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ozaawaabik ni (a piece of) brass, (a piece of) copper

ozaawaabikad vii it is (of) brass; it is yellow, is brown (as something mineral)

Paired with: ozaawaabikizi vai

ozaawaabikizi vai it (animate) is (of) brass; it (animate; mineral) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaabikad vii

aasodoodooshimebizon ni a brassiere

zoongide'e vai s/he is brave

zoongide'ewin ni bravery, courage

bakwezhigan na
  1. bread, bannock
  2. flour

bakwezhigan na
  1. bread, bannock
  2. flour

bakwezhiganikaan na [BL] bannock

bread cooked over an open fire
abwaajigan na bread cooked over a fire

bread or bannock made by leaning to face an open fire
aasamaakwa'igan na bread or bannock made by leaning to face an open fire

fish egg bread
waakoonsiwi-bakwezhigan na fish-egg bread

fry bread
zaasagokwaan na (a piece of) fry bread

See also: zaasakokwaan na

zaasakokwaan na (a piece of) fry bread

See also: zaasagokwaan na

make bread
bakwezhiganike vai s/he makes bread, [N] makes bannock

oven-baked bread
gibozigan na bread baked in the oven, yeast bread

yeast bread
gibozigan na bread baked in the oven, yeast bread

bread box
bread box
bakwezhigani-makak ni a bread box; a flour box

biigoshkaa vii it breaks, is broken

Paired with: biigoshkaa vai

biigoshkaa vai
  1. s/he breaks, is broken
  2. s/he is broke (out of money)

Paired with: biigoshkaa vii

break apart
bakiboode vii it (string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)

Paired with: bakiboozo vai

bakiboozo vai it (animate; string-like) breaks or parts (from abrasion)

Paired with: bakiboode vii

bakise vii it (string-like) snaps, parts

Paired with: bakise vai

break by heat
biigode vii it breaks by heat

Paired with: biigozo vai

biigozo vai s/he breaks by heat

Paired with: biigode vii

niigode vii it breaks by heat

Paired with: niigozo vai

niigozo vai s/he breaks by heat

Paired with: niigode vii

break on impact
niigoshin vai s/he breaks (on impact)

Paired with: niigosin vii

niigosin vii it breaks (on impact)

Paired with: niigoshin vai

break arm
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm

bookonikeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ arm

break back
bookwaawigane vai s/he has a broken back, breaks h/ back, is hunchbacked

bookwaawiganeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ back

bookwaawiganebizh vta break h/ back (with hands)

break bone
bookogane vai s/he has a broken bone

bookoganeshin vai s/he falls and breaks a bone

break foot
bookozide vai s/he breaks h/ foot, has broken foot

bookozideshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ foot

break hand
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand

bookoninjiishin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ hand

break by hitting
biigoganaandan vti damage, ruin, break it by hitting

Paired with: biigoganaam vta

biigoganaam vta damage, ruin, break h/ by hitting

Paired with: biigoganaandan vti

break heel
bookodoondaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks her heel

break in two
bookobidoon vti2 break it in two (with hands)

Paired with: bookobizh vta

bookobizh vta break h/ in two (with hands)

Paired with: bookobidoon vti2

bookoganaandan vti break it in two (by hitting)

Paired with: bookoganaam vta

bookoganaam vta break h/ in two (by hitting)

Paired with: bookoganaandan vti

bookoshkan vti break it in two (by foot or body)

Paired with: bookoshkaw vta

bookoshkaw vta break h/ in two (by foot or body)

Paired with: bookoshkan vti

break into particles with hands
biisibidoon vti2 break it into small pieces with hands; crumble it

Paired with: biisibizh vta

biisibizh vta break h/ into small pieces with hands; crumble h/

Paired with: biisibidoon vti2

break kneecap
bookogidigweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ kneecap

break leg
bookogaade vai s/he breaks h/ (own) leg, has a broken leg

bookogaadeshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ leg

break nose
bookojaane vai s/he has a broken nose

bookojaaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ nose

break off
bakibidoon vti2 break or snap it (string-like) (with hands)

