves h/ arm a certain way

numb arm
biinisinike vai s/he has a numb arm or numb arms

giikimaninike vai h/ arm is asleep, arms are asleep; h/ arm feels numb, arms feel numb

scab on arm
omiginike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm

omigiiwinike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm or arms

scar on arm
ojiishinike vai s/he has a scar on h/ arm

strong arm
zoonginike vai s/he has a strong arm

small arm
babiiwinike vai s/he has small arms; s/he has thin arms

sore arm
gaagiijinike vai s/he has a sore arm

sore on arm
omiginike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm

omigiiwinike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm or arms

sprain arm
zeginikeshin vai s/he sprains h/ arm

stiff arm
jiibadaakonike vai s/he has a stiff arm

such an arm
izhinike vai s/he has such an arm or such arms

arm garter
arm garter
jiiskinikebizon ni an arm garter; an armband; a bracelet

gashkinikebizon ni an armband

nining nid h/ armpit

gining nid your armpit

oning nid h/ armpit; its wing

go around
ditibise vii it rolls, goes around

Paired with: ditibise vai

[go along edge]
all around
giiwitaa-ayi'ii adv loc all around it

See also: giiwitaa-aya'ii adv loc

giiwitaa-aya'ii adv loc all around it

See also: giiwitaa-ayi'ii adv loc

around the fire
giiwitaashkode adv loc around the fire

lay down around something
giiwitaashim vta lay h/ down around

Paired with: giiwitaasidoon vti2

giiwitaasidoon vti2 lay it down around

Paired with: giiwitaashim vta

run around something
giiwitaabatoo vai s/he runs around in a circle

walk around something
giiwitaashkan vti walk around it

Paired with: giiwitaashkaw vta

giiwitaashkaw vta walk around h/

Paired with: giiwitaashkan vti

giiwitaawose vai s/he walks around something

walk around the edge
giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

ozhishim vta put h/ in place, arrange h/, set h/ up

Paired with: ozisidoon vti2

ozisidoon vti2
  1. put it in place, arrange it
  2. make it (a bed)
  3. set it (a table)

Paired with: ozhishim vta

dakon vta
  1. hold, take hold of h/
  2. arrest h/

Paired with: dakonan vti

dakoniwe vai s/he arrests (people)

bagami- pv lex arriving

bagami-ayaa vai s/he arrives, gets somewhere

Paired with: bagami-ayaa vii

dagoshin vai s/he arrives, gets somewhere

Paired with: dagoshinoomagad vii See also: dagwishin vai

dagoshinoomagad vii it arrives

Paired with: dagoshin vai

arrive by boat
bagamishkaa vai s/he arrives paddling, arrives by boat

arrive carrying
bagamiwidoon vti2 arrive carrying it

Paired with: bagamiwizh vta

bagamiwizh vta arrive carrying h/

Paired with: bagamiwidoon vti2

arrive carrying on back
bagamoom vta arrive carrying h/ on back

bagamoondan vti arrive carrying it on back

Paired with: bagamoom vta

arrive crawling
bagamoode vai s/he arrives crawling

arrive crying
bagamademo vai s/he arrives crying

arrive dragging
bagamidaabii'iwe vai s/he arrives driving

bagamidaabaadan vti arrive dragging it

Paired with: bagamidaabaazh vta

bagamidaabaazh vta arrive dragging h/

Paired with: bagamidaabaadan vti

arrive driving
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

bagamidaabii'iwe vai s/he arrives driving

arrive drunk
bagamibii vai s/he arrives drunk

arrive fleeing
bagamiba'iwe vai s/he arrives fleeing from people

arrive flying
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

bagamise vii it arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vai

bagamise vai s/he arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vii

arrive hungry
bagamanaandam vai2 s/he arrives hungry

arrive in a group
bagamaawanidiwag vai they arrive in a group

arrive laughing
bagamaapi vai s/he arrives laughing

arrive mad
bagamigidaazo vai s/he arrives angry, arrives mad

arrive on horseback
bagamoomigo vai s/he arrives on horseback

arrive running
bagamibatoo vai s/he arrives running

bagamiba'idiwag vai they arrive together running

arrive paddling
bagamishkaa vai s/he arrives paddling, arrives by boat

arrive sick
bagamaapine vai s/he arrives sick

bagamine vai s/he arrives sick

arrive speeding
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

arrive swimming
bagamaadagaa vai s/he arrives swimming

See also: bagamaadage vai [BL]

