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certain number of cups or cupfuls
dasonaagaans qnt num a certain number of cupfuls; so many cupfuls

dasonaaganens qnt num [BL] a certain number of cups, cupfuls; so many cups, cupfuls

so many cups or cupfuls
dasonaagaans qnt num a certain number of cupfuls; so many cupfuls

dasonaaganens qnt num [BL] a certain number of cups, cupfuls; so many cups, cupfuls

one cup or cupful
ningodonaagaans qnt num one cup, cupful

See also: ingodonaagaans qnt num

ingodonaagaans qnt num one cup, cupful

See also: ningodonaagaans qnt num

ningodonaaganens qnt num [BL] one cup, cupful

See also: ingodonaagaans qnt num

ingodonaaganens qnt num [BL] one cup, cupful

See also: ningodonaaganens qnt num [BL]

two cups or cupfuls
niizhonaagaans qnt num two cups, cupfuls

niizhonaaganens qnt num [BL] two cups, cupfuls

three cups or cupfuls
nisonaagaans qnt num three cups, cupfuls

nisonaaganens qnt num [BL] three cups, cupfuls

four cups or cupfuls
niiwonaagaans qnt num four cups, cupsfull

niiyonaagaans qnt num four cups, cupsfull

niiyonaaganens qnt num [BL] four cups

five cups or cupfuls
naanonaagaans qnt num five cups, cupfuls

naanonaaganens qnt num [BL] five cups

six cups or cupfuls
ningodwaasonaagaans qnt num six cups, cupfuls

See also: ingodwaasonaagaans qnt num

ingodwaasonaagaans qnt num six cups, cupfuls

See also: ningodwaasonaagaans qnt num

ningodwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] six cups, cupfuls

See also: ingodwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL]

ingodwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] six cups, cupfuls

See also: ningodwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL]

seven cups or cupfuls
niizhwaasonaagaans qnt num seven cups, cupfuls

niizhwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] seven cups

eight cups or cupfuls
nishwaasonaagaans qnt num eight cups, cupfuls

See also: ishwaasonaagaans qnt num

ishwaasonaagaans qnt num eight cups, cupfuls

See also: nishwaasonaagaans qnt num

nishwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] eight cups, cupfuls

nine cups or cupfuls
zhaangasonaagaans qnt num nine cups, cupfuls

zhaangasonaaganens qnt num [BL] nine cups, cupfuls

ten cups or cupfuls
midaasonaagaans qnt num ten cups, cupfuls

midaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] ten cups, cupfuls

cure over a fire
abwewas vta cure h/ over a fire

Paired with: abwewasan vti

abwewasan vti cure it over a fire

Paired with: abwewas vta

abwewasige vai s/he cures things over a fire

noojimo' vta cure h/; heal h/

noojimo'iwe vai s/he cures people; s/he heals people

curl hair
babiizigaakiz vta curl h/ hair (by heat)

babiizigaakizige vai h/ hair is curled (by heat)

babiizigaakizon ni a curler

curly hair
babiizigindibe vai s/he has curly hair

babiizigaanikwe vai s/he has curly hair

curly tail
didibaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a curly tail

drift about on the current
babaamaaboode vii it drifts about on the current

Paired with: babaamaaboozo vai

babaamaaboozo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts about on the current

Paired with: babaamaaboode vii

drift along on the current
bimaaboode vii it drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboozo vai

bimaaboozo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboode vii

drift away on the current
animaaboode vii it drifts away on the current

Paired with: animaaboozo vai

animaaboozo vai s/he drifts or floats away (in the other direction) on the current

Paired with: animaaboode vii

drift from a certain place on the current
ondaaboode vii it drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboozo vai

ondaaboozo vai s/he drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboode vii

drift here on the current
biidaaboode vii it drifts here on the current

Paired with: biidaaboozo vai

biidaaboozo vai s/he drifts here on the current

Paired with: biidaaboode vii

drift off on the current
maadaaboode vii it drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboozo vai

maadaaboozo vai s/he drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboode vii

drift to a certain place on the current
inaaboozo vai

Paired with: inaaboode vii

inaaboode vii it drifts to a certain place on the current

Paired with: inaaboozo vai

amikomin ni a currant

gibiiga'igan ni a curtain, drapes

gibiiga'an vti close, shut it (as something sheet-like: a curtain, drapes, cloth partition)

gibiiga'igaade vii it (sheet-like) is closed, is shut (by someone), "they" close, shut it (sheet-like)

curved, bill
curved bill
waagikoozhe vai s/he has a curved bill

apisijigan ni something placed for protection: a cushion, a protective mat

have a certain custom
izhitwaa vai s/he has a certain custom or belief, practices a certain religion

it was the custom to
iko pc asp used to; formerly, previously, some time ago; it was the custom to...