Paired with: bakibizh vta

bakibizh vta break or snap it (animate; string-like) (with hands)

Paired with: bakibidoon vti2

break up
biigwakamigibidoon vti2 break it up (as ground); plow it

break tooth
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth or had broken teeth, breaks h/ tooth or teeth

bookwaabideshin vai s/he falls and breaks a tooth or teeth, breaks his tooth or teeth on something

bookwaabideganaam vta break h/ tooth or teeth by hitting with force

break using something
biigwa' vta break h/ (using something)

Paired with: biigwa'an vti

biigwa'an vti break, destroy it (using something); tear it down (using something)

Paired with: biigwa' vta

break wing
bookoningwii vai s/he breaks h/ wing, has a broken wing

bookoningwiishin vai s/he breaks h/ wing falling or hitting against

take a break
gibichiitaa vai s/he takes a break

break up
break up fight
nanaginiwe vai s/he breaks up a fight

eat breakfast
gigizhebaa-miijin vti3 eat it for breakfast

gigizhebaa-wiisini vai s/he eats breakfast

gigizhebaa-wiisiniwin ni breakfast

indoodooshim nad my breast

gidoodooshim nad your breast

odoodooshiman nad her breast

breast feed
breast feed
noonaawaso vai s/he nurses a baby

nooni' vta breast feed h/

noozh vta nurse h/ [a baby]

bagidanaamowin ni breathing, breath

bad breath
maazhimaagwanaamo vai s/he has bad breath

breath cut short
giishkanaamo vai h/ breath is cut short

draw breath in
ikwanaamo vai s/he breathes in, inhales, takes a deep breath

wiikwanaamo vai s/he draws in breath, inhales

dry breath
bengwanaamo vai s/he has dry breath

first breath
biidanaamo vai s/he takes h/ first breath

recover breath
nasanaamo vai s/he exhales; s/he recovers h/ breath

short of breath
akwanaamo vai s/he is short of breath, takes short breaths

noondenaamo vai s/he runs short of breath, is short-winded

take short breaths
akwanaamo vai s/he is short of breath, takes short breaths

warm breath
giizhoonaamo vai s/he has warm breath

gizhanaamo vai s/he has hot breath, fevered breath

skinning knife
bakonige-mookomaan ni a skinning knife

See also: bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL]

bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL] a skinning knife

See also: bakonige-mookomaan ni

bagidanaamo vai s/he breathes, exhales

breathe a certain way
inanaamo vai s/he breathes a certain way, uses h/ voice a certain way, utters a certain way

breathe fast
dataatabanaamo vai s/he breathes fast

gizhiinaamo vai s/he breathes fast

breathe in
ikwanaamo vai s/he breathes in, inhales, takes a deep breath

wiikwanaamo vai s/he draws in breath, inhales

change breathing
aanzanaamo vai s/he changes h/ breathing, sighs, changes pitch of h/ voice; s/he takes a deep breath

heard breathing
madwenaamo vai [BL] s/he is heard breathing, snorts, huffs and puffs

squeak breathing
giziibwewenaamo vai s/he squeaks when breathing, wheezes

stop breathing
gibitanaamo vai s/he stops breathing

ishkwaanaamo vai s/he stops breathing

start breathing
maadanaamo vai s/he starts breathing

breathe at a certain rate
apiitanaamo vai s/he breathes at a certain rate

breathe with difficulty
zanaganaamo vai s/he breathes with difficulty, has respiratory problems

bagidanaamowin ni breathing, breath

breech clout
breech clout
aanziyaan ni
  1. a man's apron, a breech cloth
  2. a diaper

good breeze
minwaanimad vii there is a good breeze

aazhawaandawaagan ni a footbridge

aazhogan ni a bridge

zagidoonebijigan ni a bridle, a bit

babaamizii-mashkimod ni a briefcase

bagaki- pv lex bright

waaseyaa vii it is bright, is light (as in the day), is radiant; it is sunny

Paired with: waasezi vai

bright (sheet-like)
waaseyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is bright, is shiny