bagamaadage vai [BL] s/he arrives swimming

See also: bagamaadagaa vai

arrive talking
bagamaanagidoon vai [S] s/he arrives talking

arrive wading
bagamaadagaazii vai s/he arrives wading

arrive walking
bagamose vai s/he arrives walking

arrive with news
bagamaajimo vai s/he arrives with news

arrive in flight
bagamaamo vai s/he arrives in flight seeking refuge

maminaadizi vai s/he is arrogant

arrogant attitude
maminaadendam vai2 s/he has proud thoughts, has an arrogant attitude

bikwak ni an arrow

obikwako vai s/he has an arrow or arrows

shoot with an arrow
bimo vta [MN] shoot h/ with an arrow or other projectile

Paired with: bimodan vti See also: bimwi vta [NI]

bimodan vti shoot it with an arrow or other projectile

Paired with: bimo vta [MN]

bimojige vai s/he shoots things with an arrow or other projectile

bimwi vta [NI] shoot or hit h/ with an arrow or other projectile

See also: bimo vta [MN]

okanaapine vai s/he has arthritis, has rheumatism

See also: okaniwaapine vai

okaniwaapine vai s/he has arthritis, has rheumatism

See also: okanaapine vai

artificial sweetener
artifical sweetener
akiwenzii-ziinzibaakwad ni [BL] an artificial sweetener

mazinibii'igewinini na a (male) artist

apiichi- pv rel to a certain extent or degree; as much as

as for
gaye adv conj as for, also, too, and

ge adv conj also; as for, also, too, and; too

igaye adv conj and; as for, also, too, and

ombishkaa vai s/he or it (animate) rises, ascends, goes upwards

Paired with: ombishkaa vii

ombishkaa vii it rises, ascends, goes upwards

See also: ombishkaa vai

black ash
baapaagimaak na a black ash (tree)

Fraxinus nigra

mountain ash
makominagaawanzh na a mountain ash

American mountain ash
Sorbus americana

white ash
aagimaak na a white ash

white ash
Fraxinus americana

agaji vai s/he is ashamed, is shy, is bashful

agadendam vai2 s/he is ashamed, feels shy, is embarrassed

agadendaagozi vai s/he seems ashamed, shy, embarrassed

Paired with: agadendaagwad vii

agadendan vti be ashamed of it

Paired with: agadenim vta

agadenim vta be ashamed of, be embarrassed by h/

Paired with: agadendan vti

agajiitaw vta be shy in front of, be ashamed before h/

make ashamed
agaji' vta make h/ ashamed, embarrass h/, disgrace h/

bingwi ni ashes; sand

ishkode-bingwi ni ashes

blown ashore
agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaasin vii

agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaashi vai

carry ashore
agwaawidoon vti2 carry, take it ashore

Paired with: agwaawizh vta

agwaawizh vta carry, take h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaawidoon vti2

carry ashore on back
agwaayoom vta carry, take h/ shore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoondan vti

agwaayoondan vti carry, take it ashore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoom vta

come ashore
agwaataa vai s/he goes ashore, comes ashore

agwaa'o vai s/he lands, comes ashore in a boat

agwaabiitaa vai s/he or it (animate) comes ashore, moves ashore

drag ashore
agwaadaabaadan vti drag it ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaazh vta

agwaadaabaazh vta drag h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaadan vti

agwaadaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load ashore

go ashore
agwaataa vai s/he goes ashore, comes ashore

jump ashore
agwaagwaashkwani vai s/he jumps ashore

pull ashore
agwaabidoon vti2 pull it ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabizh vta

agwaabizh vta pull h/ or it (animate) ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabidoon vti2

run ashore
agwaabatoo vai s/he runs ashore

agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together

run ashore as a group
agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together

sail ashore
agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaasin vii

agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaashi vai

swim ashore
agwaayaadagaa vai s/he swims ashore

See also: agwaayaadage vai [BL]

agwaayaadage vai [BL] s/he swims to shore

See also: agwaayaadagaa vai

take ashore
agwaa'oodoon vti2 take it off something or unload it off something: take it ashore, take it off the fire, take it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: agwaa'oozh vta

agwaashim vta take h/ ashore, take h/ off a boat or vehicle, unload it (animate) off something; take it (animate) off the fire