See also: ako pc asp ; ko pc asp

cut on arm
beshinikeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ arm

cut on chin
beshidaamikaneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ chin or jaw

cut on face
beshiingweshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ face

cut on foot
beshizideshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ foot

cut on hand
beshininjiishin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ hand

cut on jaw
beshidaamikaneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ chin or jaw

cut on leg
beshigaadeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ leg

cut on mouth
beshidooneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ mouth

get a cut falling or on something
giishkishin vai s/he gets cut falling

make a cut
beshizh vta make a cut or slit on h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: beshizhan vti See also: beshizhwi vta [NI]

beshizhan vti make a cut or slit on it

Paired with: beshizh vta ; beshizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizh vta cut h/ or it (animate); cut h/ or it (animate) off or through

Paired with: giishkizhan vti See also: giishkizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizhan vti cut it; cut it off or through

Paired with: giishkizh vta ; giishkizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizhige vai s/he cuts something off, cuts through something

giishkizhodizo vai s/he cuts h/ self

cut a certain way
inizh vta cut h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inizhan vti See also: inizhwi vta [NI]

inizhan vti cut it a certain way

Paired with: inizh vta ; inizhwi vta [NI]

inizhamaw vta cut (it) a certain way for h/

inizhige vai s/he cuts (things) a certain way

inizhigaade vii it is cut a certain way (by someone),"they" cut it a certain way

inizhigaazo vai s/he is cut a certain way (by someone), "they" cut h/ a certain way

cut a piece off
bakwezh vta cut a piece off h/

Paired with: bakwezhan vti

bakwezhan vti cut a piece off it

Paired with: bakwezh vta

bakwezhige vai s/he cuts pieces off something

cut accidentally
bitizh vta cut h/ accidentally

Paired with: bitizhan vti

bitizhan vti cut it accidentally

Paired with: bitizh vta

bitikozh vta cut h/ accidentally (with a knife)

Paired with: bitikodan vti

bitikodan vti cut it accidentally (with a knife)

Paired with: bitikozh vta

cut cards
bakwenige vai s/he cuts cards

cut fine
biisizhan vti cut it into small pieces, dice it

Paired with: biisizh vta

biisizh vta cut h/ into small pieces, dice h/

Paired with: biisizhan vti

cut firewood
manise vai s/he harvests, cuts firewood

manisaw vta cut (it) as firewood for h/

manisaadan vti cut it as firewood

giishka'ise vai s/he cuts firewood

cut fringe
niisiiwezh vta cut fringe in h/

Paired with: niisiiwezhan vti

niisiiwezhan vti cut fringe in it

Paired with: niisiiwezh vta

niisiiwezhigaade vii it cut into a fringe (by someone), "they" cut it into fringe

niisiiwezhigaazo vai s/he is cut into fringe (by someone), "they" cut it into fringe

cut hair
giishkikozh vta cut h/ hair, give h/ a haircut

giishkikozhiwe vai s/he cuts hair

cut heel
giishkidoondaneshin vai s/he cuts h/ heel on something

cut into a circle
waawiyezhan vti cut it round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezh vta ; waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

waawiyezh vta cut it (animate) round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezhan vti See also: waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

waawiyezhigaade vii it is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it round into a circle

waawiyezhigaazo vai it (animate) is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it (animate) round into a circle

cut into strips
baanizhan vti cut it into strips, filet it

Paired with: baanizh vta

cut long (string-like)
ginwaabiigizh vta cut it (animate; string-like) long

Paired with: ginwaabiigizhan vti See also: ginwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

ginwaabiigizhan vti cut it (string-like) long

Paired with: ginwaabiigizh vta ; ginwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

cut meat into strips
baanizhaawe vai s/he cuts meat into strips for preservation, filets fish

cut nail
giishkiganzhiikozh vta cut h/ nails

giishkiganzhiikonidizo vai s/he cuts h/ (own) nails

cut off
giishkizh vta cut h/ or it (animate); cut h/ or it (animate) off or through