Paired with: waaseyiigizi vai

waaseyiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is bright, is shiny

Paired with: waaseyiigad vii

bright leaves
waatebagaa vii there are bright leaves

bright snow
bagakaagonagaa vii there is bright snow

biidoon vti2 bring it

Paired with: biizh vta

biizh vta bring h/

Paired with: biidoon vti2

biidaw vta bring (it) for h/

See also: biidamaw vta

biidamaw vta bring something for h/

See also: biidaw vta

biidamaage vai s/he brings (it) for (people)

biijigaade vii it is brought (by someone), "they" bring it

Paired with: biijigaazo vai

biijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is brought (by someone), "they" bring h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: biijigaade vii

bring firewood inside
biindigenise vai s/he brings firewood inside

bring in a boat
biida'oodoon vti2 bring it here by boat

Paired with: biida'oozh vta

biida'oozh vta bring h/ or it (animate) here by boat

Paired with: biida'oodoon vti2

bring indoors
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

bring inside
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

bring news
biidaajimo vai s/he brings the news

biidaajimotaw vta bring the news to h/

biidaajimotaage vai s/he brings the news to people

biidaadodan vti come and tell of it; bring the news about it

Paired with: biidaajim vta

biidaajim vta come to tell about h/; bring the news about h/

Paired with: biidaadodan vti

biidaadojigaade vii the news of it is brought (by someone), "they" bring the news of it; it is forecasted (by someone), "they" forecast it

bring on back
biidoondan vti bring it on back

Paired with: biidoom vta

biidoom vta bring h/ on back

Paired with: biidoondan vti

bring on shoulder
biijinige vai s/he brings, carries something here on the shoulder

biijinigaadan vti bring, carry it here on the shoulder

Paired with: biijinigaazh vta

biijinigaazh vta bring, carry h/ here on the shoulder

Paired with: biijinigaadan vti

gaapan vii it is brittle

Paired with: gaapizi vai

gaapizi vai s/he is brittle

Paired with: gaapan vii

broad face
mangadengwe vai s/he has a broad face

biigoshkaa vai
  1. s/he breaks, is broken
  2. s/he is broke (out of money)

Paired with: biigoshkaa vii

biigoshkaa vii it breaks, is broken

Paired with: biigoshkaa vai

broken arm
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm

broken back
bookwaawigane vai s/he has a broken back, breaks h/ back, is hunchbacked

broken foot
bookozide vai s/he breaks h/ foot, has broken foot

broken hand
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand

broken leg
bookogaade vai s/he breaks h/ (own) leg, has a broken leg

broken tooth
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth or had broken teeth, breaks h/ tooth or teeth

broken-down car
biigodaabaane vai s/he has a broken-down car

zagaakwa'on na a button; a brooch

jiigada'igan ni a broom

jiishada'igan ni a broom

zhiishada'igan ni [RL] a broom

wiiyaasaaboo ni broth

wild rice broth
manoominaaboo ni wild rice broth or soup

older brother
nisayenh nad my older brother

gisayenh nad your older brother

osayenyan nad h/ older brother

younger brother
nishiime nad my younger sibling (brother or sister); my younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

gishiime nad your younger sibling (brother or sister); your younger parallel cousin (father's brother's child; mother's sister's child)

oshiimeyan nad h/ younger sibling (brother or sister); h/ younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

brother of a female
ndawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

indawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

nindawemaa my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

gidawemaa nad your sibling of the opposite sex; your brother; your sister

odawemaan nad h/ sibling of the opposite sex: her brother, his sister

brother of a male
niijikiwenh nad my (male's) brother, (male) parallel cousin, fellow man

wiijikiwenyan nad his brother

owiijikiwenyan nad his brother

brother (ritual use)
=iikaan nad someone's (male's) brother; someone's (male's) male friend