Paired with: agwaasidoon vti2

agwaasidoon vti2 take it off something or unload it off something: take it ashore, take it off the fire, take it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: agwaashim vta

agwaasijigaade vii it is taken ashore; it is taken off the fire

agwaasijigaazo vai s/he is taken ashore; s/he is taken off the fire

agwaawidoon vti2 carry, take it ashore

Paired with: agwaawizh vta

agwaawizh vta carry, take h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaawidoon vti2

carry ashore on back
agwaayoom vta carry, take h/ shore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoondan vti

agwaayoondan vti carry, take it ashore on the back

Paired with: agwaayoom vta

wade ashore
agwaayaadagaazii vai s/he wades ashore

aniibiishikewinini na an Asian

aniibiishikewikwe na an Asian woman

kick aside
ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

shove aside
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikoweba' vta shove h/ aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba'an vti

ikoweba'an vti shove it aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba' vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

toss aside
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

gagwedwe vai s/he asks, asks a question, inquires

gagwejim vta ask, question h/

gagwejindiwag vai they ask, question each other

nandodan vti [ML] ask for, request, order it

Paired with: nandom vta [ML] See also: andodan vti

andodan vti ask for, request, order it

nandom vta [ML] ask for, call, summon h/

See also: andom vta

andom vta ask for, call, summon h/

See also: nandom vta [ML]

nandodamaw vta [ML] ask h/, beg h/ for (it)

See also: andodamaw vta

andodamaw vta ask h/ for (it); beg h/ for (it)

See also: nandodamaw vta [ML]

nandodamaage vai s/he asks people, begs people for things

See also: andodamaage vai [N]

andodamaage vai [N] s/he asks people, begs people for things

See also: nandodamaage vai

go and ask
nandwewendan vti go and ask for it

Paired with: nandwewem vta

nandwewem vta go and ask for h/

See also: andwewem vta

andwewem vta go and ask for h/

See also: nandwewem vta

nandwewendamaw vta go and ask h/ (for (it))

ask along
wiizhaam vta invite h/ (to join an activity), ask h/ along

nibaa vai s/he sleeps, is asleep

fall asleep
gawingwashi vai s/he falls asleep

pretend to be asleep
nibekaazo vai s/he pretends to sleep or be asleep

sound asleep
boozaangwaam vai [ML] s/he is sound asleep, sleeps deeply

See also: boozaangwaami vai [RL] ; boozaangwaamo vai

boozaangwaami vai [RL] s/he is sound asleep, sleeps deeply

See also: boozaangwaam vai [ML] ; boozaangwaamo vai

[numb body part]
arm is alseep
giikimaninike vai h/ arm is asleep, arms are asleep; h/ arm feels numb, arms feel numb

foot is asleep
giikimanizide vai h/ foot is asleep, feet are asleep; h/ foot feels numb, feet feel numb

hand is asleep
giikimanininjii vai h/ hand is asleep, hands are asleep; h/ hand feels numb, hands feel numb

leg is asleep
giikimanigaade vai h/ leg is asleep, legs are asleep; h/ leg feels numb, legs feel numb

azaadi na a poplar, an aspen

trembling aspen
Populus tremuloides

poplar wood
azaadiisag ni poplar wood

azaadiiwi-bigijiisag ni punky poplar wood used for smoking hides

See also: azaadii-biigijiisag ni

makade-bigiw na tar, asphalt

asphalt road
asphalt road
bigii-miikana ni an asphalt road

high aspirations
ishpenimo vai s/he is proud, has self-respect

dewikwe-mashkikiins ni an aspirin

[put parts together]
oninan vti form, shape, assemble it; get it ready (by hand); put it in order, put it away

Paired with: onin vta

onin vta
  1. form, shape, assemble, order it (animate); get it (animate) ready (by hand)
  2. deal it (animate; playing cards)

Paired with: oninan vti

oninige vai
  1. s/he forms, shapes, assembles, orders things
  2. s/he shuffles and deals cards

[come together]
maamawi'idiwag vai they assemble, meet together

asigi'idiwag vai they come together, assemble

maawanji'idiwag vai they come together, meet with each other, have a meeting

asinii-bwaan na an Assiniboin

wiiji'idiwin ni mutual help or assistance, helping others

wiidookodaadiwin ni mutual help or assistance, helping others

wiidookaagewinini na a helper, an assistant

wiidookaagewikwe na a helper (female), an assistant (female)

assistant director
assistant director
aanike-odaake-ogimaa na a lieutenant-governor; an assistant director

wiisookaw vta associate with, be frequently with, be friendly with h/

wiisookodaadiwag vai they associate with each other, are with each other frequently, are friendly with each other

maamakaadizi vai s/he amazes, astonishes

maamakaadendan vti be amazed at, be astonished at, wonder at it

Paired with: maamakaadenim vta

maamakaadenim vta be amazed at, be astonished at, wonder at h/

Paired with: maamakaadendan vti

maamakaadakamig pc disc amazing! astonishing!