Paired with: giishkizhan vti See also: giishkizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizhan vti cut it; cut it off or through

Paired with: giishkizh vta ; giishkizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizhige vai s/he cuts something off, cuts through something

cut out
mamizhan vti cut it out or off to take

Paired with: mamizh vta ; mamizhwi vta [NI]

mamizh vta cut it (animate) out or off to take

Paired with: mamizhan vti See also: mamizhwi vta [NI]

bakwadizhan vti cut it off from something

Paired with: bakwadizh vta

bakwadizh vta cut h/ off from something

Paired with: bakwadizhan vti

cut round
waawiyezhan vti cut it round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezh vta ; waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

waawiyezh vta cut it (animate) round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezhan vti See also: waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

waawiyezhigaade vii it is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it round into a circle

cut short (string-like)
dakwaabiigizh vta cut it (animate; string-like) short

Paired with: dakwaabiigizhan vti See also: dakwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

dakwaabiigizhan vti cut it (string-like) short

Paired with: dakwaabiigizh vta ; dakwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

cut so thick
apiitadezhan vti cut it so thick; slice it so thick

Paired with: apiitadezh vta

apiitadezh vta cut h/ so thick; slice h/ so thick

Paired with: apiitadezhan vti

cut square
gakakizhan vti cut it square

Paired with: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI] See also: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizh vta [MN] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizh vta [MN]

gakakizhige vii s/he cuts things square

cut square (sheet-like)
gakakiigizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhwi vta [NI]

gakakiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhan vti

gakakiigizhige vai s/he cuts sheet-like things square

gakakiigizhigaade vii it (sheet-like) is cut square (by someone), "they" cut it (sheet-like) square

gakakiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is cut square( by someone), "they" cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

cut straight
gwayakozh vta cut h/ or it (animate) straight

Paired with: gwayakozhan vti See also: gwayakozhwi vta [NI]

gwayakozhan vti cut it straight

Paired with: gwayakozh vta ; gwayakozhwi vta [NI]

cut thick
gipagizhan vti cut it thick

Paired with: gipagizh vta

gipagizh vta cut h/ thick

Paired with: gipagizhan vti

cut through
giishkizh vta cut h/ or it (animate); cut h/ or it (animate) off or through

Paired with: giishkizhan vti See also: giishkizhwi vta [NI]

giishkizhan vti cut it; cut it off or through

Paired with: giishkizh vta ; giishkizhwi vta [NI]

cut through by burning
zhaabwaakiz vta
  1. cut through h/ (by burning)
  2. x-ray h/

Paired with: zhaabwaakizan vti

zhaabwaakizan vti
  1. cut through it (by burning)
  2. x-ray it

Paired with: zhaabwaakiz vta

cut timber
giishka'aakwe vai s/he is logging, cuts timber

cut to pieces
bigishkizh vta cut h/ into small pieces, dice h/

Paired with: bigishkizhan vti

bigishkizhan vti cut it to pieces

Paired with: bigishkizh vta

cut to shape
onikodan vti cut it to shape

Paired with: onikozh vta

onikozh vta cut h/ to shape

Paired with: onikodan vti

ozhiigizhan vti cut (something sheet-like) to shape

Paired with: ozhiigizh vta

cut up
biigozhan vti cut up it with blade

Paired with: biigozh vta

biigozh vta cut up h/ with blade

Paired with: biigozhan vti

biigozhigaade vii it is cut up

biigozhigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is cut up

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

look cute
wawiyazhinaagozi vai s/he looks cute, looks funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhinaagwad vii

wawiyazhinaagwad vii it looks cute, looks funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhinaagozi vai

sound cute
wawiyazhitaagozi vai s/he sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagwad vii

wawiyazhitaagwad vii it sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagozi vai

think cute
wawiyadendan vti think it funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

wawiyadenim vta think h/ or it (animate) funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendaagozi vai s/he is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagwad vii

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

cutting board
cutting board
apizhigan ni a cutting board