=iikaanis nad someone's (male's) brother; someone's (male's) male friend

brother-in-law of a male
niitaa nad my brother-in-law (a male's brother-in-law)

giitaa nad your brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

wiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: owiitaan nad

owiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: wiitaan nad

brother-in-law of a female
niinim nad (if I am male) my sister-in-law; (if I am female) my brother-in-law

giinim nad (if you are male) your sister-in-law; (if you are female) your brother-in-law

wiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: owiinimoon nad

owiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: wiinimoon nad

nikatig nid my forehead, brow

gikatig nid your forhead, brow

okatig nid h/ forehead, brow

The root /ozaaw-/ is the initial element in words for colors ranging from yellow to brown.
ozaawaa vii it is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawizi vai

ozaawi- pv lex brown; yellow

ozaawizi vai s/he or it (animate) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaa vii

brown (globular)
ozaawiminagad vii it (something small and round) is yellow or brown

See also: ozaawiminagizi vai

ozaawiminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round) is yellow or brown

See also: wezaawiminagizid na-v

brown (liquid)
ozaawaagamin vii it (a liquid) is yellow, is brown

brown (mineral)
ozaawaabikad vii it is (of) brass; it is yellow, is brown (as something mineral)

Paired with: ozaawaabikizi vai

ozaawaabikizi vai it (animate) is (of) brass; it (animate; mineral) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaabikad vii

brown (sheet-like)
ozaawegad vii it (sheet-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawegizi vai

ozaawegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawegad vii

brown (stick-like)
ozaawaakwad vii it (stick-like) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaakozi vai

ozaawaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaakwad vii

brown (string-like)
ozaawaabiigad vii it (string-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawaabiigizi vai

ozaawaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawaabiigad vii

appear brown
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

brown bark
ozaawanagekozi vai it (animate) has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekwad vii

ozaawanagekwad vii it has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekozi vai

brown hair
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

brown leaves
ozaawibagaa vii there are brown or yellow leaves

color brown
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

look brown
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

wear brown
ozaawi'o vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

brown by fire
ozaawaakizan vti toast it, brown it (by fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakiz vta

ozaawaakiz vta toast h/, brown h/ (by fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakizan vti

ozaawaakide vii it is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakizo vai

ozaawaakizo vai it (animate) is toasted, is browned (by heat or fire)

See also: ozaawaakide vii

ozaawaakizige vai s/he toasts something, browns something (by fire)

bruised face
ozhaawashkwaanagiingwe vai s/he has a bruised face

brush snow
bawaagone' vta brush snow off h/ using something

Paired with: bawaagone'an vti

bawaagone'an vti brush snow off it using something

Paired with: bawaagone' vta

bawaagonen vta brush snow off h/ (by hand)

Paired with: bawaagonenan vti

bawaagonenan vti brush snow off it (by hand)

Paired with: bawaagonen vta

brush teeth
giziiyaabide'o vai s/he brushes h/ (own) teeth

giziiyaabide'odizo vai s/he brushes h/ (own) teeth

brush (sheet-like)
bawega' vta brush h/ (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: bawega'an vti

bawega'an vti brush it using something (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: bawega' vta

paint brush
zhizhoobii'iganaatig ni a paint brush

scrub brush
mamigosaga'igan ni [BL] a scrub brush

See also: mimigosaga'igan ni

mimigosaga'igan ni a scrub brush

See also: mamigosaga'igan ni [BL]