maamakaaj adv man strange, amazing, astonishing

maamakaadendaagozi vai s/he is amazing, is astonishing, is a wonder

Paired with: maamakaadendaagwad vii

maamakaadendaagwad vii it is amazing, is astonishing, is a wonder

Paired with: maamakaadendaagozi vai

sit astride
desabi vai s/he sits on a raised surface, sits astride, sits straddling something; s/he rides mounted on top

mawinazh vta run at, rush at, charge, attack h/

Paired with: mawinadan vti

mawine'an vti charge, challenge, attack it

Paired with: mawine' vta ; mawine'wi vta [NI]

mawine'wi vta [NI] charge, challenge, attack h/

mawine' vta

mookiitaw vta attack h/ from hiding

goji- pv lex attempt; try

ceremonial attendant
oshkaabewis na a ceremonial attendant or messenger

ambe pc interj attention!; come on!; let's go!

pay attention
babaamendam vai2 s/he pays attention, worries

babaamendan vti pay attention to, be preoccupied with, worry about, bother it

Paired with: babaamenim vta

babaamenim vta pay attention to, worry about, be preoccupied with, bother h/

Paired with: babaamendan vti

zhoobi' vta attract, please h/

sell at auction
biibaagadaawaage vai s/he sells at a public sale or auction

madwe- pv lex audible; being heard; making noise; visible

ice auger
bagonezigwa'igan ni an ice auger

manoominike-giizis na the moon of ricing occuring in August or September

See also: manoominikewi-giizis na [BL]

manoominikewi-giizis na [BL] the moon of ricing occuring in August or September

See also: manoominike-giizis na

miini-giizis na July; August

There are two kinds of aunts: one is a father's sister (sometimes called a cross-aunt) whose children are called with special cousin terms. The other is a mother's sister (sometimes called a parallel aunt) whose children are called siblings (brothers and sisters).
nizigos nad my aunt (cross-aunt: father's sister)

inzigos nad my aunt (cross-aunt: father's sister)

gizigos nad your aunt (cross-aunt: father's sister)

ozigosan nad h/ aunt (cross-aunt: father's sister)

parallel aunt
ninoshenh nad my stepmother; my aunt (parallel aunt: mother's sister)

ginoshenh nad your aunt (parallel aunt: mother's sister); your stepmother

onoshenyan nad h/ aunt (parallel aunt: mother's sister); h/ stepmother

aurora borealis
aurora borealis
waawaate vii there is a display of the northern lights (aurora borealis)

ogimaawiwin ni government; authority; leadership

odaabaan na [LL] [ML]
  1. something pulled or dragged as a means of conveyance: a sled, a sleigh, a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan ni [N]

odaabaan ni [N]
  1. something dragged or pulled as a means of conveyance: a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan na [LL] [ML]

waasamoowidaabaan na a car, an automobile

See also: waasamoowidaabaan ni

waasamoowidaabaan ni a car, an automobile

See also: waasamoowidaabaan na

automobile mechanic
automobile mechanic
nanaa'idaabaanewinini na an automobile mechanic

nanaa'idaabaanikewinini na an automobile mechanic

odaabaanikewinini na an automobile mechanic

dagwaagin vii it is fall, is autumn

autumn before last
awas-dagwaagong adv tmp fall before last, autumn before last

See also: awasi-dagwaagong adv tmp [RL]

awasi-dagwaagong adv tmp [RL] fall before last, autumn before last

See also: awas-dagwaagong adv tmp

every autumn
endaso-dagwaagi adv tmp every fall, every autumn

last autumn
dagwaagong adv tmp last fall, last autumn

avoid talking
boonim vta avoid talking to h/; stop talking to h/

goshkozi vai s/he wakes up, is awake

come awake
amajise vai s/he wakes up suddenly, comes awake

keep awake
opaa' vta keep h/ awake

opaa'idiwag vai they keep each other awake

opaa'iwe vai s/he keeps people awake

opaam vta keep h/ awake by talking

opaama'amaazo vai s/he keeps people awake by singing

shake awake
amajwebin vta shake h/ awake

amajiwebin vta shake h/ awake

See also: amajwebin vta

wide awake
aabiziingwashi vai s/he is wide awake

[in the other direction]
going away
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

blown away (in the other direction)
animaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: animaasin vii

animaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind); sails, soars away