giziiyaabide'on ni a toothbrush

chop brush clear
bashkoga'ige vai s/he is brushing, is clearcutting

clump of brush
bikokobaa vii it is a clump of brush

in the brush
megwekob adv loc in the brush, in a thicket

low brush
dabasikobaa vii it is low brush

point of brush
nekobaa vii it is a point of brush

thick brush
zagikobaa vii it is thick brush

biisitaagan ni a bubble

ayaabe na a buck, a male deer

akik na
  1. a container, usually of metal, for cooking or for holding liquids: a kettle, a pot, a pan, a pail, a bucket
  2. an engine, a motor

sap bucket of folded birch bark
biskitenaagan ni a sap bucket of folded birch bark; [BL] a birch bark basket

belt buckle
gijipizonaabik ni a belt buckle

waabiziiwanwi ni [BL] buckshot

buckskin dress
buckskin dress
bashkweginagooday ni a buckskin dress

leaves bud
zaagibagaa vii it buds; the leaves come out

mashkode-bizhiki na a bison; a buffalo

American bison
Bison bison

bizhiki na
  1. a cow, [pl] cattle
  2. a bison, a buffalo

buffalo meat
buffalo meat
mashkode-bizhiki-wiiyaas ni buffalo meat

manidoons na a bug, an insect, a worm; a germ

See also: manidoosh na

manidoosh na a bug, an insect, a worm

See also: manidoons na

manijoosh na [N] a bug, an insect, a worm

many bugs
manidoonsikaa vii there are (a lot of) bugs

See also: manidooshikaa vii

ozhitoon vti2 make, build, form it

Paired with: ozhi' vta

ozhi' vta make, build, form h/

Paired with: ozhitoon vti2

ozhitaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitamaw vta

ozhitamaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitaw vta

ozhichige vai s/he makes, builds, forms things

ozhichigaade vii it is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form it

ozhichigaazo vai s/he is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form h/

ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product

build a fire
boodawe vai s/he builds a fire

boodawaadan vti build a fire in it; fire it up [as stove]

Paired with: boodawaazh vta

boodawaazh vta build a fire at h/

Paired with: boodawaadan vti

boodawazo vai s/he builds a fire to warm up

build a house
waakaa'ige vai s/he builds (a house or other building)

ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

build a dwelling or lodge
ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

finish building a dwelling or lodge
giizhige vai s/he finishes building a dwelling or lodge

giizhigaadan vti finish building it (a lodge or house)

waakaa'igewinini na a builder

waakaa'igan ni a house, a building

doonoo na [ML] a bull

bull snake
bull snake
newe na a bull snake

anwi ni something shot as a missle, a bullet, a shot gun shell

twenty-two bullet
anwiins ni a small caliber bullet; a twenty-two bullet

have a bullet
odanwiimi vai s/he has bullets, has (shotgun) shells

awaazisii na a bullhead

Ictalurus spp.

miikinji' vta provoke, tease, harass, bully h/

miikinji'idiwag vai they provoke, tease, harass, bully each other

miikinji'iwe vai s/he provokes, teases, harasses, bullies people

bagoshi' vta
  1. beg or wish to be fed or given something by h/
  2. bum something off h/

bagoshi'iwe vai
  1. s/he begs or wishes to be fed or given something by people
  2. s/he bums off people

bagoshi'iweshki vai s/he habitually begs people for things

bizikan vti bump, accidentally run into or over it

Paired with: bizikaw vta

bizikaw vta bump, accidentally run into or over h/

Paired with: bizikan vti

bakiteshkan vti bump, knock it [with body or foot]

bump arm
bitaakonikeshin vai s/he bumps h/ arm on something

bump elbow
bitaakodooskwaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ elbow on something

bump face
bitaakwiingweshin vai s/he bumps h/ face on something

bump foot
bitaakozideshin vai s/he bumps h/ foot on something, stubs h/ toe

bump hand
bitaakoninjiishin vai s/he bumps h/ hand on something

bump head
bitaakondibeshin vai s/he bumps h/ head

bump knee
bitaakogidigweshin vai s/he bumps h/ knee on something

bump leg
bitaakogaadeshin vai s/he bumps h/ leg on something

bump nose
bitaakojaaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ nose on something