Paired with: animaashi vai

carry away
animiwidoon vti2 carry, take it away

Paired with: animiwizh vta

animiwizh vta take, carry h/ away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animiwidoon vti2

carry away on back
animoom vta carry h/ away on the back

Paired with: animoondan vti

animoondan vti carry it away on the back

Paired with: animoom vta

clouds go away
animaanakwad vii clouds go away

crawl away
animoode vai s/he crawls away

dance away
animishimo vai s/he dances away

drift away on the current
animaaboode vii it drifts away on the current

Paired with: animaaboozo vai

animaaboozo vai s/he drifts or floats away (in the other direction) on the current

Paired with: animaaboode vii

drift away on the waves
animaa'an vii it drifts away on the waves

Paired with: animaa'ago vai [BL] ; animaa'ogo vai

animaa'ogo vai s/he drifts away on the waves

Paired with: animaa'an vii See also: animaa'ago vai [BL]

drive away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives away (in the other direction)

drive away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

drive away with a light
animaazakonenjigebizo vai s/he drives away with a light

flow away
animijiwan vii it flows away

fly away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animise vii it flies away

Paired with: animise vai

animise vai s/he flies away

Paired with: animise vii

fly away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

follow a trail away
anima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail away

anima'adoon vti2 follow it away as a trail

Paired with: anima'azh vta

anima'azh vta follow h/ trail away

Paired with: anima'adoon vti2

go away crying
animademo vai s/he goes away crying

go away hungry
animanaandam vai2 s/he goes away (in the other direction) hungry

go away in a canoe
animishkaa vai s/he goes away in a canoe, paddles away

go away laughing
animaapi vai s/he goes away laughing

go away mad
animigidaazo vai s/he goes away angry, goes away mad

go away on the ice
animaadagaako vai s/he goes away (in the other direction) on the ice

animaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the ice

go away singing
anima'amaazo vai s/he goes away singing

go away speaking
animwewidam vai2 s/he goes away making (vocal) sounds

go away with a light
animaazakonenjige vai s/he goes away with a light

leave tracks going away
animikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going away

rain goes away
animibiisaa vii rain goes away

See also: animibiisaan vii [BL]

animibiisaan vii [BL] rain goes away

See also: animibiisaa vii

paddle away
animishkaa vai s/he goes away in a canoe, paddles away

animakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles away [in the other direction]; s/he swims away (as fish)

run away (in the other direction)
animibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction)

animiba'idiwag vai they run away (in the other direction) together

animibatwaadan vti run away (in the other direction) with it

Paired with: animibatwaazh vta

animibatwaazh vta run away (in the other direction) with h/

Paired with: animibatwaadan vti

animiba'iwe vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in flight from someone

animaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the ice

animaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the shore

animaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in the water, runs away (in the other direction) wading

animwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running away (in the other direction)

run away making noise
animwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running away (in the other direction)

ride away on horseback
animoomigo vai s/he rides away on horseback

run away scared
animinizhimo vai s/he runs away scared

sail away (in the other direction)
animaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: animaasin vii

animaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind); sails, soars away

Paired with: animaashi vai

skate away
animaada'e vai s/he skates away (in the other direction)

swim away
animaadagaa vai s/he swims away [in the other direction]

See also: animaadage vai [BL]

animaadage vai [BL] s/he swims away [in the other direction]

See also: animaadagaa vai

speed away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

speed away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

take away (in the other direction)
animiwidoon vti2 carry, take it away

Paired with: animiwizh vta

animiwizh vta take, carry h/ away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animiwidoon vti2

take away by boat
anima'oodoon vti2 take it away by boat

Paired with: anima'oozh vta

anima'oozh vta take h/ away by boat

Paired with: anima'oodoon vti2

wade away
animaadagaazii vai s/he wades away

walk away
animose vai s/he walks away

animweweshin vai s/he is heard walking away

walk away making noise
animwewetoo vai s/he walks away speaking publicly, making sounds

[somewhere else]
apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

inendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

go away
awas pc disc go away!

run away
ginjiba' vta flee from, run away from h/

ginjiba'iwe vai s/he flees from people, runs away from people

take away
maajiidoon vti2 carry, take it away

Paired with: maajiizh vta

maajiizh vta take h/ away, take h/ along

Paired with: maajiidoon vti2

maajiizhiwe vai s/he takes people away, takes people along