bump thigh
bitaakobwaameshin vai s/he bumps h/ thigh on something

bump down off
diitibishkan vti bump it down off something, knock it down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkaw vta

diitibishkaw vta bump h/ down off something, knock h/ down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkan vti

bump into
bump into
bizikan vti bump, accidentally run into or over it

Paired with: bizikaw vta

bizikaw vta bump, accidentally run into or over h/

Paired with: bizikan vti

bitaakoshkaw vta bump into h/ accidentally; collide with h/

bumpy bark
babigwanagekozi vai it (animate) has rough bunpy bark

Paired with: babigwanagekwad vii

babigwanagekwad vii it has rough bumpy bark

Paired with: babigwanagekozi vai

bumpy ground
babiikwakamigaa vii it is rolling ground, bumpy ground

bumpy road
babiikwadamon vii it is a bumpy road

grow in a bunch
okoginoon vii they grow in a bunch

Paired with: okogiwag vai

okogiwag vai they (animate) grow in a bunch

Paired with: okoginoon vii

tie in a bunch
okwapidoon vti2 tie it in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizh vta

okwapizh vta tie h/ in a bunch

Paired with: okwapidoon vti2

okwapide vii it is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizo vai

okwapizo vai it (animate) is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapide vii

gashkibijigan ni a bundle, a package, a packet

make bundle
ozhiwanike vai s/he packs up

ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it

Paired with: ozhiwanikaazh vta

ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/

Paired with: ozhiwanikaadan vti

tie in a bundle
gashkapide vii it is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizo vai

gashkapidoon vti2 tie it shut, tie it up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizh vta

gashkapizh vta tie h/ shut, tie h/ up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapidoon vti2

gashkibizo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibide vii

wrap and tie in a bundle
gashkibidoon vti2 wrap and tie it in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizh vta

gashkibizh vta wrap and tie h/ in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibidoon vti2

gashkibijige vai s/he wraps and ties things in bundle

gashkibijigaade vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibijigaazo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibide vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizo vai

gashkibizo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibide vii

okandiikan ni a buoy (marking the location of a net)

bur oak
bur oak
mitigomizh na oak, burr oak

Quercus spp.; Quercus macrocarpa

mizay na a ling, an eelpout, a burbot, a mariah, a lawyer (fish)

Lota lota

jaagide vii it burns

Paired with: jaagizo vai

jaagizo vai s/he burns

Paired with: jaagide vii

jaagaakide vii it burns

Paired with: jaagaakizo vai

jaagaakizo vai s/he burns

Paired with: jaagaakide vii

burn a certain way
inaakide vii it burns a certain way

Paired with: inaakizo vai

inaakizo vai s/he burns a certain way

Paired with: inaakide vii

burn in a certain place
danaakide vii it burns in a certain place

Paired with: danaakizo vai

danaakizo vai s/he burns in a certain place; s/he is photographed there

Paired with: danaakide vii

burn completely
angwaakide vii it burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakizo vai

angwaakizo vai s/he or it (animate) burns up, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakide vii

burn to the pan
agwaabikide vii it is scorched, burns to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikizo vai

agwaabikizo vai s/he burns things to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikide vii

heard burning
madweyaakide vii it is heard burning, "you" can hear it burning

Paired with: madweyaakizo vai

madweyaakizo vai s/he is heard burning, "you" can hear h/ burning

Paired with: madweyaakide vii

start burning
maadaakide vii it starts burning

Paired with: maadaakizo vai

maadaakizo vai s/he starts burning

Paired with: maadaakide vii

jaagiz vta burn h/

Paired with: jaagizan vti

jaagizan vti burn it up

Paired with: jaagiz vta

jaagizige vai s/he uses up all of the ammunition

jaagizodizo vai s/he burns h/ self

jaagaakiz vta burn h/

Paired with: jaagaakizan vti

jaagaakizan vti burn it up

Paired with: jaagaakiz vta

burn a hole
bagwaakiz vta burn a hole in h/

Paired with: bagwaakizan vti

bagwaakizan vti burn a hole in it

Paired with: bagwaakiz vta

burn a certain way
inaakizan vti burn it a certain way

Paired with: inaakiz vta

inaakiz vta burn h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaakizan vti

burn completely
angwaakizan vti burn it completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakiz vta

angwaakiz vta burn h/ completely (so nothing is left)

Paired with: angwaakizan vti

burn to the pan
agwaabikizan vti burn it to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikiz vta

agwaabikiz vta burn h/ to the pan

Paired with: agwaabikizan vti

taste burned
jaagidewipogozi vai s/he tastes burned

Paired with: jaagidewipogwad vii

jaagidewipogwad vii it tastes burned

Paired with: jaagidewipogozi vai

aagade vai s/he burps

megade vai s/he burps

megadeshki vai s/he always is burping

megadeshkaw vta (inverse only) something makes h/ burp

megade' vta burp h/

burst out laughing
baashkaapi vai s/he bursts out laughing

baashkikaa vii it bursts, ruptures

Paired with: baashkikaa vai

baashkikaa vai s/he bursts, ruptures

Paired with: baashkikaa vii

baashkijiishkaa vii it bursts open

Paired with: baashkijiishkaa vai

baashkijiishkaa vai s/he bursts open

Paired with: baashkijiishkaa vii

burst from heat
baashkide vii it explodes, blows up; it bursts from heat

Paired with: baashkizo vai

baashkizo vai s/he explodes, blows up; s/he bursts from heat

Paired with: baashkide vii

baashka'an vti burst it (using something)

Paired with: baashka' vta

baashka' vta burst h/ (using something)

Paired with: baashka'an vti

baashkisidoon vti2 hit or drop and burst it

Paired with: baashkishim vta

baashkishim vta hit or drop h/ and burst h/

Paired with: baashkisidoon vti2

baashkijii'an vti burst it open (using something)

Paired with: baashkijii' vta

baashkijii' vta burst h/ open (using something)

Paired with: baashkijii'an vti

bite and burst
baashkam vta bite and burst h/

Paired with: baashkandan vti

baashkandan vti bite and burst it

Paired with: baashkam vta

bagidenim vta
  1. release h/ from your mind
  2. complete mourning for h/
  3. bury h/ or it (animate)
  4. let h/ or it (animate) go (and don't think about h/ or it)

Paired with: bagidendan vti

bagidenjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate)

[put in ground and cover]
ningwa' vta bury h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: ningwa'an vti See also: ningwa'wi vta [NI]

ningwa'an vti bury it; cover it with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.)

Paired with: ningwa' vta

ningwa'amaw vta bury (it) for h/; cover (it) for h/ with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.)

ningwa'ige vai s/he buries things; s/he covers things with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.)

ningwa'igaade vii it is buried (by someone), "they" bury it; it is covered (by someone) with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.), "they" cover it with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.)

ningwa'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate); s/he or it (animate) is covered (by someone) with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.), "they" cover h/ or it (animate) with something (soil, sand, snow, leaves, etc.)

buried in a certain place
dazhishin vai
  1. s/he lies in a certain place
  2. s/he is buried in a certain place

Paired with: dazhisin vii

in the bush
noopiming adv loc in the bush; in the woods; inland

See also: noopimiing adv loc [BL]

certain number of bushels
daso-diba'iminaan qnt num a certain number of bushels; so many bushels

so many bushels
daso-diba'iminaan qnt num a certain number of bushels; so many bushels

biigwawe vai s/he or it (animate) is bushy

do business
babaamizi vai s/he does business, goes about on his business

go about on business
babaamizi vai s/he does business, goes about on his business

dance bustle
bimoonjigan na [RL] a dance bustle

ojaanimi- pv lex busy; noisy

ojaanimitaa vai s/he is busy (in some work or activity)

ojaanimizi vai s/he is busy

ondamizi vai s/he is busy

busy working
ondamanokii vai s/he is busy working

kept busy in an activity
ondamitaa vai s/he is kept busy in an activity

aanawi adv man although; anyhow; but; despite

dash adv conj but; and, and then, then

See also: idash adv conj

idash adv conj but; and, and then, then

See also: dash adv conj

butcher knife
butcher knife
gichi-mookomaan ni a large knife: a butcher knife, a machete, a sword, a saber

indiy nid my rump, rear end, butt

See also: nidiy nid

nidiy nid my rump, rear end, butt

See also: indiy nid

gidiy nid your rump, rear end, butt

odiy nid h/ rump, rear end, butt

doodooshaaboo-bimide ni butter

ozaawi-bimide ni butter; margarine

memengwaa na a butterfly

gibadoonh na a button

gibodoonh na [S] a button

zagaakwa' vta fasten, pin, button h/

Paired with: zagaakwa'an vti

zagaakwa'an vti fasten, pin, button it

Paired with: zagaakwa' vta

zagaakwa'ige vai s/he fastens, pins, buttons things

zagaakwa'igaade vii it is fastened, pinned, buttoned (by someone), "they" fasten, pin, button it

zagaakwa'igaazo vai it (animate) is fastened, pinned, buttoned (by someone), "they" fasten, pin, button it (animate)

zagaakwa'amaw vta fasten, pin, button (it) for h/

zagaakwa'odizo vai s/he buttons h/ self up

adaawe vai s/he buys

adaawen vai + o s/he buys (it)

adaawetamaw vta buy (it) for h/

adaawetamaage vai s/he buys (it) for others

adaawetamaazo vai s/he buys (it) for h/ self

adaam vta buy (it) from h/

buy food
miijimadaawe vai s/he buys food

buy from a certain place
ondadaawe vai + o s/he buys (it) from a certain place

buy in a certain place
danadaawe vai + o s/he buys (it) in a certain place

buy on credit
mazina'an vti buy it on credit, charge it to an account

mazina'amaw vta owe (it) to h/, get credit from h/, charge (it) (on an account with h/)

mazina'ige vai s/he owes something, gets or has credit, buys on credit, charges to an account, goes into debt

buy secretly
giimoodadaawe vai s/he buys secretly

overspend buying stuff
onzaamadaawe vai s/he overspends

wiinaange na a vulture

turkey vulture, buzzard
Cathartes aura

Moving by, past, or along can be shown on verbs of motion with the initial /bim-/ or the preveb bimi-. For verbs using the initial, see under the type of motion, such as "walk", "run", "crawl", etc. under the subheading "along"
going by
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

jiigayi'ii adv loc along it; by it

See also: jiigaya'ii adv loc

jiigi- pv lex near, nearby, close; by

by a door
jiigishkwaand adv loc by the door

See also: jiigishkwaandeng adv loc

by a fire
jiigishkode adv loc by a fire

by a house
jiigigamig adv loc by a house or lodge

See also: jiigi-waakaa'igan adv loc

by a meadow
jiigashkosiw adv loc by a meadow

by a muskeg
jiigashkiig adv loc by the swamp, by the muskeg

by a road or trail
jiigikana adv loc by a road or trail

by a swamp
jiigashkiig adv loc by the swamp, by the muskeg

by a tree
jiigaatig adv loc by a tree; by a wall

by wall
jiigaatig adv loc by a tree; by a wall

jiigisag adv loc by, against, or on the wall or boards

See also: jiigi-aasamisag adv loc

by the water
jiigibiig adv loc along the shore; by or along the edge of water or an open area

bakekazh vta bypass h/

bakekazhiwe vai s/he bypasses people